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  1. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Barrie Leaving Kassidy?   
    Lana is never gonna live that quote down.
  2. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Barrie Leaving Kassidy?   
    haha, i love her, but sometimes she really needs to get her head out of her ass you know. 
  3. Mileena liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Barrie Leaving Kassidy?   
    Lana is never gonna live that quote down.
  4. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Barrie Leaving Kassidy?   
    i hope barrie and lana don't write an album together, i might die from their unique talent, after all, they are the only real musicians left in the world. how will a simple non-musical person like me even begin to understand it? 
  5. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Sleuthing Tips & Tricks   
    my nam is jessica but plz call me rain or asia i dont like the name jessica!!!!
  6. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Sleuthing Tips & Tricks   
    oh not a lana del rey one, just boys II men, i found it in my itunes library! being random XD rawr
  7. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Rick Nowels talks 'Summertime Sadness' & Lana   
    thats kind of judgmental. i mean, there are different levels of interest, i suppose. some people might even tell you to get a hobby because of the fact that you've got 800 posts on an online forum about lana del rey, because to them, all she does is "open her mouth and let sounds out of it" ... they hear her on the radio, appreciate the 3-4 minutes that she's in their periphery and thats literally just enough. but is she really just a singer to you? maybe. but then i'm kinda confused as to why you're here. thats not meant to sound bitchy, i'm genuinely curious as to what you're here to discuss, if not everything and anything about her. regardless of your motivations -- her music is still a part of your life, and its a part of your life that you obviously appreciate. and it isn't just because of the sounds that she makes, is it? its about the lyrics, too. the words that come out of her mouth still mean something, unless you choose not to pay attention. they come from her emotional state, her inner / outer life, her inspirations, experiences, etc. so i don't think its that far of a stretch that many of us would be interested in where it all comes from? i dunno. maybe theres a certain level of speculation that makes people uncomfortable. but the *unknown* is what interests me the most, i suppose. i love her music and her lyrics but i can't help but find myself drawn to the complexity of her persona 
    if you aren't, it doesn't mean you should look down on those who are. i could adopt a bit of your mentality and choose to think of you as a "lesser" fan but i don't, because i realize that everyone is wired differently 
  8. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Rick Nowels talks 'Summertime Sadness' & Lana   
    Well, I definitely can if I want to - so many people all over the world do it every single day about pretty much everything without actually knowing what they're talking about - which, of course, doesn't mean I'd be right. Regardless, that's not what I'm trying to do here.
    Quite a few people here, apparently. Hence Lanalysis & 'Lana thoughts', for instance. What I don't understand is why people who don't care about it care that we care.
    The main purpose of a forum is 'discussion', obviously. If I wanted to just 'enjoy the output', I wouldn't even need to be here. Different people like to discuss different things, and fortunately for all of us there's so many different topics to choose from. What I don't get is the necessity to go 'but who even cares?!' whenever something doesn't interest you; I mean, I don't give a shit about many things in lots of topics but I don't go there periodically and ask 'who cares though?'.
  9. yayoop liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I don't expect Lana to have "feminist messages" in her songs. I don't expect Lana to identify as a feminist or be an outspoken advocate for women's issues. I don't expect her to be well acquainted with feminist ideologies and the different waves. I just expect her to not be COMPLACENT when talking about the current state of being a woman in this day and age. (oddly worded, but i hope you get what i mean)

