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Sylvia Plath

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About Sylvia Plath

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  1. Whoa, she looks so fucking good. Natural looking queen. She needs to stick with whatever the filler situation she has tonight is.
  2. And a lot of the time they're pointing in completely different directions. It looks so weird, I wish she'd get over them.
  3. There's definitely something extra off about her face. I'm not feeling it.
  4. It's the Chimera Music logo. We've discussed this.
  5. Yeah, but it's not impacting radio until the 11th. That's the point. They're radio impact dates.
  6. LOL right? Like, the director said that he and Lana wanted people to speculate about what it all meant and that was the whole point of the trailer. Here come the fun police.
  7. I hope I'm wrong too, trust me! I would MUCH prefer it to be a Strawberry Fields Forever cover and I honestly think that's more likely than a June release date since that's when Halsey and Lorde are dropping. I don't think it would be wise on her part. I'm just trying to manage my expectations and not get my hopes up.
  8. Some people refer to the full moon in June as the Strawberry Moon. She posted last year about the Strawberry Moon falling on her birthday.
  9. Unless they have to do with the release date being around the Strawberry Moon, which I think could be likely since she tweeted about it last year so she knows it exists.
  10. I'd rather hear her voice with Sean's but I'd like Yoko to be involved somehow for the iconic factor.
  11. "Why a ladder?" Stairway to Heaven is the album's cover track confirmed.
  12. That's what that person meant. They didn't say it was out on NZ iTunes now. Not that I think there's any chance that it's going to happen because I can't see her doing a surprise release.
  13. The album's called Lust for Life but the last video will include her jumping from the H to her death for the irony. It is known.
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