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  1. CherryGalore liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    There are the only two comments she's made about Lana, I don't know you make it sound like she lives her life dissing Lana, you got any more comments where she mentions her? Just interested to know as I haven't come across any other comments than these two.
    Cause tbh saying a group of peoples music isn't relevant to you and your mates because you are 16 and it's just not relevant to you personally or that you think someone is great but didn't really agree with some of the content of their lyrics isn't a diss, it's mostly known an an opinion. 
  2. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by merman in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I am chilled dude, so many ultra-sensitive posts, I'm just having a laugh.
    Not sure about a Lana compulsive lying thread, tbh it would be really messy and quite boring after a while.
  3. Bae liked a post in a topic by merman in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yeah I'm saving my colonoscopy details for another time.
  4. merman liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    To be honest, I have a theory that Lana is a compulsive liar and that she can't help it lol She might have stage fright which manifests itself as stomach upset which probably just compounds itself because who wants to perform when they feel like they're going to simultaneously vomit and shit their pants? No one.
    My brother suffered from practically the same thing growing up (right down to getting nervous before plane rides enough to vomit non stop during, I've even had him puke in my lap, twice lol) and it came down to his nerves and having a nervous stomach. Practically everything made him nervous growing up, even going to see a movie would get him worked up enough that he would throw up in the theatre. It was like he was scared of throwing up from being nervous, so he'd throw up because he was nervous about throwing up. A self fulfilling prophecy or negative feedback loop, whatever you want to call it.
    Doctors put him on antidepressants from a young age and just now at 21 he's finally starting to feel like a normal person. He's pretty skinny but he manages to eat normally now. Lana says she eats a lot of spaghetti and only that which sounds a lot like my brother who would only eat cheese and pickle sandwiches growing up, even if we were at a fancy restaurant, my mom would pack him one in a ziploc. I don't know, it all sounds very familiar to me, and I could see it going either way. We know Lana is notorious for making shit up or being extremely hyperbolic with her anecdotes, but at the same time, the symptoms she describes sounds so familiar to me as someone who watched a loved one suffer for so many years. Who knows really? Only Lana, I suppose. Part of me wants to believe her and the other part thinks "Yeah right", but I guess we'll never really know.
    As for the three year diagnosis thing, my brother was getting all sorts of tests done from the time he was 5 until he was about 15. He was in and out of the hospital constantly getting tested on because they thought he was showing signs of ulcers and they even diagnosed it as ulcers for a short period of time before they realised it was because of anxiety that his stomach was acting up. So a long diagnosis is possible and "ulcers" might be the best the answer they can give her right now.
    I do think Lana has some psychological issues though and she might actually believe she suffers from the same thing as Kurt as a form of idolatry, when all it could be is the power of suggestion and a bad case of stage fright. Kinda like when you have a headache and you google your symptoms and "cancer" comes up so you automatically believe you have a brain tumour instead of, I don't know, being dehydrated or something.
  5. merman liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I know Kurt didn't have ulcers, he had ulcerative colitis which fancy doctor talk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, but most people hear that and think ulcers. Google it! so many people believe he had ulcers just because of the common misconception, so don't you think if Lana was trying to emulate him, she'd say ulcers instead of "Oh yeah I have inflammatory bowel disease" 1) that is not something a superstar would say on a radio interview because ew, overshare, and 2) if she's trying to emulate Kurt it would just make as much sense to be vague and say ulcer because everyone always thought Kurt had ulcers too...
    I'm trying to help out your theory here dude.

  6. Valentino liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Are these two comments really enough to warrant a pressed diss track, from a woman who is 30 next year, to a 17 year old girl
    “Around the middle of last year I started listening to a lot of rap, like Nicki Minaj and Drake, as well as pop singers like Lana Del Rey,” Lorde told Interview magazine. “They all sing about such opulence, stuff that just didn’t relate to me—or anyone that I knew. I began thinking, ‘How are we listening to this? It’s completely irrelevant.’”
    “I think a lot of women in this industry maybe aren’t doing so well for the girls. I’ve read interviews where certain big female stars are like, “I’m not a feminist.” I’m like, That’s not what it’s about.”
    “She’s great, but I listened to that Lana Del Rey record and the whole time I was just thinking it’s so unhealthy for young girls to be listening to, you know: “I’m nothing without you.” This sort of shirt-tugging, desperate, don’t leave me stuff. That’s not a good thing for young girls, even young people, to hear.”
    Lana dissed everyone in the music industry when she said this:
    EB: You don’t feel you have a group of people in music who you necessarily connect to—a scene, let’s say, or a group of peers? 
    LDR: These people don’t actually care about music and art. They want to be cool.” I never met anyone who cared about music as deeply as me and my boyfriend, or who really cared about poetry—who really lived it and breathed it. I haven’t met anyone so far. I just can’t affiliate with those people.
    I know Lana has NPD but like grow up honey you're 30 next year.
  7. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    So you obviously think her comments about her being suicidal after all the critics comments is bullshit (so do I) cause she's just messing with them, even though this interview will be covered by media worldwide, and loads of men and women will find it just a dumb thing to say, you think she just did it to annoy/mess with the critics. Yeah she clearly cant feel suicidal if this is her tactic. 
    You'd have to know about them both to form an opinion on that and you clearly don't know about Cobain's illness, it wasn't caused by drug taking, so really not interested in discussing anything with you tbh especially since you think my logic is faux and I'm adolescent you really shouldn't make so many assumptions and I'm not the only person who thought it just the only person who is not bothered about saying it, You should really read up on her obsession with KC then you won't come across like an arrogant dick who doesn't know what he's talking about 
    Many feminist don't have the privilege to live like that, which is why feminism exists. Thank God for Feminism. Amen 
    Seriously some of you are so fucking sheltered and green it's unreal, "society makes no difference to your freedom" yeah not if you're a wealthy middle class in the west lmfao at your grotesque naivety.
  8. merman liked a post in a topic by butterflies in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    @@merman pls just answer are u fan or not
  9. butterflies liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Yes it is!
    lana is so retarded 
    she also sounded super ignorant 
    It just kills me when Lana does her faux-intellectual schtick (politics, metaphysics, etc), because she always comes out looking like a complete idiot. 
    Lana can be like petulant child
    she seems very ignorant
    she comes off like an uppity idiot 
    you were saying...I don't know! take it up with with a moderator like maru, oh she already called Lana an idiot. Umm I don't have any other suggestions other than you're blatantly picking me out in a series of people and you haven't said a word to these other members who did exactly the same as me oh and one of them is a moderator, so yeah spread your good will around and have a chat with COLACUNT, TrailerParkDarling, FLOPPY SEAL PUP, KillKillQueen, viagra and really you can just 

