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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. I think this is right, or that Oz is Kai and Winter's brother that was put up for adoption. I also think Ivy is in cahoots with the clowns somehow
  2. Hole is one of my favorite fucking bands and we know Lana and Courtney are good friends so someone get Court and Hole's producer's on a Lana album STAT
  3. I liked the premier! I think the lack of subtlety is doing well this season whereas it ruined some of the others. I'm already seeing a clear allegory in Ally's phobias and the clowns. The writing is a bit predictable as always but we've come to expect that. Evan Peters' performance was amazing, definitely a highlight.
  4. I sympathize with Lana's anxiety about current happening considering we have an angry, mentally compromised cheetoh in the office and there isn't much we all can do about his awful decisions. I know deleting all her posts won't impeach him or anything but understand that she wants to emphasize a certain message and doesn't want other things to interfere with that, not personally how I'd handle the situation but hey. The least we can do is show her we understand the message she's trying to convey
  5. loleetah

    Song vs. Song

    White Mustang vs. Carmen
  6. Anyone else been paying attention to the budding romance between G-eazy and Halshit? Wonder how Lana must feel
  7. loleetah

    Ariana Grande

    This is hilarious but before anyone drags her she actually said "Vegas" there, we know the queen has some enunciation issues
  8. Honeymoon has been a completely forgettable record for me, I do like a few songs but even those I find myself changing after the second verse. I love that she chose a more mature sound for that record but I actually think it was too mature for me. I rarely ever listen to anything from it.
  9. loleetah

    Taylor Swift

    A tragic attempt
  10. loleetah

    Lady Gaga

    Only relevant thing DJWS played was the intro to TEA again
  11. loleetah

    Taylor Swift

    Is she......trying to rap?.....
  12. loleetah

    Lady Gaga

    I'm going to see her in Boston tonight and I'll record if they do decide to play it again, any new material too. Conflicted on what to wear bc I wanna look like a glittery little monster hoe but its already getting cold in Boston
  13. loleetah

    Taylor Swift

    What do you guys think about Taylor's plot with the concert tickets? For those that missed out, fans who buy expensive merch get a boost in line for ticket sales. You also get this for watching the music video and buying the album but not as big of a boost as buying a $60 sweatshirt. Here's a link http://fortune.com/2017/08/30/taylor-swift-concert-tickets/ Personally I think it's thinly-veiled greed and disrespectful to fans
  14. loleetah


    Imo it was a mistake from the beginning to merge the youtube and music personas bc now she's just stuck doing whatever this is I hope she goes in a new direction soon she has so much potential
  15. loleetah

    Song vs. Song

    Kill Kill vs Put Me In A Movie
  16. i just watched a few of them and I think the backing vocals are louder than her microphone, she's still singing at those parts, but she's a little drowned out by the studio vocals, which is annoying
  17. Those might be backing tracks, a lot of artists use them. They're just there to keep them on track. You'd be able to tell lip synching vs live vocals
  18. Lizzy Grant- Put Me In A Movie a problematic bop
  19. It is coming up roses
  20. loleetah

    This or That

    Hip hop Watching a movie in a theater or watching at home?
  21. Patience is a virtue, LB I'm sure Lana will deliver a beautiful video when it is done. I'd rather wait a little longer than have something half assed rushed out and be unsatisfied. I'm sure the video is being edited now and that kind of stuff is out of Lana's control for the most part
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