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About greymillenium

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    Purple Wig

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  1. no thanks. her career trajectory does not point to that.
  2. I can't wait to see the video! I'm on the East Coast so I'll have to wait until it is on VEVO
  3. Videos don't say I never did nothing for ya, kids
  4. Will post videos when I have some more free time. Took a vacation to Atlanta and now I'm playing catch-up this week T_T Pictures:
  5. LANA WAS SO AMAZING! I'm so glad I got to see her again. I can share my pictures for sure. I have some videos of the show too but I am unashamingly singing along to it. If anyone is intersted in them? They're not really stable videos with a bunch of shaky cam in them. The best song she sang was Ultraviolence. Her emoting in her singing was spellbinding.
  6. Summertime Sadness! The trademark question threw me off, since I don't really do any of those things. . . .
  7. not a fan of the new single, Mother & Father. Only listened to it once though
  8. BTD is glossy where in UV is gritty. I think Lana did a better job with occupying the narrative of the Other Woman in UV (mistress, rock star girlfriend, gold-digger, jilted lover). The songs stand out more to me in BTD but the album of UV is a unified story. The lyrics on UV are more up-front and visceral, BTD's lyricism require a bit more imagination to enjoy. BTD is genre-bending Trip-hop beats & samples, orchestral strings, vintage vocals, an intentional contralto. And in a lot of ways, UV is not new, The instrumentation is a throwback to classic rock n roll. Even has a cover. So the album feels familar even though it's a newer album. I'm really suprised Lana went [back] to this sound in UV. Like the Get Drunk sessions but with a bigger budget. BTD was a ambitious debut, and Ultraviolence seems like it should be the debut LP of a singer with BTD as the follow-up. Like the way releases progress as indie-engenue's become more popular points to Marina & Ellie. The visuals in BTD are stronger so far. Shades of Cool is an amazing video, but it doesn't stand a candle to BTD(song) or BJ (either versions). West Coast is cute, I love the shots of Lana falling asleep as Karl Lagerfeld drives the car.
  9. may he RIP. He had a prolific body of work and a love for music that was evident to anyone whose heard his records.
  10. goddess of love. this interview was amazing as a read it to the music of the West Coast remix by Grades
  11. this show was amazing! the crowd was insane. I saw a girl pass out and this guy get pulled out of the concert for being too rowdy. I got into an argument with high school girls. Lana's beauty took my breathe away for a moment when I finally got a good view of her during the concert. I wasn't a fan of the arrangement for Young and Beautiful, but all the other concert arrangements of the songs worked for me. I saw Lana's dad taking pics off the crowd during National Anthem from the side of the stage. Lana says that the video for West Coast will be out "soon"
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