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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. Your english is nowhere near shit! I actually didn't even realize you weren't a native speaker until recently. Don't worry about people who are just looking for any avenue to be mean. Normal sane people know how difficult it is to learn a language and how rude it is to make fun of a non native speaker who is trying really hard. Not everyone can do that!
  2. I can respect differing views but this is just rude as fuck. How dare you. I'd like to see you be nearly fluent in another language, and learning english is ESPECIALLY fucking hard. Piss off and leave LRL alone Leave the site PLEASE i beg of you if we're all such brain dead rats. God damn.
  3. Thats the difference, a copiable style (Lana) vs a style that's being copied (Dua imo, any of her instrumentals could be an Ellie Goulding song, a Major Lazor song, even a JB song)
  4. The thing about Dua that makes me think she will not have much staying power is the fact that the music she makes is very "trendy" for rn and simple. When BTD came out there was nothing really like it at the time (orchestral sad pop) and the whole mystery and controversy behind who Lana was was gaining her a lot of attention. She was an interesting figure that made kind of peculiar music so it kept people's interest, and she changed up the sounds when Paradise and UV came around. Dua has a beautiful voice but the production and lyrics of her songs don't really feel unique or particularly eye catching, they're catchy and fun sure but I don't see her as a very versatile artist like Lana is, so I think she will have a big hit with New Rules and keep making similar music for her fanbase. Cant see her rising to Lana's level until she proves herself artistically unique
  5. It means they are taking into account the ticket sales of the NA leg in relation to how big the venues were (most of them were very very big) and maybe choosing smaller venues than the ones she was going to play originally
  6. I "come back" to Born To Die at least once a day, if I'm listening to music I will always play at least a few songs from that album. For me personally it's a classic, it's perfect, there isn't one thing I'd change about it. Something about the lyrics and instrumentation just really speaks to me in a way no other album ever has since. Every time the harp comes in in Video Games, it feels like the first time I ever heard it.
  7. loleetah

    Song vs. Song

    Once Upon A Dream vs Queen Of Disaster
  8. loleetah


    I don't like the robot thing as much as I liked the weird satanic illuminati figure they were going for around and after the time Bubblebath was released, even though that idea is so overdone and cliche and tryhard edgy you got the feeling there was something dark lurking behind Poppy's videos. Now they're just irreverent
  9. I think they beat around the bush a little too much to have the impact of some other classic political songs. Like if GBA is in support of American women she could have chosen more controversial wording to really get the point of feminism across, instead its just a fluffy song
  10. I'M SCREAMING YOURE SO RIGHT Thats like how I always thought the "wop wop wop" sound in Summer Bummer sounded like when you press the crosswalk signal button and it says "wait"
  11. loleetah

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Less far fetched than the "Honeymoon is Lizzy and Lana battling" theory
  12. loleetah

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    https://www.ascarnooneelsecansee.com Please read this 7 part essay some man wrote alleging all carly rae songs are about being in relationship Hell
  13. I personally love the shit out of all of the last three they do NOT deserve the slander
  14. As much as i enjoy the carnage it's wildly embarrassing to watch newbies try to come for seasoned members with attitude as if they didn't make a nonsense irrelevant newbie thread
  15. It's just........a line. A single lyric. Where tf did you get "a full song" from A snippet means there's like a 10 second long clip of the recorded song. Lana was doing a live performance and sang one single line out of many from the song. Nowhere near a snippet hunty. Not you trying to come for me you just logged on 2 seconds ago
  16. She sang like 1 line from Yosemite live it's not a snippet
  17. loleetah

    Dua Lipa

    How was her show? Were the visuals cools? And isn't her manager also Lana's?
  18. The odd thing about Boston (where my show will be) is that in the city there are only small venues (House Of Blues and club venues even smaller than that) or the TD Garden, where she's playing, which holds 20,000. If there was a smaller sized venue that still had more space than HOB I'm sure she could sell that out. Last I checked the entire floor had sold out as well as most of the loges, but not the balcony. I think it'll stay that way
  19. loleetah


    Interweb is a cuter song than I remember Not really into the rest of the album
  20. Of all the songs on UV that are supposedly a mess....
  21. The police are on their way, I hope it was worth it
  22. The episode last night was great! Now I can really feel the action kicking into gear. So many great reveals!
  23. 13 Beaches - 72 Cherry - 74 Heroin - 59 Get Free - 38
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