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Everything posted by IanadeIrey
I would love for this to be COTCC related, and I agree with the demographic and performances 100%, but I feel like since Violet is coming out the next day and she’s talking about that still, and she hasn’t even released a single or mentioned the album all too much, it seems more likely, but I would love to be proven wrong! <3 regardless, I’m excited because new Lana content and interviews is always a win!
I mean, they’re pretty much treating VBBOTG like a regular album - it was submitted to the Grammys, it got the vinyl/CD/cassette treatment, and technically, Jack did produce music for it, so it kind of qualifies as a performative spoken-word musical art piece. And they’re probably doing promotion to coincide with the physical book release so people will be reminded of the audiobook that’s already been out for a minute, to boost sales. It’s good business and I personally am excited! She’ll probably be interviewed about it too, which is so amazing because the poetry is Lana at her most intimate and raw IMO!
I think it will be Violet with a mini interview tbh. The audiobook is 33 min long, so she’ll probably read that live and then they’ll probably cut it up with Interview segments between every few poems so that’ll fill 45 min. Kinda like the HM BBC session that aired when HM came out. It just doesn’t make sense for her to premiere 45 min worth of new songs with no single or formal announcement. But I’d love to be proven wrong! Here’s to hoping LMLYLAW and TJF will be sung! <3
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Let’s all be respectful and understand that everybody is entitled to their boundaries and is entitled to speak on their own behalf of things like phobias, trauma, and other empirical beliefs! And let’s also understand that people have differing tastes that have nothing to do with the aforementioned things, all of which are valid if expressed respectfully and aren’t direct attacks on anyone! <3 all love here!
I think the pearled gloves and heels combo is over the top on purpose - it’s a performance art that just further supports the commentary of the album title. It’s meant to make us feel things - pleased, confused, shocked, disgusted, etc. I love them for their campiness and overdone glamour tbh and it seems to be working so well based on the divided reaction (even if it triggers tripophobia which sucks )!
The combined serves from all her stories from the last 24 hours God is real and her name is Lana Del Rey.
Moments like these make me wonder if there even is a God to look for in the clouds of the dawn...
I think it did end up being NFR, in that it just evolved into that, but the verses they didn't end up using in what became the final version of NFR she said she would like to do something with!
Omg she looks gorgeous! I’m getting early 60s Marilyn feels tbh! Gorgeous!
BTD is undoubtedly so influential, but the thing is, I will listen to music influenced by it, but it never does the record justice. That’s just a testament to the uniqueness of LDR’s craft. I believe NFR is so amazing though and truly is a record that’s deserving of this title - all her records are!
What’s so crazy is that this snippet was only the second snippet we got from this song, and the first one we got was in October 2018, a whole 2 years ago. I was hoping this would be on their record that comes out tomorrow, since it seems like it would fit so well, but it’s not! hopefully one day it’s released
Here I am! Circus ringleader <3 leading all you self-proclaimed clowns through the dance <3 My dress is fire.
The Apple Event appearance from October 2018. It’s so amazing that she did that and that we have 2 HQ acoustic versions of 2 beautiful songs from NFR! Not to mention, her look was so effortlessly cool that day! That whole week just an amazing time; October 30, Halloween, November 1, 2, 3, and 4 - we got a performance, beautiful selfies, those pictures of her posing with her typewriter and Ben in front of the private jet and 3 red carpet looks. I miss the early NFR era, that was so much fun! <3
Diet Mountain Dew vs. Hawaiian Tropic
God Knows I Tried vs. California
10/10 Nicki is always gorgeous and you always do right by her and you do her so much justice as LanaBoards’s resident barb!
10/10 legendary Neil shoot for a legendary user whose username is a legendary poem. Just downright legendary ?
Mariners Apartment Complex vs. Shades of Cool
Get Free vs. Mariners Apartment Complex
The Greatest vs. Hope is a Dangerous Thing For a Woman Like Me to Have - But I Have it