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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. as much as I love the snippet, it's honestly hard to remember that it existed sometimes. like oh yeah huh. it's supposed to be only part of an actual song
  2. think of Kate Moss' legend. or the prolifics. the style that goes about it. and that kind of star what are some moments that just exude that feel? that mastery? that stage presence? She gives so much life. the dancers. the rain. the makeup on her hands the fashion Discuss. I wanted to put this in the music section, but honestly, it can be any kind of moment that just really owns it. the fashion. focus on the mastery.
  3. well that was a whole lot. but um. I can see how it can be funny yeah thank god lana thanked her for segueing country music into the pop mainstream
  4. see i don't really care enough to google it i'm assuming she's just sending people flowers as a threat or something?
  5. Man her album had me empathizing hard, and then you get over it. And then she does this special session and oof. You remember how beautiful it is
  6. I feel like it’s been an entirely different timeline when it comes back to this song
  7. She really did a yassifying service for the world on that day
  8. the world honestly needs to implement a how to be an actual (decent) human being 101, bc clearly a lot of people are lacking in this fundamental thing.
  9. She performed w the rolling stones i believe, gimme shelter
  10. she's a giver that one. a GIVER she just keeps on giving she loves to give
  11. when she gets it right vocally, she gets it right. and one of her tell's is that u can just hear the authenticity in the emotions when she's singing. there just seems to be this huge difference from teenage dream, and even in glimmers of it from prism, and even if smile's just too on the nose of a visual, I can still hear the sincerity and punch and zing of emotion. you can hear it, you can feel it. obviously people change. but I kinda wish that Katy visited her past work/ self and wrote more to that. seeing as to how she's lived out her life based off of other's expectations, it'd fit perfectly and would do her some kind of self that she might've been looking for in herself. Teary eyes? daisies being a subtle powerhouse of a song w such a great message? hell, even only love on smile. feels like the closest we got to that on 143's truth and all the love. i'm his, he's mine's decently balanced. but then the rest of the album's kinda just seems like it's AI music. which, i'm sure there's some kind of theme around it. but if she wanted to go that route, maybe have it sound less dated, or even pitch her vocals to make it sound more lively. cus you can have the "don't really care effortless cool" kinda vibe, but it just sounds dated. Gorgeous had potential, but I wish they used more interesting production that amplified and played more w her vocals. or at least a key change in there somewhere. i want to say that maybe a remix album might be able to bring out this album's potential, but then she has to face the whole dr luke thing if anyone was willing to build from that/ the original songs.
  12. bruno's sighing note in iwbnty's just so beautiful
  13. you're not seeming to understand. to what end? from the likes and expressing going around, and the patterns that it makes. to what end? good.
  14. The main issue’s to what end. What end? Clearly opinions will be expressed bc it’s human nature. But. It’s never going to be about you or any of the fans to the extent that some might be so perpetually vocal about. And it’ll happen bc it does, but to the point of it happening, brimmingly and over where fans begin making asses of their own selves bc of it? There’s an imbalance there. that cycle of regurgitating each thought, the underscoring entitlement, disappointing yourself, and then blame. You’re not tired of it? Being stuck in that? time and time again. Yes it’s a fansite, but at the same time. Majority overestimates their own opinions of things, and forget that it’s really not about them. Truly sad to say. I’ve thought about these things first before having to express myself. Should I blame myself for thinking first and then expressing what I’d like? What does the speed and rate of my thoughts matter to you? That argument’s invalid, no need to try for that slight.
  15. I don't know what's going on in her headspace. but really that's the thing. she lied about september. and sure it happens almost everytime, but the silence around it's just. objectively, the words don't match w the actions or lack thereof. do w that what you will. I don't think it helps to really hyperfocus on her life and begin nitpicking her decisions and all that from what I guess is the album's delay mostly and respectfully as well the kind of man she married (which, it's just half not our business, but sure, it's concerning). I don't think my opinion holds any true weight to things bc obvs. but maybe we can just leave her tf alone for now? I think this kind of dependence on having to nitpick all these things and wanting to express all these grievances and point them at her's just not. like why? clearly she doesn't give a fuck. or that much enough to feel the need to elaborate, which goes both ways really. and i'm not going to ask for answers. she'll probably write a song or some about/ surrounding it. I'm really happy, and sincerely happy for her. congratulations, no matter how you look at it, a coming together, a union between 2 people with love's a beautiful thing. let's just calm down. let her live her life. stop saying all these things, or projecting how things'll go. it's too much. it's not necessary anymore to the point of pointless echoing. clearly, all we can do's just be open to the music, so let's not get involved w things that we shouldn't be involved in. some of you's've just been expressing all these things and it's enough. take your frustrations and put them into productive actions instead of complaining about how she's not doing anything, or not keeping in line of your expectations. that's not her job, however or not you're disappointed. feel, think however you want, and you might force yourself to create some boundaries about this. but also, just remember to chill. respectfully speaking, it shouldn't have to be this deep regarding the need to have someone act in your ideals. yes she's a celebrity. express your need. but do it, and then move on. her decisions aren't yours. don't expect it to be. right purpose, wrong avenue. that's it. we need to move on from this. and let's be honest, do you really wanna just keep complaining? figure out other ways for yourself. give her some peace and quiet in contrast to everyone else. one day, she'll actually be genuinely tired of all this. do you really want to contribute more towards that?
  16. They should rendezvous on an airboat and let the gators guard the other boats so no one can follow them
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