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  1. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in Lana Del Rey to Be Honored as 'Trailblazer' at Billboard's Women in Music   
    *Gaga walks up to Lana*
    "Omg if it isn't little Liz wow long time no see! You look good as a brunette! How's everything going for you?"
    "Well I've been-
    *Lana's So Legit ringtone goes off*
    *Lana flies away in Elon's spaceship back to her home planet*
  2. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in Lana Del Rey short interview for Billboard's Dec 12 issue   
    new lp is called "Prokaryote", will be released in 2016 Q4.
  3. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    that doesn't make it an invitation though
  4. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Capaldi in Honeymoon Released on Cassette   
    looked at it twice and actually it's kinda cute ??? idk 
  5. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Top 5 & worst 5 released Lana songs IYO   
    Well, the title does say
    Top 5 & worst 5 released Lana songs IYO 
    So it's a puzzler

  6. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    Blue shopping bag, cold cuts divine, off-brand cologne, waiting in line. Cheap candy bars, self-checkout lines. The aisle were cramped and dirty. 
    Where have you been? Where did you go? You left for Target long ago. So did the girl you used to call the queen of Walmart Supercenter. 
  7. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Mariah Carey   
    No one writes lyrics like MC. The level of English
    Acquiescent, Compulsively, Despondency, Destitution,Enmity, Inherently, Painstakingly, Woeful... 
    The list goes on... 
    I'm always amazed at this "Heartbreaker" verse : 
    "It's a shame to be
    So euphoric and weak
    When you smile at me
    And you tell me things
    That you know persuade me
    To relinquish my love to you
    But I cannot resist
    At all"
    It all makes sense, rhymes and it's damn well constructed on a complex melody. 
    It's a shame that people believe she's a bitch when she actually plays with that diva image people have given her over the years. 
    She : 
    - writes her own lyrics
    - produces her own records
    - arranges everything when it's a cover
    - has an amazing voice with tons of different textures (agility, power, softness, she's got it all)
    - can play the piano
    I mean, to me she's the true definition of an artist.
    Edit : Rant over 
  8. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Mariah Carey   
    Mariah Carey Is Amazing !
    She doesn't get half the credit she deserves for her lyrics (I'm not talking about Touch My Body lyrics but real poetry like The Roof, or .. Well .. Pretty much everything she wrote)
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by FKAbrandon in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Loving you is hard, being here is harder
    You take the WHALE
  10. renaissance liked a post in a topic by FKAbrandon in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Loving you is hard, being here is harder
    You take the WHALE
  11. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Marfa Journal Magazine coming soon   
    LMFAO sis 
  12. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    My point in even arguing this is based on the fact that AB has been using these terms for a long time to refer to herself with absolutely no backlash from her white gay fanbase UNTIL she uses it towards them.
    So now are you saying it's okay to use a slur as long as it's not recorded on social media and stays in your friend circle or...? Would you justify that for using any other slur?
    So many gay people call each other "bitch" or "faggot" regularly, I'm not saying they're right but Azealia has been immersed in gay culture for years (as well as being a queer woman herself). I am not defending her whatsoever but to say that her haters are innocent and she's just randomly attacking is a complete lie. I've seen it with my own eyes. They tweet her 50 times, wait for her to respond, delete their original tweets and finally post screen shots on every form of social media they have to say, "Omg you see this monster, I'm just innocent and she just attacked like some kind of animal #lovewins #killazealia #HerAlbumFloppedLOL".
    It's just downright disgusting what these kids are doing for attention and likes, they were the same ones bumping to her album and calling her the queen of rap music and were shitting their pants when Gaga wanted to collaborate. They are turning on her because she didn't blow up and they want to find a reason to make her look problematic lol. Whatever it takes to grab a headline will be the thing we hate for a day -
    Ex- Lana glamorizes prostitution and drug use vs Lana tells the story of a troubled girl.
  13. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    Perez vs Azealia, July 2013. Or do you not know what Google is?
    Did I ever say I agreed with her statements or wording 100%? Nope.
    Should racists be punished for their continued oppression of minorities? Yes.
    I never said anyone suppressed her opinions? I said nobody gave a shit while she used those slurs towards herself but now they have some kind of stick up their ass when she calls someone a faggot. You're way too wrapped up in surface level arguments based on denotation vs connotation. Azealia has previously articulated that black women specifically are told to not speak up about inequality that they face from the media and the world in general. Gay men literally call each other faggots, or bitch, or literally anything else. Apparently because she's either bisexual or a woman she's not allowed to say it?
    Calling out racists calling her "dirty :)" isn't fucking racist. Calling out gays calling her a "dyke bitch" isn't fucking homophobic. She literally said fuck judgemental white gay men who feel entitled to use terms and shit created by Latinx and Black LGBT people until it's run into the ground (like drag, slang, fashion, etc.) which is clearly a huge point in her music. If you and other gays were so damn offended by Azealia Amanda Banks you'd block her and stop talking shit because that would never happen to her (or anyone's face). They rode her wave until she said something they didn't like. They loved her until she said faggot (which they clearly got over in 2013) but y'all wanna act brand new when she retaliates against someone on Twitter. I expect them to be back within 3 months or whenever she starts promoting Fantasea II or Business and Pleasure.
