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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. The daylight and just the feeling that I *should* get up and do something, honestly, lol. Do you think we will meet one day? Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  2. Persian food! Are you lost in life too, like me?
  3. Just here to share the original “I’m coming”, it sounds a lot better than Lo’s in my opinion.
  4. I’m bored and stealing this from another forum. It’s easy to play this game: ask a question and give an answer to the post above as if you’re the person (or thing) in your avatar/profile picture. I’m currently myself so my answers might be boring though lol. What’s a hobby of yours?
  5. Yeah, I think she might work on the ideas but I didn’t mean that it’s certain that we’ll get to hear anything. nothing is certain when it comes to Lana lol
  6. Maybe so... but then, why would she share a screenshot of them if she didn’t like them? I’m fairly sure she’ll work more on them.
  7. I knew she’d write something about this virus situation!
  8. Ermahgerd she really does look like straight out of 2012, I’d barely tell the difference if someone showed me this picture in like five years!
  9. Ok, so I just watched the video Amadeus posted above from March 3rd and below are my thoughts lol. Why did I hear Armenia's singer sing "I'mma put jeans on you!" when I read the song title (chains on you) just seconds before? If Germany does well, I can imagine it being played on radio stations here and me getting tired of it after the third play on the same day. I have no idea how Iceland will do, it will either do terribly or get lots of votes because they're kind of funny. There's no in between lol. I did not expect Latvia to send substep lmao! Sounds too noisy to me... And Serbia!! You do NOT pronounce the H in "hasta"! It'll be interesting to see if Spain's singer will hit that high falsetto note live on stage. A firework on Ukraine's guitar! And like 'deus said, Bulgaria is really sending Billie Eilish lol.
  10. So this is Prince Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd from Fire Emblem: Three Houses who’s been through more than should be allowed and eventually went insane and really terrifying. Despite that, I can’t help but really love him, I just feel sorry for him. He’s had a shitty life to put it mildly. I haven’t finished the game yet though so I hope he’ll get a happy ending! If you know me, you know that I love Hamlet as well and I guess I was inspired by the “Alas, poor Yorrick!” scene but I felt that looking at a skull with a frown wouldn’t suit Dimitri... he’s just that terrifying. I kind of regretted drawing the lines as background but it was too late to stop when I had drawn the first lines. It looks too harsh, but I felt that a completely white background would seem too... empty.
  11. Maybe try this thread next time: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10398-random-lana-discussion/page-1
  12. Kind of commissioned by a fellow ZU staff last night when they joked around in the staff chat. So, uh, happy MAR10 day I guess. :B
  13. I’ve only listened through the first five songs, I’m on the sixth now, and they don’t interest me at all. I can hear some lo-fi influences though and I appreciate that.
  14. I was so focused on the shouting that I forgot to look for her. o____o
  15. This is the first time I want more pictures from a church visit just so I can admire her hair some more.
  16. Reading this thread made me forget about my depressing life for a moment, thank you all. <3
  17. I don’t know guys, I don’t think we can say she’s lying because she can talk fine in the video. She’s supposed to rest her voice which means not straining it; so no singing or ted talks for like 60 minutes straight. I think it’s fine if she speaks for a few seconds or minutes in a normal tone, that should be alright? I’m glad she’s not like having a sore throat like how you can get when you’re having the flu when everything hurts to eat and you sound horrible when speaking. No one said her voice was super bad or not. The information to the ticket buyers simply said she had to rest her voice, which I still believe she’s doing. What I do think is shitty since day one is that they didn’t announce the canceled shows earlier (especially if they canceled their hotel rooms - they had known for a while then that this tour leg wouldn’t happen) and that it took Lana days to film a video, saying she’ll find a way to make it up to the ticket buyers (when we know she won’t) and then go on mentioning future shows. Like, ok. But wouldn’t it have been better to say that you’re really sorry for the canceled shows and that you’re working on booking new dates? Future shows are fun for us who aren’t attending and are curious of what she’ll wear (and perhaps the setlist I dunno) but won’t do much to the ones who didn’t get the show they had planned months for.
  18. The sad thing is that we know she won’t make it up unless she reschedules the shows, which is something she’s never bothered to do before so I doubt she’ll consider doing it this time too.
  19. When fans say they don’t feel excited to see her shows or consider not going because they know it’ll be a lackluster, something has to change. I know we’re like one 1% of Lana’s fan base or something, but we’re some of the most dedicated stans, and if Lana and/or her management really lurk on this forum, I hope they see how fans feel about this and actually do something. Something is just wrong, it shouldn’t be like this. We began complaining about the pre-recorded back vocals in 2017 and if this continues, with Lana casually strolling around on stage with a half-eaten peach in her hand and only puts on a real show in LA, I’d start to worry about the upcoming shows/years if I were her managers. This attitude her band members seem to have, that nothing needs to be changed because people will still come to the shows, that’s dangerous. They can only play so many shows before people who has seen them once or twice starts considering spending their money on other artists or things. There’ll always be fans out there who hasn’t seen her yet and will do anything to go if they get the chance and there will be stans who will go to every show, but some of us won’t go unless something changes. I don’t know... I just don’t think this is good at all. And like all of you have already said, she really should’ve tweeted or made a post on IG that she’s sorry for canceling the shows on such a short notice. We’d still be mad about it, but at least it would’ve looked like she really cares.
  20. Maybe she just wants to release albums and call it a day, but touring brings in a lot of money and albums don’t sell as well in this era of streaming. She probably has to tour. Or maybe she does like touring but just comes off as lazy and uninterested most of time, who knows lol.
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