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Everything posted by Heaux

  1. Wow, that cunt has gotten sexy as fuck
  2. Heaux

    Boarding School

    unless your listening to it on good quality headphones then your vote doesnt really count tbh
  3. well i guess you click the edit thread button, but im not sure if there is one you could always get a mod to change it if you cant
  4. Ooh i love your AKA one, the pictures on the inside work really well. I started making one awhile ago but i wasted all my printer ink and the quality was a bit shit, but youve ~inspired me to try again Maybe you should change the title of this thread to Your Self Made Lana Cds cause i thought this was gonna be another thread for making up fake albums from unreleased songs
  5. you should ask Jaime on twitter, shes responded to questions about it before
  6. Heaux


    I love Retard Girl but I havent heard much more of their music. Courtney's a mess but she hilarious. My sister stans for them so maybe ill borrow a copy of one of their albums and have a listen
  7. Heaux


    i think its "singin' up from Bel Air Road"
  8. Heaux


    i thought it was "head to my ass"
  9. someone tweeted Kassidy recently and they said non of them have personal accounts..
  10. Heaux

    Lily Allen

    Ive gotten really obsessed with her recently, My favorite songs are probably Fag Hag and Kabul Shit. I love all the political commentary on INMIY.
  11. Heaux


    im really pissed at myself, cause i dont like most of the songs on her albums but im completely addicted to all her singles and i really want to like her music ..lul edit: lol i stan so hard now
  12. Heaux

    Charli XCX

    i saw your posts ya im doin that aswell my username on there is Whore
  13. Heaux

    Charli XCX

    maybe we should stop hoping for other people to post on it and just..ya know..post
  14. Heaux

    Charli XCX

    ya i kinda feel the same way, thats why i dont even post in this thread that much, cause i dont really have that much to say about her
  15. Heaux

    Charli XCX

    TOPIC: what do you think of that new Charli forum?
  16. no Do you own an records? ( at "do you own a dildo" being the most popular question )
  17. OTTR demo Smartie Gas Station fuck i really want all the new AKA versions
  18. hey guys, im a new Sky fan i guess, could someone send me As If!, cause i cant find it anywhere, . Does she have much leaked unreleased?
  19. Fuck.... This and her tweet about TROPICO being her farewell project makes it look like she quitting music.......
  20. Heaux

    Charli XCX

    hey guys so jack and jake mentioned on tc last night that charli was a satanist a few years ago, could you guys tell me more about that?
  21. ok, this might be a bit morbid, but its interesting.. Say one Lana song and one other song. mine is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J0utfYWJvg
  22. theres a shorter version aswell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akhmS1D2Ce4
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