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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. You're right, same vibes
  2. It is weird, unless they have some inside joke but if not, then yeah...
  3. This will never not be funny
  4. I feel like her political songs have aged pretty badly like Coachella for example. What's funny is that I find her unreleased stuff to have aged SO well like idk...if she released those songs today I think people would love them. Didn't some of her old unreleased music get a lot of good exposure on TikTok? Her mind
  5. It's very lacklustre. I can appreciate toned down songs but this one just sounds like a mindless filler. I will admit, the verses are cute but not enough to consider it a 'good' song. Of course this is subjective, so my opinion isn't everyone else's. I think some of my bitterness towards the song comes from the fact that Lana really chose it over Your Girl and Yes to Heaven (both of which are far more superior to G&N)
  6. It took me such a long time to get into that season but once you push through it's actually very good. Definitely underrated imo
  7. I've been watching this show since it came out and I have a few nit-picky things that bother me about the show: - Leonard was so whiny, I literally wanted to slap him every time he tried to pick a fight with Penny over trivial stuff - Why did they leave Raj single on the last episode? I didn't like the girl he was supposed to marry (forgot her name), but he seemed great with Emily - They shouldn't have forced a storyline where Bernadette got pregnant (she never even wanted kids) - They made Sheldon seem too 'normal' in the later seasons. Same with Amy - Penny mentioned having a sister in the earlier seasons, why was she not present at her wedding? Seems like annoyingly inconsistent story writing - The later seasons towards the end were boring, particularly when Sheldon and Amy moved in together - Penny mentions Sheldon having different sun signs throughout the years. In one season she mentioned Sheldon being a Taurus, another season he's suddenly a Pisces - They never mentioned Penny's surname?? - The laugh track was unbearable. Notice how after every non funny line a character says, the audience laugh in hysterics - I know it's just a show, but I hate how everyone ignored Stuart's obvious signs of suicidal tendencies and depression -- BUT with all that aside, I still watch it (and enjoy it, especially the earlier seasons), although I probably watch it because it's like a comfort show to me?
  8. Came hereto say that Penny and Leonard's relationship is worse than Ross and Rachels
  9. Flowerbomb


    RIP Sophie I hope she finds peace wherever she is and that she gets a second chance at life somehow...
  10. Oof I'm just gonna say it: I'm not feeling Neil's vibe this time around. It's definitely not UV level and these pics look like student portfolio shots
  11. Damn I thought Lana and the Video Games guy ended on good terms?
  12. CD's are definitely going to make a comeback in 10-20 years time, just like vinyl. That's why I'm keeping my old CD's in storage because I know I could sell them down the line. I'd probably buy the COCC cd at some point too
  13. True. I sold my signed LFL cd for £50 which I bought for only £10
  14. "Go through the dark to get to the dark" hmmm Dark But Just a Game lyric foreshadowing?
  15. Super Movie deserves to be remastered and put onto a future album
  16. nvm I'm too tired to argue
  17. Editing out my reply bc I don't want ppl coming for me (but I agree w you)
  18. Okay so like...I stand by what she said on her recent Insta video and I'm proud of her for setting lots of things straight...but one thing really irks me Did she really say she struggled growing up or am I hearing things? Like her family are still pretty well-to-do if you know what I mean
  19. This is fun! 1. Tulsa Jesus Freak 2. White Dress 3. Dark But Just a Game 4. Dance Till We Die 5. Wild At Heart 6. Not All Who Wander Are Lost 7. For Free 8. Yosemite 9. Breaking Up Slowly 10. COCC 11, LMLYLAW
  20. Honestly I do find it weird (and gross) how a magazine that has interviewed her face to face and did photoshoots with her suddenly decide to choose ultraviolence by taking her words and twisting them so she gets attacked
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