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About PatrickXCX

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  1. PatrickXCX

    Rina Sawayama

    I caved and listened. I thought it was really good, and it made me want to replay it as soon as it was over. One thing I really like with Rina, is that her music sounds uniquely her. Of course you can hear influences and inspiration in the music, but everything she has done (except maybe lucid, but she is a cute girl) I feel has a strong pov. This hell did not disappoint; I am interested to see what she does with the MV
  2. It will be so exciting if we get tigre, that baby deserves to see the light of day. I hope it leaks soon!
  3. Are songs like milk and honey and tigre in circulation? They are too good, and with the old label situation it seems like they wont be released I am excited to hear whatever is on the new album tho!
  4. YALLLLLLL THIS SONG GAVE ME A HEAT FLASH! THis was amazing! They vocal delivery, the lyrics, the instrumental...she's got a point, she's a legend, she is the moment now c'mon now
  5. Cruel World - 42 Ultraviolence - 26 Shades of Cool - 60 West Coast - 62 Pretty When You Cry - 52
  6. 13 Beaches - 96 Cherry - 66 Heroin - 69 Get Free - 21
  7. PatrickXCX

    Charli XCX

    I honestly thought we would never get HBHG...this is gay rights Thank you to whoever gave it us!
  8. PatrickXCX

    Charli XCX

    I am so proud of our baby!!! I know she worked so hard to get this all put together, and I FINALLY get to see her live. I know I am going to the Nashville date, and I am thinking about going to Atlanta if i can get a ticket!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!
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