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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. Doll Harlow


    I'm not sure if this is her best album (all subjective anyway) but it's definitely my favorite. I just love it. Delete Forever, Violence, 4am, New Gods, Before the fever, and IDORU are all amazing. The only song that is kind of meh for me is You'll miss me when I'm not around, but I probably just need time for the song to grow on me.
  2. If she really has temporarily lost her singing voice, I hope this break inspires her to, you know, start using it again at future shows I miss her
  3. She said it pretty well herself in HIADT. They write that I'm happy, they know that I'm not But at best, you can see I'm not sad She doesn't look as sad as she did in 2013, like in her 2013 tour videos where she's crying or on the verge of tears, but I definitely don't think she's as happy as people want to make it seem. I'm sure she has a lot of happy moments though, like on New Years Eve her post had a very happy vibe. It seems pretty on and off for her.
  4. Doll Harlow

    Song vs. Song

    Oh Say Can You See vs. Kill Kill
  5. I know Lana lies a lot but I don't think she would lie to the extent of cancelling an entire leg of a tour... with the specific excuse of her voice being gone. Maybe there are other factors at play emotionally but I personally don't doubt that she is sick. I hope she feels better soon. The fact that her singing voice is just gone for now is a bit worrisome.
  6. Doll Harlow

    Song vs. Song

    The Greatest vs. Shades of Cool
  7. If Lana ever makes a youtube channel (I doubt it, but still) she should do a leg routine because girl has got some legs.
  8. Doll Harlow


    i haven't listened to the leak and i'm curious why people don't seem to like this album... so far i've liked all of the singles
  9. Same, her legs have always been to die for. She is nowhere close to "fat".
  10. Doll Harlow

    Azealia Banks

    She's entitled to her opinion but the way she constantly goes after Lana is way too obsessive at this point. It's not "tea", it's just hateful.
  11. How would she even know? Did she watch them fuck? I also don't think Lana even slept with him tbh.
  12. Honestly she probably just looked at the photo again and didn't like how she looked. She's deleted other photos of herself before.
  13. Doll Harlow


    The song is okay and she looks great, but she pulled a Billie with the video... so lazy. The visuals looked cool but nothing happened.
  14. toot. she looks amazing in lace. the shoes are so cute too.
  15. Anyone know where to get this bow (or a dupe)?
  16. boot. normally i like flannel on her but not that one. lana obviously, but you can also do barrie
  17. Tomorrow Never Came gets too much hate.
  18. best: 6 and 7. comfortable but also pretty cute. worst: 5, by far i-
  19. kinda wish she would just perform it in full live to console everyone
  20. Not really. Do you do drugs?
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