    People in those groups have reclaimed those slurs, so they are allowed to use them. That's what I mean.
  14. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    I'm not here to educate you. If you can't read my previous posts then you don't need to reply to me.
  15. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    Black people can use the n word. Gay people use the f word.
    T girls and T guys use the slurs against them.
    Women use the b word.
    It's called reclaiming the slurs used against you.
    So would that not make the people HYPOCRITES?You clearly can't read. Bye.
  16. Mafiosa liked a post in a topic by FKAbrandon in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    Some of you are missing the point entirely.  Stop dismissing real world issues, just because it doesn't affect you doesn't give you the right to dismiss it.  
  17. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    The real problem with cultural appropriation isn't that some white girl uses a bindi or twerks. Those are actually separate issues about how some traditionally "ethnic" things are considered okay if done by white people but trashy or gross if done by the people who created it. This doesn't really have a name, and it is something that should be discussed, but people call it cultural appropriation and it's not the best use of the term.
    The issue with cultural appropriation is taking something from its cultural context, especially without permission. That's why war bonnets are a touchy symbol. They're the equivalent of earning a medal in a war. By wearing it to look "cute" or because you "feel free", you degrade it from an actual symbol of heroic bravery into a hipster trash accessory on par with flower crowns. The symbol stops meaning anything significant, and that's part of the culture that eroded away.
    Intention doesn't really mean anything when it comes to this. All that matters is that you're using something that has special meaning, especially something sacred, and using it outside that intended context, and that by itself causes the object to become associated with the mundane as opposed to the sacred. Even if that wasn't your intention, that is the end result, and it's still harmful to the cultures in question.
    It's a shame the discussion about cultural appropriation has degenerated into BS like "can white people use things from non-white cultures?" because that just encourages cultural segregation while missing the core of what makes appropriation harmful. Sharing is great. But sharing requires someone to offer you something. Sacred symbols are never offered to other cultures (precisely because they are sacred). There are plenty of Native American decorative items one can choose to use that are sold by Natives and have no special value. Use those. There's no need to go for the one that has an important meaning.
    I normally try to stay away from political discussions here, but I can't stand to see discussion about appropriation be turned to "twerking! bindis!" because all that does is make people reject the concept wholesale. It is an issue. But not for the reasons most people think. Lana did appropriate the culture by using a war bonnet outside of its intended context. She probably had no intention of doing so. But actions have consequences beyond their intentions (also the 60s and 70s were full of cultural appropriation of sacred things by hippies, so don't be surprised).
  18. intensely liked a post in a topic by FKAbrandon in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    Some of you are missing the point entirely.  Stop dismissing real world issues, just because it doesn't affect you doesn't give you the right to dismiss it.  
  19. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Videos ideas for this new era   
    For Art Deco, (This takes place during the 30's) Lana goes to a Hotel with a SO, dressed in a glamorous red dress, with a diamond necklace and lipstick and nails to match her dress. Her and the SO visit the ART DECO Hotel, right when the chorus hits it pans up to the ceiling of the hotel as a bright light shines through all the windows, and suddenly we're in the 50's. The hotel has a 50's look to it and Lana and her SO have changed into a fitting style. They run into their room and the SO pours cognac for both of them as Lana heads out onto the balcony, she stands by the railing and admires 1950's New York. She turns around as her SO heads out with the glasses and they sit down (just on the floor, a very relaxed feel) They laugh and they get up and dance and hug, and the SO starts to spin with Lana as the 2nd chorus hits and again it fades into white and it settles down as they are transported to the 70's. Lana has the kind of hair and outfit she has in the Freak part of the album sampler (as they dance around) and they head inside and settle down on the bed. They first start by messing the bed up (the innocent way    ) They throw pillows, they cover themselves in the blankets, they jump on the bed. Once the song slows down from the chorus, they fall onto the bed and Lana lays on her SO and they lay there, they fall asleep and wake up in the 90's. They get up and end their thrill and check out of the hotel. Lana gets in a taxi and leaves, leaving her SO behind at the hotel. She let's out a tear as she drives away and it's pretty much known by how they ended their adventure that the SO was a complete stranger, and just an amusement to Lana, but as they spent time together, she fell in love. 
    Outfit Ideas:
    Hair Ideas:
  20. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Videos ideas for this new era   
    I knew someone would point that out
    I had an alternate ending ready just in case. Lana goes out on the balcony and starts screaming for help, pretending someone killed her husband. She plays the victim and attends the funeral in a huge black gown and black sunglasses. (In order for this to work Lana should be able to act but oh well )  
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