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  1. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  2. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  3. evilentity liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  4. Rafael liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  5. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I think K was just an older man who helped Lana financially. I imagine her parents cut her off after she relapsed/ wouldn't fund her lifestyle, so she did what she could to continue in music.  And maybe she loved him as a person but had ~true~ love on the side (or so she thought) w/ her punk rock boyfriend. (maybe this is the guy that did drugz) Golden grill = Escalade, Bugatti, etc.  I could imagine that the reason she listed all these cars is because maybe he was a collector.  Baby, you'll never grow old in my eyes= he's saying he's too old for her, she's saying she'll never see him as old, if he's got the cars & $$, she'll always be there, he'll never be old to her ~~ etc etc. Possible that he worked in politics? Where she got the JFK references.. and dealt on Wall Street (Boarding School) embezzling money and such and that's how she saw him as ~gangster.. it's possible he served time for that. And possible Mafia ties~ as Cipriani's basement and other lyrics suggest. I'm reminded of the HDB video. Maybe Lana was a kept girl and the guy that was in politics/wall street mafia man was married so they kept it on the low ~she was born to be tha other woman~ 
  6. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I know, I meant Bel Air...
    If that happened in April, Paradise was released in November and in an interview she gave in June she said she was working on it & had already written 5 songs... maybe it could fit?
    'Lead me to war with your brilliant direction' - another reference, maybe?
    this - 'Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate trying to tell me to wait but I can’t wait to see you' - also suggests someone with a big house or mansion, maybe with security at the door or something?
    smh @ me giving this much thought to my least fave Lana song
  7. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Iggy Azalea   
    As a Cassie stan, I can't help but side-eye anyone that complains about their faves' release dates.   

  8. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Aaron in Salve Salve Salve Regina. Any paparazzi pics of Lana going to Mass today? LOL   
    I went to mass today and managed to escape the paparazzi 
  9. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Iggy Azalea   
    As a Cassie stan, I can't help but side-eye anyone that complains about their faves' release dates.   

  10. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Iggy Azalea   
    Change Your Life was supposed to be released today but isn't. What bullshit. I'm not buying Iggy's excuse either. 
  11. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    the worst thing about it is that i'm sure that underneath all that bullshit, she's a very smart and capable person, she's just fashioned herself into this horribly unattractive person (not remarking literally on her style of dress), like her mannerisms, her baby voice/valley girl voice, the giggles, being ~a bit of an airhead~, etc because I think she thinks it's what's "ideal" and what other people find attractive.

    i just hate when the potential is there for people to do something... substantial... and this is how they decide to be.
    or maybe I'm being too optimistic and this woman really and truly is a complete idiot with no hope of changing         
  12. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    Oh, don't mind me, I was just trying to say the most ignorant, dickish things I could think of  
    Really though, I don't think I have anything valuable to contribute because my opinions have been posted better than I could've written myself. 
    Certain mentalities that some people have (like Lana) do trouble me, but at the end of the day, the phrase "YOU DO YOU"  is particularly apt in describing what it is we should each be focused on. 
  13. DUKE liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    the worst thing about it is that i'm sure that underneath all that bullshit, she's a very smart and capable person, she's just fashioned herself into this horribly unattractive person (not remarking literally on her style of dress), like her mannerisms, her baby voice/valley girl voice, the giggles, being ~a bit of an airhead~, etc because I think she thinks it's what's "ideal" and what other people find attractive.

    i just hate when the potential is there for people to do something... substantial... and this is how they decide to be.
    or maybe I'm being too optimistic and this woman really and truly is a complete idiot with no hope of changing         
  14. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    Oh, don't mind me, I was just trying to say the most ignorant, dickish things I could think of  
    Really though, I don't think I have anything valuable to contribute because my opinions have been posted better than I could've written myself. 
    Certain mentalities that some people have (like Lana) do trouble me, but at the end of the day, the phrase "YOU DO YOU"  is particularly apt in describing what it is we should each be focused on. 
  15. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    Even this one??
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    remove drake from ur hip hop heads folder asap pls ty
  17. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    ok @ me and lola ready 2 pounce on u..  luv ya lots polka dots xoxo
  18. leaked_version liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    lol do we always have to do this? who cares if Lana is a feminist, a democrat, a supporter of equal rights, racist, culturally appropriating, a role model, whatever. 
    too much OVERdiscussing         
  19. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    oh! excuse me, i'm british. i'm also very embarrassed now 
  20. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    I think about lana re: feminism a lot tbh and I had a revelation recently. While lana definitely portrays a relationship in which she is submissive, or at least a woman who prefers to be dominated, I feel like there's a real sex positive message in her songs that's kind of lacking in pop music as a whole.
    Obviously sex is not an untouched topic in music, by male or female artists. Something I have noticed from female singers in particular is that sex is almost always sung about with love. The two seem to appear mutually exclusive, you know? Like, you cannot possibly have sex without being in love with the person you had sex with. It's also often referred to as "love making" which has always struck me as the kind of euphemism you would use in front of your parents. It makes sex seem so dirty and inappropriate. This is where I think lana differs slightly. She fucks for love but she also fucks for pleasure. She fucks because she wants it and she fucks for this grand opulent persona she's built around herself. She does not let this make her a whore or reduce her femininity in any way and tbh I think that's pretty cool~
  21. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Flips To The Camera in LA (August 11th)   
    I love when her legs do that! As a fellow awkward walker I clench my fist for the ones like us who are oppressed by the figures of normal walking!

    Daww, God bless
  22. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Iggy Azalea   
    Well, better one song than an entire career. *cough* AZEALIA *cough*
  23. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Iggy Azalea   
    I know, I just wanted to try on my Aggressive Stan Pants  
  24. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Iggy Azalea   
    Well, better one song than an entire career. *cough* AZEALIA *cough*
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