  10. Blythe liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    In response to her comments on feminism, which I feel really strongly about and if you take the time to read some other peoples comments on her idiotic statement you will see many people feel the same way. I'm not going to apologize about putting my opinions and beliefs above anyone, I don't think anyone should and if anyone on here is compromising their beliefs because Lana thinks otherwise and they have to be a stan then bigger fool them, they are also an idiot. Do you really base all your beliefs around Lana Del Rey who is a fictional character. 
    Why are you singling me out when other members have said the same, i don't see you trying to pull them up on their comments, so what is this. So kindly go back through the fader thread and reply to everyone in the same manner as you have to me and call them all out on them not agreeing with every single thing Lana does, or why not spend your time going through the all the posts on Lanaboards and pulling out everyone for not agreeing with Lana in everything single thing she has done or said.  Or get a life.
  11. merman liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Whatever, the premise for the song just sounds as petty as fuck, just like So Legit. Hopefully she's exaggerating the content of the song and its limited to a single verse or something.

    And I honestly wouldn't put it past Lana to make a diss track about a 17 year old Lorde. 

    Lana can be like petulant child sometimes, she just gets so butthurt. 

  12. merman liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    People are saying that Gaga has never dissed/criticized Lana. Well, maybe not publicly but Lana & Gaga have a lot of history together so maybe something was said behind the scenes. It's not like the internet is the only way celebrities communicate, after all. I definitely think it's Gaga and not Lorde. Lana obviously has a distaste for Gaga (see: So Legit & the "when will people be over her" FB post) so it actually wouldn't be too surprising to see even more shade being thrown. I'm excited to hear the song but on the other hand I do think Lana's being awfully petty... I mean, writing a song bashing another artist and officially releasing it on what's going to be one of the best-selling albums this year is a bit extreme, don't you think? 
  13. Kommander liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    @@slang it's not confusing if you know enough about both of them. Her obsession with Kurt is based on envy not admiration.
  14. Kommander liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I really didn't pick up on your sarcasm, it was very subtle, sorry about that. 
    It doesn't she's obviously just happy to rape his personal life but not his values. Lana's obsession with Kurt is purely about the worldwide admiration he received and his face. You didn't expect Lana to be any deeper than that did you. I was basically implying in reply to your comment that a duet wouldn't happen, due to KC deep beliefs in feminism which Lana clearly doesn't understand.
  15. Kommander liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Oh my God where do you all come from! Kurt Cobain is a feminist it was the most important thing to him, whilst Lana's been busy ripping off his whole persona and music she forgot as always the most important thing but she is really dim so not surprising.
    You kind of have to understand the concept of something to actually appreciate/respect it, which was my point DUH!
  16. merman liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I understand that people are being ridiculous in this thread all while being serious, but that was sarcasm aka pointing out the same thing as you. Of course the society you're in & the way you're treated in it limits or expands your freedom. That's why it's so funny  sad how many people act like feminism is some boring abstract concept floating around, completely separated from their existence. 
  17. merman liked a post in a topic by drugmoney in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    lmao yes finish them. But I mean I honestly wouldn't take any of these ppl seriously since they're all 14/15+ yr old white males so their ignorance and lack of interest really isn't surprising.    We're all just crazy SJWs TBH!! Queen Lana can do no wrong <33
  18. merman liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Honestly this fanbase can be so embarrassing. I know we take pride in Lana sorta science (except more like science fiction) background, but this assumption that she's simply "too deep and complicated for every journalist she's ever encountered so how could they possibly get her" is just silly. She's not a hardline feminist, cool. You do you, and frankly I'm not going to stop listening to her for it, despite feeling very passionately about it myself.
    She did this headline to herself. There was a more evenhanded way to approach it and she knows it. She was trying to sound tragic and inward, and I guess she did, but she also sounded super ignorant too. Of course you, as a rich white popstar in 2014, are unmoved by feminism. But something tells me if she actually had to live Marilyn's life, she'd want some more of it. All it says to me is that she's looking at it from an extremely selfish point of view. "I don't feel like I need feminsm because I feel free" is all good and well when you are apart of one of the most free demographics in the world. She says "let's talk about science" but how many girls (especially non-white and non-western girls) are shut out and pushed away from being interested in science? There are lots of feminists talking about that. That's intersectionality, Lizzy.
    And attempting to drag people for thinking she sounds dumb juts makes you sound x2 worse tbh. "I bet you didn't know about feminism before tumblr" isn't even a fucking insult. I've personally been a feminist for a long time, but god forbid people actually learn about something useful on the fucking internet.
  19. merman liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Yeeeess, thank you. 
  20. merman liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    What also bothered me about her definition of a "true feminist" is that not only women are feminists, Lana, men can agree with equality too.
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