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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. Okay but Lana saved this song. Her part was sexy. Also, not trying to hate on Ariana but there's something kind of grating about her voice
  2. This album is starting to feel so timeless and classic the more I listen to it... It's almost hard to believe that it came out a few weeks ago.
  3. Does anyone have a rough timeline of when Lana was a vegetarian or vegan?
  4. On youtube, there's a lyric video for the song Carmen that writes "But too coconize" instead of "Bats her cartoon eyes" and that has always stuck with me, lol. Mostly because it makes zero sense.
  5. Does anyone else want a music video for HIADT? Imagine the power that would have.
  6. Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself; I am large - I contain multitudes.
  7. Why does the title have her name spelled wrong? Lana Del Ray?
  8. It's normal to want a break from a certain album if you listen to it for a week straight. That doesn't make the album any less great.
  9. I listen to this song way more often than the BTD album as a whole... oops no shade on btd but yeah
  10. I can't help but wonder if Jack Nicholson has heard this album.
  11. Honestly this entire discourse is stupid and tired. I wish Lana had just not said anything, as much as she obviously has the right to.
  12. I love her music but her videos are so... dumb
  13. Doll Harlow


    This song has won me over
  14. Much of her commentary is just the same shit we are used to hearing about Lana... next
  15. https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/1169486181626630144 https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/1169487541394796544 she's going off
  16. "I'm pure lazy" -Lana "I'm not a furry, you guys are gross" -Lana
  17. I got an email saying that my NFR shirt from her store shipped, and yet on the site it says it's not shipping until Oct 30?
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