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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk


    This will be a hit. Just wait and see.
  2. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Lolita Vs Best American Record
  3. Creyk

    Your Girl

    It's not on there anymore
  4. At this point we should be happy she even performed in the first place And she did good. Did you hear the vocal runs in Ultraviolence? She sounded fantastic and looked like an exotic legend
  5. She doesn't sound good when singing BB live She did it before
  6. I was scared at first because who wants to watch a 10 minute long video. But in the end it was worth it. It's so entertaining and I like the play on their personas.
  7. If she has exciting collabs for the fans, I wonder if there is a Gaga collab on there. Is she aware that a huge part of Gaga's fanbase started stanning her when Gaga became a mess in 2012, and that was the year she blew up? Aww I can dream.
  8. I don't get all the fuss. The song is NOT EVEN GOOD and I'm a huge Lana fan Why did she choose this as her lead single? The F--K
  9. Well, yes. All signed artists are being controlled by their label bosses to an extent. I think Lana gets more freedom than most though, since she doesn't even try to be commercial. We know she had to cut a lot out of the West Coast video because her label didn't like the scenes featuring drug usage so there is that for example.
  10. Creyk


    Misbelieving demo is bad but the studio one seems promising
  11. Queen of being neon phosphorescent, and open like a Christmas present ah.
  12. Creyk

    Fine China

    This song is much better than the snippet led me to believe, to be honest.
  13. This pictrue is absolutely breathtaking, I never saw it before Can someone tell what shoot it is from? I love that it low-key looks like an oil painting
  14. Creyk


    I only saved this and Oh My God. The rest were not good enough to be worth saving.
  15. Creyk


    This youtube channel uploaded lots of new songs by her yesterday This one is real nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBdPCTpPBYE
  16. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    At least it's better than the Perfect Illusion video
  17. Creyk

    2017 Performance Dates

    I wouldn't be surprised if she did even more choerography from now on She wants to be a pop b*ch so bad
  18. Creyk

    2017 Performance Dates

    Holding out that she is actually performing many new songs...
  19. Creyk


    You are supposed to kill it....come back with a synchronize adamant nature Abra and do it right. That's what I did
  20. Creyk


    They always make it easier compared to the last generation In gen 10 we will just randomly encounter them as often as regular pokemon
  21. Totally agree. Those are stupid. I know of a few which are not like that but simple comedies about gay guys where the big deal is not about them being different or them coming out and asking for the acceptance of others, but just about guys living their lives doing their thing Is It Just Me The 10 year plan Love is a four letter word The men next door Cut Sleeve Boys Love Patient eCupid These are all great, more chill & laid back movies and I highly suggest them for all of you if you want to have a good time and laugh
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