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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Definitely gonna do that as I still haven't seen it!
  2. YES Okay. My favourite things about this movie is not only the aesthetic and the story, it's all the effort Anna Biller put in to it's making. She made all of the costumes and many of the props like the pentagram rug and the witches altar. She gathered all of the jewels seen worn by Elaine. Detailed in this blog post of hers: http://annabillersblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/love-witch.html?m=1 And here is some more about the stunning costumes: https://hellogiggles.com/lifestyle/home-decorating/the-love-witch-costumes-anna-biller/ https://www.thecut.com/2016/11/the-love-witch-has-the-sexiest-costumes-youll-see-all-year.html My favourite is obviously the multi-coloured two-piece that Elaine wears (in my avatar pic). I actually have the Simplicity pattern for the top part, and I've been looking for a similar multi-coloured elastic/spandex material to use so I can make it for myself
  3. Paradise box set with: - promo movie poster - the coke necklace - the lighter - poster of that garden of eden painting - lyric book like that one everyone got scammed out of, and with renaissance paintings throughout it. - cross necklace to remind us to stay close to Jesus I can imagine the price would be like $500+ but like, IMAGINE
  4. Maggie Lindemann is getting a lot of attention and praise from other artists. I can see her getting much bigger and moving out of the alternative label. I think she already has great connections like Machine Gun Kelly, and lots of artists might be looking to collab with her, which is why I think her rise will be similar to Halsey's, though she probably won't get as big. I could also see one or a few of her songs from PARANOIA being hits whether that's from radio or a TV show or something.
  5. I'm so happy for her, wow!!! I seriously wish her all the best and hope this turns out as she plans
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    They're all nice and the writing is great! (Agreed that notebook is a little lesser tho). I hope we get the instrumentals tho cause that's what really helps me appreciate some songs more, as it did with K-12. if they were leaked without my knowledge I'm gonna scream
  7. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    because drama club leaked around the same time as Schizo, 99c store and Unhappy Meal, I always saw it as a previous demo or standalone because that's where the production fits imo. To me it sounds similar to those other songs. And like you said, even finished on K-12, drama club doesn't fit.
  8. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Agree with all these you listed (except nurse's office which is such a shame). But it took me almost a year to get into those on K-12. It all felt so anticlimactic compared to crybaby, but the smoothness of the K-12 songs did come through. It was like how Honeymoon sounded so quiet and empty on the first few listens but the more you played, the more you realised how the sound was just on a different level. Obviously K-12 isn't comparable to Honeymoon but I can appreciate that it's softer and less chaotic than crybaby now. And accepting that her sound was changing let me appreciate After School more on first listen, even though Brain & Heart and The Bakery are the only ones I still listen to.
  9. Ultra Violet


    I listen to Yeule's album Serotonin II, it's beautiful. Her solo music reminds me more of purity ring than poppy, but this song sorta does! I love it, thanks for sharing!
  10. It's Not Your Fault is my favourite after Scissorhands and Knife Under My Pillow. It certainly does remind me of old Avril Lavigne songs, and that's what makes it so good. I think her music is definitely reminiscent of emo hits from the early 2000's, and probably inspired by it too. But it holds up in 2021 because her voice/singing style is something that didn't exist in pop punk back then. I can listen to it and feel like I'm back in 2009-2011, except her voice is much more like modern pop singers, so she's not out of place in today's music. I watched this video and think Maggie's new music fits into this revivial of rock. I'm so here for it. I would love it if this guy did a video about women that fit into this (maybe I'll even do a list), because its obviously only guys that are in this video.
  11. I love it so much!!! She really did it
  12. These are so good! Totally agree with TBD (I'd def put that first), HBTB, Honeymoon, Cola, Flipside, OTTR and TNBAR demo. I might do a ranking later when I can go through everything but others I can think of that really shine through are: Shades of Cool Religion (even tho it can be considered boring, with headphones it sounds like a blissful doom approaching) West Coast Body Electric (those final drums! Whew) Cinnamon Girl Groupie Love
  13. Oh yeah and she is acting in MGK's movie 'Downfalls High'
  14. Listing Lana Del Rey and BANKS as her influences, Maggie Lindemann started as a pop artist with tracks "Pretty Girl" and "Obsessed", moving into a darker aesthetic with "Human" and rock influence with "Friends Go (feat. Travis Barker)". January 22nd is the release of her debut EP "Paranoia", which will continue down the genres of alternative and rock. These are the songs already released from this EP:
  15. That's totally it! I also think it's the comparison. The only reason I know about her is because of Lana and people saying "if you like Lana, you'll love this!" But then I listen and it doesn't affect me the way Lana's music did when I discovered it so I'm automatically less interested I know one day I'll love it, but for now I'm not really looking for that sort of thing ahaha
  16. I really like the witchy songs like Remain Nameless, Strangeness and Charm, Seven Devils, Bird Song Intro, and also Long & Lost. Those are the ones I always go back to.
  17. I've seen Florence mentioned a lot in here, and yes I think it's definitely about hearing the right song. She has a lot of material, and I honestly think her singles aren't for everyone so I don't blame anyone who isn't into her music based on what they've heard so far. I seem to really like the oddballs that aren't her singles. I find i like the sound production more than her voice hahah.
  18. Weyes Blood, and it's not because I think she's overrated or anything, I think good music deserves recognition, but I have not listened to any of her songs in full because they don't grab me. I think if I heard her over the radio I'd like her music, but just trying to get into her in my own time isn't gonna work
  19. Ultra Violet


    This is a rant no one asked for
  20. Ultra Violet


    I'm such an idiot I didn't know Metal was a Gary Numan cover even tho it's one of his most popular songs
  21. I love doing this with the btd demos. I made myself a cd of them in order to imagine what the whole album would be like unpolished. It's so fun. Some I genuinely can't decide which is better, or they have a few elements in them that I wish got mixed into the final.
  22. Definitely agree with you there ahaha Imo it's only the return of Lana's smooth vocals that make it a good song. But I am totally sick of his piano ballads. I would appreciate 1 per album and that's it lol.
  23. I agree with all this except lmlylaw. Would you explain that to me? I'm genuinely curious
  24. Ffff yes, it's so basic! I can only listen when I'm in a basic af mood, maybe once a year. Funny thing is it's the song that got one of my friends to become a fan. She snubbed the whole BTD album, but QOD somehow got to her....
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