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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Can we stop a moment here and talk about how amazing the new Blood Orange album is...?
  3. What tortures me the most is the fact that 50 people have to die altogether in a dramatic way for people all over the world to realize that hate crimes DO exist, and they happen just kilometres away from ANYBODY. And maybe in just a couple of weeks people will find a bigger headline than this to simulate shock and surprise and talk as if they were experts in the matter. But sons, fathers, daughters and mothers, workers, students, people who thrive, who endeavour everyday, who have the same, SAME right to breathe in this world are DYING because of someone else's intolerance. How many deaths go unreported, unnoticed, overlooked. It's sickening. It makes me want to lock myself up in my bedroom. There's nothing we can do besides breaking the internet with stupid hashtags and sharing stories with lame emoticons. It disgusts me to death. I'm beyond any sort of hope, thought or belief that something can get or be better. I just can't hope for anything. Society is so fucked up. People are so fucked up. Everything is so fucked up. If there was a way to "send" my warmth to these victims' relatives, and EVERY OTHER VICTIM'S RELATIVES, I'd do it right away. I'm really done and sick of all this. It hurts too much. People discussing if they were terrorists, homophobic, muslims or christians, they were fucking murderers, and no one, NO ONE should ever have the right to weild a gun. They shouldn't even fucking exist. I can't with all of this. I don't even want to speak about this because one way or another everything we say or discuss always end up being about ourselves. But I can't keep my opinion silent. I wish with my whole life for people to stop being killed. And it really hurts us who relate with the suffering and shelterlessness and helplessness of being LGBTQIA and underprivileged, always adrift, always hoping the worst not to fall upon us, thanking to be ALIVE. It's MADNESS. But when it's someone we don't relate to, some people pretend to feel a little sad, pretend to care, and it's A LIVING BEING, A PERSON who's getting MURDERED. It really hurts.
  4. She's building so much hype keeping the cassette's tracklist in secret. I think it has Woman is a Word, HDYDI (Empress Of Remix) and maybe Agua Agua She's building so much hype keeping the cassette's tracklist in secret. I think it has Woman is a Word, HDYDI (Empress Of Remix) and maybe Agua Agua
  5. Is there a masterpost or something of this chick? <3
  6. Can I please have that??? GREAT FIND
  8. Deleted User


    The video is so so SO cute, but I don't like the song or the direction it went There's something so dreamy and indescribable about all her other songs that make up her essence BTW http://www.atcmanagement.com/shura-24/
  9. I'm freaking out because APPEARENTLY SHE'S COMING TO MY COUNTRY AND I'LL BE ABLE TO FULFILL SEEING HER PERFORM LIVE. Too many emotions to handle right now
  10. Deleted User


    Awakening demo! Is there any way you can upload a megapost of what's available?
  11. Which ones?? BTW, where's your charli signature from? what video?
  12. Deleted User


    A song that was supposed to be a part of Moth, but somehow it didn't end up there. They played an early version of it as they did with ChChing and recently, they sang a polished version in BBC's Radio 1 Studio. It's really good
  13. Deleted User


    The photo they picked of her tho... :/ she's so so so so so pretty, it doesn't make her justice! The song is amazing. When you put such a talented singer like Caroline to do PC Music, it really sounds good <3 I hope they release Get Real because it's fucking amazing.
  14. Deleted User


    Can anybody hook me up with a masterpost or something?? pleeeeeeeeeeease
  15. Let me see what I can do... People should seriously check her out
  16. Why don't we have a collab yet...? They are like soul sisters...
  17. Arcadia was free as a bit torrent bundle, and Dominic EP is on iTunes! I can't believe this project's over
  18. Deleted User


    Guys, can anybody PLEASE record/rip this for me? My computer clips the audio recording, I tried everything I possibly could http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03qvts0/player
  19. do you know if the deluxe leaked as well????
  20. The album is out in sweden and it isn't on the internet
  21. Deleted User

    That was so bad
  22. Can anybody teach me how to access dmpsync?
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