  10. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Barrie Leaving Kassidy?   
    maybe kassidy doesn't understand true music like lana and barrie </3
  11. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Member of the Month (1st ANNIVERSARY!): Poll!   
    If you don't know them, please save your "whos?" or your "basics" or you lame sassiness cause here won't work (cause well you are too basic to know them). SO Y'ALL TAKE A FUCKING SEAT.
    Vote for frankee, so I can tell him on FB 
  12. PinUpGaloreLana liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    Nerdy, you say....?  Thank you!! 
    Thank you so much, I'll definitely be needing you for some German interviews, and I'm glad you like the tiny heads!! 
    Thank you! You found a lot of older interviews :3 
    Thanks Quentin! (And congrats on your baby girl and new album, Kanye :3) 
    Thank you so much to everyone that's volunteered! It'll make my life a lot easier. You are all incredibly cool 
    It'll be anywhere from a couple of days to a week before I contact any of you to do anything -- I'm currently working on tying up the existing loose ends (2011 interviews) so that you guys aren't brought in on a project that's such a mess! 
    You guys have all made me really happy! Thanks again! 
    I hope no one is put off by all of the tiny Jay-Z heads in this post 
    For anyone that is, I'm sincerely sorry
  13. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Paradise Tour in South America   
    :defeated: :defeated:
  14. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Paradise Tour in South America   
    lol @ Travis. is it 1999 again?
  15. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Poor Lana, her fans are so mean to her, how dare they have opinions?! I'll be happy to hold her while she cries.
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by howiet1971 in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Whoa there ThorixB! TrailerParkDarlings comments were far from hate!  They were an opinion of which everyone is entitled, and this comment was not extreme or offensive or hate filled; in fact it was simply not 'blind'. It was open to the fact that Lana is not perfect, that there is a PR machine behind everyone, that there is a history to be created behind every star, true or not. 
    However... your response / attack is filled with hate, anger, and sychophancy, all very unnattractive traits. As for Trailerparks comment, is it accurate?  I don't know... but neither do any of us 'know' the truth.  Too many people fawn over their idols; how about just loving the music and artistry and taking what is said publicly with a pinch of salt...
    (I saw another reactive comment of yours and decided to respond further.  I've been a fan of Madonnas since the 80's and part of loving someones music and the effect and inspiration they have on you is understanding that not everything is 'real', that more often than not who you see is a persona, a character, someone not entirely 'real'.  Agreeing and disagreeing with your 'idol' is part of the process, unless you are blinded, and as a Madonna fan, I've had many years of agreeing / disagreeing with her opinions, actions, music etc etc. 
    You cannot healthily 'follow' an artist if you dont!  To be a blind sychophant is painfully unhealthy, it is in 'my' opinion, a sign of disturbance, from someone who 'perhaps' is unhappy and places all their hopes of happiness and love onto the backs of their icon.  They believe every word said, take everything literally and announce to the world, that every piece of music (etc) is perfection.  They are the one person who will not 'let you down' or hate on you etc.
    But none of it is 'real'. The person you have the 'relationship' with is not real.  It's just, as I said earlier, a persona.
    I once had the privilege of meeting Madonna at a private party; the one over-riding fact that struck me was that she was so 'normal', just like you and me, and that realisation was so healthy.  I wish everyone could meet their 'idols' in a private / real setting (not hanging outside a hotel etc); it's very 'freeing'. 
  17. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about, I feel sorry for you cunt though xx
    Let me give you a response even though you don't deserve one~ a person is allowed to not like everything about an artist they are a fan of~ no one is perfect.  This forum is not the kind of place that (typically) elicits relentless praise for Lana.  I'd say there is equal parts critique.  I don't hate anyone, especially not Lana or else I wouldn't be on a fucking fan forum dedicated to her.  Do I believe what is written about her?  You'd have to be more specific.  I'm guessing you are the type of fan that sends her 10 tweets a day, refers to her as 'your queen', and refutes any plastic surgery/ drug rumors.. good for you, I don't really care!  But maybe you should put less energy into how others feel about pop stars/ your blind obsession and more into some sort of hobby/school work. 
  18. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    lmao ya got me
    i am a hater
    when will ppl b ovr her?
    And u can watch from ur window @@ThorixB

  19. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    IA, she said the same thing about Elvis. When she saw his face, she knew he'd be an inspiration. Little shallow girl ha ha
    I wonder how much she actually listens to these artists she name drops..we've talked about this before.. the whole 'tragic character' theme...seems like one of those calculated things to say in interviews to keep up w/ d ~Hollywood Sadcore~ thing she has going. She names Morrison, Joplin, Cobain, Elvis.. and then she can't really say anything substantial about them in interviews. 
  20. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Viva in Miley Cyrus   
    Am I the only one who likes the title Bangerz??   I think is a really good name for an album tbh
  21. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Cassie   
    another year, another fucking guardian article talking about how ahead of her time she is, and another fucking year this album is NOT coming out


    i can't recall another major label artist that had yet to release their sophomore effort seven years after their debut
  22. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    *pulls an @@iconicldr and doesn't ever reply to the above post*
  23. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    *pulls an @@iconicldr and doesn't ever reply to the above post*
  24. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    *pulls an @@iconicldr and doesn't ever reply to the above post*
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