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Everything posted by Heaux

  1. Heaux

    Charli XCX

    hey guys so jack and jake mentioned on tc last night that charli was a satanist a few years ago, could you guys tell me more about that?
  2. ok, this might be a bit morbid, but its interesting.. Say one Lana song and one other song. mine is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J0utfYWJvg
  3. theres a shorter version aswell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akhmS1D2Ce4
  4. Katy Perrys look and sound peaked during the One Of The Boys era. Waking Up In Vegas is the last good thing shes done tbh
  5. Heaux

    shes so good thanks for posting this
  6. im pretty sure she mentioned in an old interview, while she was bleach blonde that she dyed her hair brown in high school, in these photos (even though there in black and white ) it looks like she has brown hair
  7. Cum when You Call Me America
  8. thanks, its nice to know there friends i kinda solved the mystery about the deleted tweets, i went to the end of Marinas timeline and all her tweets before May 2012 are gone, i guess she reached her capacity or something
  9. ive never heard of this awards show before, do celebrities even go to it?
  10. lona: wut tah fuk Noami u cunt spell my sing 'Dogs und Munsters' ?, did u even listun to Perudise, bich? noami: am sozzy lona, am retarded
  11. guys its just a premiere , so id say its only going to be shown for one night and then i guess it will be uploaded to youtube
  12. its automatically set to Dont Show Replies, so you have to click All, So i saw the tweets again and Marina never actually tweeted Lana, "https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/statuses/109048901218213888" "https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/statuses/95963084774051840" i guess they were dm'ing eachother or they met in real life idk
  13. Reeve Carney is playing Jeff Buckley in a biopic that is to be released soon, i wonder was he also a friend of Jeffs.. i cant remember now. its very far back on her timeline
  14. just something interesting i noticed while browsing lanas tweets: In her tweet conversations with Marina, Marina deleted all her replys to lana, Edit: i found out lana was just tweeting Marina, M never responded
  15. the Guardian isn't a tabloid...
  16. i confess to doing that too.. i also looked up 1 Greenwich Avenue
  17. hey i just made a few corrections
  18. Heaux


    Bring me to Life is so powerful
  19. Heaux

    So Legit

    reading the lyrics now, it sounds like shes just sad that her friend Stefani changed into a crazy bitch and forgot about her
  20. in Black Beauty she sings "I paint the house black, My wedding dress black leather too" Could this be the wedding dress from her engagement to Jimmy Gnecco?
  21. thank you Ya its probably for the best That first challenge was really fun and im looking forward to when we start up again
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