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Everything posted by surfnoirswing

  1. hair is LAID face is BEAT fillers are on point dress is meh body: SKINNY CERTIFIED LOOK
  2. ok the dress is meh but she's serving FACE and her hair is Laid so ISSA LOOK
  3. are you stupid ? it's not up to her to release the album but to her fucking label. It took her YEARS to release her debut album, she wrote and produced 2 whole other albums before releasing NTMT. This happens very often with relatively small artists with big labels, see Charli who hasn't released an album in 3 years and has to release free mixtapes to get the music out there. It's annoying not to have music but don't blame it on her or supposed "lies" when it's literally not her fucking fault
  4. tbh I got over the fact that she doesn't dress up anymore. Anyways this wasn't really an occasion to "show off" tbh, it was a memorial after all
  5. and that's only the time that Masochism has been referred as "soon". We also got UV since NTMT omg shut up let the girl alone. Charlie xbox and Bank can't even COMPARE to legend Sky Ferrari lmfaoo delusional
  6. ever since listening to Badlands in full I've changed my opinion on Halsey.... I used to be a hater but I realized she writes some damn good lyrics and most of her songs are great, too bad her image and personality are annoying in my opinion and sometimes her visuals/sound are very (very) similar to the ones of other artists..... anyways I won't hate on her anymore x
  7. I'm so intrigued now that she said she has some many aspects of her past life still uncovered (when talking about Jhene Aiko)... I'm sure one day they'll come out
  8. Chuck has been shooting a documentary for years now ! Ever since 2012 she has been shooting Lana, her shows, interviewing fans etc. We haven't heard anything official but Chuck confirmed it was all for some sort of project on twitter some years ago. Who knows when it'll be out tho
  9. tbh haven't listened to any HM song in like probably 5 months... it just didn't resonate with me in any way and have no need to return to it
  10. 13 beaches, change and white mustang top 3 worst songs in history. Sorry I don't make the rules.
  11. why can i literally only think of this meme when i hear about graphic design
  12. 8/10 - I'm so mad they never used the pics of that photoshoot for something, they are so good would've been a 10 if it was HQ
  13. omg who the fuck is saying UV.... she was literally depressed the whole time and the era lasted like two months, from the release of WC to the album release... she did no promo (and the only promo she did caused terrible controversy), did a small tour and disappeared for a year.... for me BTD > Paradise > LFL > UV > HM
  14. National Anthem - 26 Ride - 83 Tropico - 42 Shades of Cool - 79 omg tropico and shades of cool need to LEAVE
  15. im so happy for all the commercial sucess LFL is having it might not be my fav album or era but my girlie deserves to be recognized. This is the treatment HM should've gotten
  16. surfnoirswing

    Taylor Swift

    boring. this era is really turning into a non-event, she fucked it up. The music is terrible, LWYMMD video was good but the song aged like milk, ready for it has no concept and terrible song. period. The whole "dark taylor" thing is really not working when she still writes self-empowerment anthems for 14 year olds and how insecure she is..... she needs to change completely direction (as she did for 1989) in my opinion to reinvent herself. Not present always the same old stuff with different outfits
  17. Lust For Life becomes the best selling female alternative album WW and second female album overall. It has now sold 614k WW in just 3 months
  18. who gives a fuck about her surgery. I think it's sad that she has to get so much done to be satisfied with her appearance and lately it has been showing much more than usual, also because she is after all 32 but it's no matter of discussion to me. It's how she wan't to look so let her be.
  19. surfnoirswing

    omg where is mø ? She hasn't released anything (decent) ever since no mythologies to follow
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