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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. The queen is back! I’ll add my ratings later.
  2. The Pikmin series are great video games, please use pictures of them properly and not as memes for stupidity.
  3. Right?? I did NOT expect it to make me cry on the first listen but omg, I think it’s one of the tracks I love a little bit more than the others??
  4. I think it’s about Barrie.“I heard the war was over if you really choose... the one in and around you [...] You hate the heat, you got the blues” She’s mentioning his depression. “You don’t ever have to act cooler than you think you should” To me, it sounds like the depression made him self-conscious and uncertain of himself. She thinks he’s enough and perfect as he is already. “I wanted to call you up, but I didn’t say a thing” Pure speculation, but I wonder if Lana is regretting the way things ended between them (because I personally think it’s really shitty to have a paparazzi tell you your relationship is over)
  5. Beautiful Loser


    Ok, I hear Vogues now.
  6. I can’t imagine the amount of energy those kids have... to make an account just to spam meaningless “reviews” and press on the zero button, like... just stay pressed?? They just spam ridiculous twitter stan lingo lmao!
  7. Beautiful Loser


    Is Barrie the type to read Vogue though? I’m gonna go with folks until proven otherwise lol. Our mumble queen didn’t disappoint us!! Also, I’m so broke after getting the record multiple times, there’s no chance I can afford any merch. The album cover t-shirt on her webshop is nice, the headscarf is cute, I’d definitely like to own a beach towel and some more stuff. And a concert ticket.
  8. My brother said he’d listen to NFR! since it got such a high score on metacritic! I’ve caught him playing Million Dollar Man before so I hope he’ll like the album too!
  9. Do you think Lizzy knew she’d be up there one day? I can only imagine what Lana’s thinking now if she’s seen it...! <3
  10. @@Elle I loved reading your thoughts... It must suck that music can bring back bad memories for you (but also good I hope? )... 2017 was my worst year but luckily, LFL doesn’t bring me back to those moments. What I remember the best was the radio premiere of Summer Bummer and Groupie Love (I was cooking pasta while listening and chatting here on LB lol) and playing Heroin during winter when it was all dark outside and the moon was up. You’re gonna get through this, I’m sure of it. Maybe there will always be a scar but I’m sure that brighter days will come back to you. <3
  11. That’s kind of what I thought when I said yesterday(?) that it looked fake to me. (But then I got scolded because it couldn’t be fake since that website is like the Dutch version of amazon or something)
  12. I can only think of “while you’re t-t-t-touching me” in every man gets his wish.
  13. They’re patches! https://www.instagram.com/p/B0oaMYAnT19/?igshid=ehypfoglrol7
  14. At least you didn’t have to pay for ridiculous shipping and taxes!
  15. I wish dad was still here, I’m sure he would’ve love Lana’s voice in the title track.
  16. I just got the best ad ever on Instagram from Universal Music Sweden. https://twitter.com/clampigirl/status/1167776786354180097?s=21
  17. @@Elle I feel like you’ve been very quiet, what are your thoughts about the album? I’d love to know.
  18. It’s the second day (feels like the third since I stayed up until 3 AM playing the album) and each time I play California, I feel like crying. I don’t know why, but shit. It’s something special about it, I swear, every. single. time. Maybe it’s my favorite because it makes me feel things but ugh, I honestly can’t pick a favorite on this record.
  19. I’m sorry but the ending of Cinnamon is just magnificent, am I the only one who picture a short film to it?? It sounds so cinematic and dramatic, I really, really wish they could make a video for it with a small story, something like Ride, National Anthem or Tropico. Because that shit is... wow. Magical.
  20. I’m curious to know how many copies have been sold the first week.
  21. So is the score basically set now or might it still change?
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