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Everything posted by PinUpCartoonBaby

  1. Here's my translation: Lana Del Rey is this summer’s musical surprise. After a few YouTube videos the Internet is at the self-appointed Gangsta Nancy Sinatra’s feet. The music scene suddenly stood upside down as the NY based singer Lana Del Rey uploaded some songs on YouTube. Her concerts were sold out after ten minutes. Songs written by Lana herself, a powerful voice, topped with her self-made music clips with Super 8 holiday videos, stumbling stars and herself: beautiful, with huge lips, a hair curlers hairstyle and long fake nails. A bit of retro chic, a bit of a trailer park look. Is Lana Del Rey a total work of art? Allegedly she even grew up in a trailer park. A journalist speculated that she overdid her lip fillers on purpose to look more like the American white trash. On her Facebook page she quotes Coco Chanel: “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” No matter if her appearance is part of an image campaign: It worked anyway. Asked if she had to change her style for the record label she answers: “No, my clothes or music were uninteresting for those people. There was rather the question if I’d go to bed with them.” So who is Lana Del Rey or Lizzy Grant (her real name)? “It’s just a different name, but I stayed the same person. I wanted a name that better fits my music, that is more glamorous.” Lana Del Rey is a perfectionist. With the list of her musical idols she can’t really go wrong: Nina Simone, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Kurt Cobain, Anthony and the Johnsons. “Hey, the list wasn’t compiled by some managers!” she emphasizes very firmly, she who just a few moments before said with her sweet singsong-like voice “I worship those artists.” Is this story about the trailer park actually true? “Oh, it’s made such a big deal out of it. Yes, I lived in a trailer park for some years. I found some really good friends there who still are my friends.” Lana Del Rey grew up in the town of Lake Placid, a three-hour drive from New York City. She is the oldest of three children. Aged eleven she lead the church choir. In reply to a journalist’s question asking if God would agree with her song lyrics she retorts sarcastically: “God saved my life in so many situations, so he has to agree with what I write.” When asked about it, she laughs and then adds in all seriousness: “I try very hard to be a good person. But somehow I attract crazy people. I always get in trouble because of this.” She doesn’t want to reveal what exact kind of trouble but living in New York is hard. In one song she sings: “Maybe I like this rollercoaster, maybe it keeps me high”. If maybe she needs these ups and downs? A little bit too defiantly she replies: “No, I don’t need them at all. To be honest, I can’t stand them at all. I’m a quite simple person.” Recently Lana Del Rey commutes between London and New York. How love things are going considering this? “I once had my great love, then I lost it, then found it once again and well, lost it again. It’s odd to fall in love again and again.” She adds with a frown: “I think it’s some DNA-thing!” There it is again, this fast change from kitsch to sarcasm. And even before she can be confronted with any comparison she labels herself as “Gangsta Nancy Sinatra” and her music as Hollywood Pop. “If I didn’t absolutely know that I can sing, I’d do something else!” she says confidently. Meanwhile things are going pretty well for the 24-year-old, even though a real album will only be released by the beginning of next year. To say it with the words of her idol Bob Dylan: “All I can do is be me. Whoever that is.”
  2. You're welcome. I always wondered too if there is something more from that meeting with Impossible but I couldn't find anything either... As for the Fräulein interview I'd be happy to help you with a translation. Could you just be so kind and send me a link to it as I don't really know where to look for it.
  3. Well, I can't confirm anything but I do remember that there was at least something on Ö3 (biggest Austrian radio station) on that day she performed at the Gasometer (19.04.2013 not 2014). But it really was like only one sentence, something like "oh I'm so excited for the show tonight, I love Vienna, it's so beautiful blahblah" - so it wasn't anything interesting. Or do you mean something else? What makes you think that there might have been an interview? Those polaroid pictures have also been taken in Vienna in April 2013. They were a promo thing or something for Impossible so they weren't taken during an interview. I did some research on this and stumbled upon an interview I haven't seen before: http://www.volume.at/magazin/kategorie-uebersicht/detailansicht/m05/3292/detail/ This one is actually pretty interesting. She says that she completed her philosophy studies, that there is no difference at all between Lana and Lizzy and that she likes the Ford Del Rey Logo. Am I the only one or is this new to you too? If so I could translate it.
