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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I came in here, ready to type something like “Yosemite ” but read the stuff above and educated myself, I’ve never heard of rich whores before.
  2. I dunno man, as long as I don’t see her drinking, I can’t be mad at her for going. But aren’t there like alcohol free beers these days, or is it just ciders and stuff? Sorry, I don’t drink myself so I don’t really know lol.
  3. Maybe she just went for the atmosphere and tried some snacks with him? If not, I... don’t know what to think of her anymore.
  4. I’d say video games, about a year ago. I was feeling really bad, I moved back home after failing classes at uni and I told myself I would start studying again because I really wanted to pass those classes and get my bachelors, but I just couldn’t. I felt horribly bad all the time, I eventually started crying by just picking up a paper with notes on, and video games became my escape. I played my favorite series of all time and I could tell I was getting obsessed again and I partly told myself it was ok to take a break after studying nonstop for four years, partly I shouldn’t be enjoying myself when I’ve failed school. I still think to myself I’m not allowed to have fun because of things. Why have fun when you could do other, more important things? But yeah, anyway, playing video games made me momentarily forget about things and helped me get better. Do you like to go on walks without having a goal?
  5. Hm, maybe Hozier? But I’m still listening to Lana more. Do you picture yourself having a bright future?
  6. The fireworks would be so freaking unreal to see, I’m jealous. But yeah, Venice is great live, I felt like I was the only one bobbing my head along to it and air drumming with my hands at the front row when all the others kept staring at Lana skipping around taking selfies and signing things.
  7. (My third comment, I know, but) I just want to say I’m so glad and it’s so nice to see Video Games being so appreciated.
  8. Queen of using the word “fucking” twice in such a short acceptance speech.
  9. The tour life isn’t for everyone - sure, you get to stay at nice hotels but hotel rooms never feel like home, and you work at late evenings/nights and often have to get up early the next morning to continue with the tour. I’m pretty sure I would get tired of it after a while. (Lemme just add that I’m so amazed at Hozier for touring for more than a year almost nonstop, I don’t know how he does it) Second, artists and bands biggest income is often tours, which might be why Lana keep on going on tours. Maybe she’s not liking it, maybe she does, maybe she likes certain shows more. And like Byron said, if the shows keep getting sold out, why bother changing the set list? They’re making it easy for them. Sorry, I feel like I went off topic here so I’ll stop for now.
  10. Nnksjdaksmnd lmao I thought you'd say something more than just this :toofunny: :toofunny:
  11. Shorten the show to 75 minutes and scrap the unreleased and it might come true. =P
  12. Looks like an amazing arena to play at, I hope it turns out to be true. (I probably won’t go though if the set list won’t change much and... I also need cash to go.)
  13. Really? It works for me... Banned for having 1232 posts
  14. Almost 14 months ago. I wanna cut it shorter again... When was the last time you listened to the radio?
  15. Banned for not having a profile picture
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