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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I still think Groupie Love is underrated. We all asked for a BTD throwback, we got it, and we slept on it. It's one of the few collabs I can't criticise, and I don't even like rappers very much. I love the instrumental a lot. Its so clean and unique.
  2. Lana clearly used to have an unhealthy relationship with food, one said "when I eat, I eat a lot of junk food", did diets, etc, so I think it's safe to assume any health problems now are probably good compared to what they could have been had she tried to stay as slim as she was at 25 and kept going down that junk food/lemonade diet cycle. I think she's totally fine and normal now. Not any of our business anyway, but I guess thank you for not addressing it like it's always a negative thing
  3. Even if that thing actually does have racist connotations? And if that random celebrity is someone they actually love a lot? Oh gee ok
  4. Is ignoring the offended poc how you show empathy and perspective?
  5. No it is EXACTLY about what she has said. She equated being a rapper to being black. She equated having non-white friends to not being racist. She's been insensitive to every fan who genuinely has been hurt by these comments. WE KNOW she is not racist, but saying these things is stupid as fuck and she should know better if she had payed ANY attention during the BLM protesting last year. I am upset that she said those things because it actually upsets poc. I've seen comments from black fans saying "please Lana no" "we love you, don't do this" "you're making it so hard to love you" and I stand with them because it would be so hard to see someone you love say such ignorant things that involve you. I don't care if you think I'm doing it be morally superior. Have some fucking standards.
  6. And I think she heard "we don't like the album cover" as "we don't want your album, stop making music"
  7. I think for Lana it's just going round and round in her head, with all the criticism she's ever received coming back at once and that's really a shame! Same would prob happen to me tbh cause I'm an over-thinker. We are not mad about the same things critics were mad about in 2012 But idk, like I said before, perhaps people really are still hung up about that and she's only seeing the extreme cases of criticism right now, instead of the people practically begging her to learn to be a better ally.
  8. Thanks for answering! I guess she then meant that if we look towards celebrities so much in these situations to guide us, it's taking away our own self awareness?
  9. What is Lauren saying in the second half? Is she trying to point out narcissistic behavior to reflect on in ourselves? It's a bit hard to tell cause I don't think narcissism and psychopathy is "who we are", for most of us anyway, including Lana. That's a choice, and we can go against it by making the decision to learn and do better. Real Narcissists and Psychopaths couldn't even if they tried.
  10. It will be all about the music when she talks more about the music and less about politics
  11. Holy fuck that really happened
  12. She's only ever addressing the worst of the criticism, and I get it, the extremes are always the loudest, but the majority are not calling her a republican or Trump supporter. The majority want her to stop giving others a reason to think that when we know it's not true. Most people don't listen to every interview or hear all of her songs, so when they don't follow her every move like we do, how are they supposed to take the words that she has actually said?
  13. No your previous post makes total sense to me. Sums up most of what I think, and dw the interview doesn't go any further than what you already know
  14. this is following the exact same steps as QFTC pt1 She needs to break the cycle
  15. I am actually concerned. I am not here to hate her and try to manipulate her moves. I want her to actually stop making her fans sad like this pls And if she's not gonna listen and learn then I agree, she needs a total break from social media
  16. But is it really so much to want an artist to be better at what they say they're good at 'without even trying'? There are so many good examples of celebrities learning from past mistakes, even in the face of equal or more backlash, especially when they're known for being nice and generous the way Lana clearly is to everyone she meets. I think Lana doesn't understand that it is her fans that desperately want her to do better, not just critics and straight-up haters. We love her and don't want her to keep going down this road. Have you not seen the comments of black and latinx fans under her posts saying "please Lana you are making it so hard to love you" "Lana I'm begging you please stop" "Lana we love you but don't do this" ?
  17. She just wouldn't have to feel this hurt if someone in her life told her not to do it
  18. This is it. This Is It Is it her stubborn Leo moon? The moon rules emotional reactions
  19. I don't see how she doesn't realise that this happens every time she tries to talk about world problems, diversity and feminism. And instead of realising that maybe she still has a lot to learn, and that she should listen to the people who are doing this kind of work and education daily, she insists on proving herself via social media rants and only listens to her rich LA friends. I feel bad for her and I know she can do better!!
  20. The YESS QUEEN WE GET YOU, DRAG THEM comments are all I'm seeing right now. Unfortunately I think it's just going to let the cycle continue, because now this blind support is all she will see, not the comments of fans genuinely concerned and wanting her to learn something more about systematic oppression and being an ally. I really wish someone would quietly sit her down and explain it because it's not gonna work over social media.
  21. Now that she's wording herself better I feel a bit bad for her, but can she still please learn to be an ally to POC? Defend them, not herself? That's my issue.
  22. 1. Dark but just a game 2. TJF 3. Yosemite 4. Breaking Up Slowly 5. White Dress 6. Wild at Heart 7. COTCC 8. LMLYLAW 9. Not all who wonder are lost 10. Dance till we die 11. For free I DO love COTCC and LMLYLAW, but I hope there's still better!
  23. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    H8 myself, everytime I hear an old school phone ringing my brain sings "sneaky greedy money-seeking"
  24. Why am I hearing "my Cancerous sun and my Leo'ous moon" even though thats not real terms?
  25. Yes thank you for all of this! And it's so true. Her words will stop being taken out of context when she puts more effort into them. Fans who relentlessly defend her are literally the ones putting words in her mouth "OMG SHE MEANT THIS, NOT THIS" like okay then why did she say it like that?????
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