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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Heavy Hitter? I have no idea what the cereal could mean, no song of hers mentions it....
  2. Still, there are places where it's appropriate to say something and not. But sure, why not, you should go to a funeral and discuss the sex life of the person who died, you know what, why not throw in stories about the lowest points in their lives too. Then if someone calls you out on it, you can just say: FREEDUM OF SPEECH DUH I come here because I like Lana, not to cheer for her shitty competition
  3. Even if you root for Lorde why do you write it down when you're on a Lana forum I hope she is going to win, it could make her feel more "accepted" and propel her towards putting out even more music
  4. Wait do those really exist? What kind of BS Sorry but if someone is like that, Live fast die young, she's working on it
  5. From now I will eternally be confused when someone says BE, for a while I thought everyone was talking about Body Electric but then I remembered what thread this is
  6. I am so happy, I had so much faith in her that we will get these songs very soon! Thank you so much queen and savior
  7. Listening more, the instrumental during the "with your big eyes, with your big lies" part reminds me of Gods and Monsters. Anybody else hearing it?
  8. I listened to it like 20 times already This is her best song in a long time, love it
  9. That makes sense...Blue Velvet was a cover too, and she only performed it live a handful of times. Maybe if there was an intimate dinner in celebration of the completion of the movie, she would have sang it there Oh well, it would be lovely to have a live recording of the song, that is for sure
  10. I know what you mean Still, it will be the Ultraviolence tour next year. I hope she will recognize that and sing all new songs with the exception of VG, BTD, Ride and maybe Y&B/SS, as those are her more successful singles maybe she feels she needs to sing them more (or else, I don't know why she performed Y&B so many times but OUAD never)
  11. I hope Blue Jeans won't be in the setlist. I get it, it's a great song and yes we all love it, but we have 39439 performances of it already I feel it would take the place from something new, like Sad Girl or Florida Kilos for example
  12. In december We might get it next week Or the week after They'll be the perfect Christmas-season anthems to play. And no I don't care if they are sad I'll be replaying them over and over anyway
  13. http://vimeo.com/71951642 This video was different from what she usually does, but she looked soooooooo gooooood Give her an acting career please What a gorgeous face
  14. Do you think that we will get a trailer with a snippet of the song? It would seem logical if this is the main soundtrack of the movie. I love it when we get snippets of these movie scores before hearing the full song.
  15. That guy has posted plenty of reliable info before, I don't think he is lying I remember when Sophie's new album was coming he had the opening track up on his site and it was literally the only place where you could listen to it until the album was released. Since I don't know how to rip from that site I had to go back frequently
  16. I don't care what anyone thinks, all I have to say about this is YASS!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSS!!!! :angie:
  17. I love these mid-era songs It will show her artistic growth after UV, but before her next major LP Lovely
  18. Creyk

    Lana Facts

    You're welcome I love listening to Lana interviews because she is a fascinating person and her talking voice is great to listen to. (I hope she will do voice acting in an animated Disney movie one day where she will also do the soundtrack, it would be a dream come true) Put me in a Movie - I'm sure you are familiar with the song already, but if not make sure to give it a listen, it's has all that Lana magic
  19. Creyk

    Lana Facts

    She is a catholic She eats Spaghetti every night with plain tomato sauce (apparently) The guy who she wrote Video Games about played World of Warcraft She LOVES vanilla ice cream and cotton candy Her birth name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (biggest reveal ever ) She wrote everything on BTD, except for 1 line in Diet Mountain Dew She thinks songs like DMD and Kinda Outta Luck are "just fluff" and doesn't take them very seriously She is offended when someone calls her music boring because the music is an embodiment of her, so she interprets it as calling her (as a person) boring After she created BTD her life goal was achieved and the rest of her goals in life are more personal to her She finds it important to abide by the laws and be a good citizen She used to get money by getting 100$ jobs on craigslist She is interested in technology and the future She has read a number of esoteric themed books She likes listening to audio books and driving at night She likes to take walks She is the original leaker Those come to mind right now, I hope you find them useful
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