  4. Yes it was. I think this is the original source: http://www.thesun.ie/irishsol/homepage/5688397/lana-del-rey-album-ultraviolence-and-working-with-black-keys-dan.html
  5. Well, at least the black hair makes that fancy white visor pop
  6. I went to their show in Vienna on Tuesday and it was so unbelievably good! I don’t know how but I managed to get second row - on the side but still impressive considering that I couldn’t leave work earlier and arrived only 30 mins before doors opened. I mean I had a front of stage ticket but I really expected to stand somewhere at the very back. So this made a already great show even more incredible. Florence was so good! I can’t describe it. She’s so powerful but at the same time she has this super calm aura. And her singing is just not from this world. I always thought I can’t believe that she really sings like that live until I see it with my own eyes – and I did and my mind is blown away. I mean how can one jump, run and do such weird dancing moves and at the same time hit every note – even the highest so perfectly? It’s magic I guess… She wore a pink, transparent, floating gown and it kinda flew around her body and wrapped itself around her when she moved – it looked so magical. Oh and she’s so so sweet. She told us a few times that we were the best crowd ever and bla (but I guess they do this every time) and she also told us that we should put away our phones during Third Eye (as someone else posted here I think) and some stories about how and when she wrote some of her songs and what they mean to her and stuff like that. She went down to the crowd two times but unfortunately always to the other side, not to the one where I was, and there she received tons of flower crowns. During Spectrum she grabbed a rainbow flag from the crowd and waved it above her head. I could go on like that for hours, telling how great she was… I still can’t believe that this really happened, it all seems so unreal but for this one evening I could forget everything that’s shitty in my life right now and just enjoy the moment. So I recommend everyone who hasn’t seen her yet to try to get to one of her shows. It was by far the best concert I’ve ever been to – sorry Lana Oh and of course I'm also super excited for The Odyssey
  7. It's from her performance at Indie Fun Fest in Chile. And the story behind it is Lana singing "I just riiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiide". You can watch the whole video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSdhbjMVxO4 happens hat about 3:20
  8. This made me immediately think of this Ray guy I wrote about some time ago. Because when stalking looking at his facebook profile I noticed that he liked KORN. Ok, nothing speacial so far but I also stumbled upon profileengine.com which basically mirrors an older version of peoples facebook profiles. Ray's "profile" there is full of KORN videos. I know it doesn't have to mean anything...it just came into my mind and yeah...as this thread is 90% speculations I thought I'd contribute a bit lol. Sidenote: profileengine does also show a page called "Lizzy's got a show" which seems to be something like an info page for fans about forthcoming performances Lizzy/Lana did. It's also how I discovered Ray's page there as he is listed among the members of this group.
  9. "Put your white tan issues on" - Swan Song I honestly hear this every single time I listen to that song, no matter how hard I try to understand the real lyrics
  10. Be my Husband by Nina Simone Honestly I'm even a bit surprised she didn't so this one yet ...
  11. Oh, I really like this theory. There're so many mysteries about this Ray guy that I always enjoy new "findings" even though they are pure speculations. The guy you're referring to is probably Ray Dillman. His family seems to play an important role for those T.R.A.F.F.I.C. events the Grant family used to go to. He and Lizzy definitely know each other but I have no evidence that they had a romantic relationship or that he is where the "Del Ray/Rey" came from. Here's a picture of Lizzy and Ray, in case you haven't seen it. However some time ago Lana stated in an interview with Intro magazine that her name actually originates from Delray Beach in Florida where her then boyfriend came from. But funnily this also applies to Ray Dillman who according to his Facebook profile did not only go to a school near Delray Beach but also lived/lives near it...
  12. Does anyone know if it's possible to order the Limited Edition cover art LP at the official store if you don't live in the UK? Because there it says "UK online exclusive alternative cover art"...
  13. Well, building all my hopes on Freak now... I mean MTWBT is not bad but I just expected more after that snippet. I already see the same happening with Freak though
  14. Those snippets got me so excited for HM! Somehow I really hope that she'll slay us with videos for (almost) every song, even though chances are very low. But just imagine how awesome that would be! Lana's visuals are used to be so so good and I've got the feeling that with HM she could deliver some really great videos again.
  15. Those new photoshoots are so so beautiful! They finally bring back everything I was missing during the UV era and I'm so happy about this. And if this one was really left totally unretouched it's even more impressing. I mean how flawless can one be?
  16. On September 18th I also have to hand in a super important and super stupid work for university. Now I can't really look forward to the release day of HM.
  17. I'm too lazy to read all the previous posts so I'm just gonna say this: I LOVE THIS VIDEO SO SO MUCH! It's like the perfect mixture of beauty and a pinch of trash.
  18. So hyped right now! I don't want to get my hopes up too high but this just has to slay!
  19. Unpopular opinion alert: I actually think she looks really pretty. I especially love her hair on these pictures. I have to admit that heels would have looked better but I should not presume to say something like that as I myself hardly ever wear heels... Oh and I just recognised that Francesco is quite small compared to Lana, so maybe she didn't want to appear even taller than him and therefore chose flat shoes.
  20. I have to admit that I hadn't properly listened to Honeymoon until today. After a first listen when it was released I classified it as okay but nothing special. But now I gave it another try with my headphones on full volume and I actually think it's beautiful! I LOVE the strings so much, they remind me of something - I don't know what exactly but it makes me really sentimental in a weird way. And the vocal layering in the chorus is so heavenly. Tbh I'm quite surprised that I like it but I did have extremely low expectations for HM so maybe that's the reason. Now I'm officially excited for the album - finally.
  21. So this era she chose Whitney Houston as her "idol"? I'm sorry if it's already common Lana stan knowledge but she has a new tattoo that supposedly also pays tribute to Whitney Houston...
  22. After having listened to the whole album for the first time I'm feeling quite overwhelmed. It's just too much at once! I can't wait to get myself a physial copy of the deluxe edition.
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