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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. Screaming crying gays are truly ruining concert experiences but I'd certainly be willing to deal with it to see and hear Lana in the flesh, some people may never get the opportunity But people really can be so damn annoying at concerts. When I saw M*lanie M*rtin*z with a friend some gay wearing bunny ears was yelling to security that since he and his friends camped out he deserved to be let in before everyone else that was in line, and security wasn't having it. Later during the concert a girl who looked about 13 who was with him was carried out of the pit bc she passed out
  2. loleetah

    Dua Lipa

    My younger sister loves her so I'm excited to see she's coming to my city, I was hoping I could buy her tickets as a gift. Depending on prices I might get a VIP package as well
  3. http://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/culture_and_living/2017/09/11/icelander_stars_in_lana_del_rey_s_new_video/ Here's a short little article about the video guy, he's an Icelandic actor/model
  4. The original, "Blade Runner" version of LFL, assuming the Crack King isn't on it
  5. I just love the attitude in the AKA/BTD songs, they had so much personality and took on a life of their own. I wish for that to come back. I still think Lana is at her best while storytelling
  6. Now that awhile has gone by I can agree that LFL has sort of fallen short for me personally, I rarely ever reach for it to listen to despite still listening to BTD and UV in their entireties regularly. Its by no means a bad album just has a lack of direction. I just think these songs are lacking what makes a Lana song a Lana song for me. I still regularly think about what the album would have been like if it had followed the vision of the album trailer, a whimsical yet dark album with ethereal lyrics like BPBP and some horror soundtrack inspired sounds. Could have been so cool.
  7. Could be! I was thinking it was something that stemmed from her past but I won't rule anything out yet. Kai & Winter definitely do have some sort of special interest in the family though so that could support it. I do suspect the son's father/lack of will be a plot point later in the season, mainly because Winter was prodding him with questions about it. It could be just to show how bad of a person she is, though, trying to find an insecurity in the kid to exploit
  8. My prediction for why the clown's outfits are lowkey sexual/why they are always doing sexual things while appearing to Ally is that she was molested or raped by a clown. Bookmark me. Clowns are scary enough without all the gross transgressive sexual content, it seems like a deliberate choice to have them acting that way during Ally's meltdowns. Even if it wasn't a clown that raped her, they definitely seem to signify an underlying fear of sexuality (their costumes all seem to include a sexual undertone, for example Ballgag and the 3 headed clown with phallic noses) and we already know Ally and Ivy's sex life is faltering so I think it will be revealed that Ally has PTSD and is a rape victim
  9. Wasn't Chuck supposedly filming a docu on Lana? Whatever happened to that?
  10. loleetah

    Melanie Martinez

    Melanie confirmed that the sausage thing with the Billboard interview on her twitter was just that "chocolate chip cookies" sounded like "sausage and cookies" and was transcribed that way by Billboard, so we can still assume all the info from the interview was real
  11. I heard a radio interview with Amy a few months promoting Qveen Herby and they played the snippet for Gucci which I thought was trash and I'm still not completely convinced by this rebranding thing, the Love Myself chorus is a bop but idk if Amy's flow is interesting enough to hold up these minimalistic trap beats
  12. 13 Beaches - 62 Cherry - 54 Heroin - 71 Get Free - 56
  13. Its an adorable song, I just don't think the melody is strong enough to carry the entire song
  14. I don't agree that GL is weaker than Crotchella but I don't think its amongst the strongest tracks, loved it when it came out but its gotten a bit monotonous to me
  15. John has a history of beating/emotionally abusing women, being a racist/sexist asshole and a horrible father
  16. loleetah

    Melanie Martinez

    Better be video of the fucking year to warrant that wait
  17. I think for that one its just a generalization of her friends from high school, its another one of those tracks that people suggest has been exaggerated a little so I don't think anyone ever looked into who her HS friends were. We do know she got sent away for a drinking problem though, to the boarding school
  18. Ikr I thought he was totally fine lol, I'd rather him than cokehead Bradley anyday
  19. Me: Wow the snippet looks interesting I wonder what my fellow LB members think about it! Me after reading this thread:
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