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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I mean... if you can’t for certain believe that the earth indeed is round, why can’t I doubt astrology?
  2. I really can’t understand how astrology can make sense.
  3. If Ben isn’t going to end us, I’m sure the mods will for going so off topic that we talk about food lol.
  4. I made matcha black sesame cinnamon rolls once, that was fun.
  5. Japanese green tea, usually in a powdered form which you whisk around in water.
  6. It's a bit tricky in a way because so many of Lana's songs are about love and I've always been single so I have no idea what I would be like in a relationship, I naturally have no experience of being one half of a couple and I've never had my heart broken but: Your Girl - apart from the "getting high", "had too much to drink" etc parts, I can relate to wanting someone BBM Baby - for all my group chat buddies that keep me awake long in the nights just because they're all so funny and supportive Aviation - I might not have my degree yet but I'm wondering if I'm really doing what's right for me and I'm not currently making any money either. A very VERY tiny part of me even wondered if I should become a pilot simply because my grandpa used to be an aerocraft engineer but like, no hunny, that's not what I want to do at all, don't fool yourself. I'd like to mention Gramma as well, but AKA has been released once so I guess I can't add it to my list.
  7. Elvis is my daddy, Marylin's my mother, Jesus is my bestest friend VS If you want it super size, I can do that for ya
  8. I’ve stopped getting excited for her Instagram posts for at least a month now - I see a notification but rarely bother to check it out immediately because I “know” it won’t be about the album. Anyone else?
  9. That’s alright, sweetie, I’ll leave some leftovers in the fridge for you!
  10. Jesús if she’s making a Cuban-Floridian inspired album.
  11. Speaking of Reddit, thank you to the person who gave me credit for my NFR era timeline!
  12. I can’t tell with you guys sometimes, you seem so serious.
  13. Ben’s name would’ve been switched with Ed’s if he was the one fighting with fans on Instagram. I hope you’re not serious.
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