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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. I think it is much bigger, since the first crop he shared shows an extended part of the lower flower that’s been cropped in the second crop he shared today! Hoping for a slow reveal of a new album-related photo
  2. Darkness Now Comes would be such an ominous, ~witchy~ title
  3. Ok so these are indeed the same image, the newest one being a wider zoom-out. The flowers seem to be against a fence, taken outside (in a backyard, perhaps) at night. I’m wondering if he’s going to slowly zoom out to reveal a nighttime shot of Lana in a fenced garden
  4. Aw lol yes, “Liz I’m Calling from Calihoma” was from a Blue Banisters cover art + tracklist concept I made in July 2021. I love how everyone remembers it and it’s become both an elusive faux-unreleased track and a running joke here Not gonna lie - I’m still proud of that title and think it’s perfectly emblematic of her journey from the west coast to the Midwest
  5. Seconding this. During times of being removed from what’s going on, I can always count on the legend @Venice Peach to provide a clear and reliable account. We see you and appreciate you!
  6. Just caught wind of the news that FJM will be on the album! That’s so amazing - a proper duet between them has been a long time coming. Given this news, I really would love for this album to be gauzy and jazzy, taking sonic direction from Buddy’s Rendezvous and having a bit of an Amy Winehouse and/or David Lynch influence
  7. Aw I hope the move went well and that you’re settling nicely into the new place!!
  8. Omg you have to watch it in time for Halloween!!
  9. Rewatched Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and the entire series, as I do every October. Every time, it just blows me away as though it’s the first time I’m seeing it.
  10. Ok but you’re serving so hard here congratulations on the like queen <3
  11. Thinking about how artists release albums with short, snappy songs that contain lines specifically to appeal to Tik Tok trends and how Lana contrastingly doubles down on her automatic processes of long-form writing to create wordy albums that are ultra niche and specific to her life….always standing out in the best way possible. Love her and so excited for more of this
  12. LOL what can I say? I am obsessed with this woman
  13. It looks exactly like it’s from the second to third week of October 2018, the same week she teased Cinnamon Girl
  14. Happy 1 year to Blue Banisters 💙 This record means so much to me. Its healing themes of looking inward through family origins and embracing community in spite of that are very inspirational to me. I love the familiarity of the older tracks and very much value the poetry of the newer ones—this record is an incredibly rewarding listen that I will cherish in the years to come. 🍂
  15. Mark Ronson would fit so nicely into her current sonic landscape. Hoping their little exchanges during Gucci season in Italy this past May turned into something more (and that one day, his demo of Terrence Loves You sees the light)
  16. Same! Cardigan is the one I like too and I totally thought this collab would be in that vein since Cardigan sounds like it’s trying to emulate Lana. Oh well - at least Lana gets her coin
  17. I think the song is lyrically too saccharine for me to enjoy. I really wanted to love it as Lana is (quietly) a part of it! I guess all this song shows me is that I respect Taylor as an artist but I’m just not her audience.
  18. I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you. I hope that never happens again, or to anyone for that matter. Sending you love and hope you’re doing okay ❤️
  19. @Rorman Nockwell your points are so well-constructed. What you’re adding to the discourse around leaked songs here—which, let’s face it, is a huge part of the site regardless of morality—is invaluable. I hope as a community we follow suit with what you’re saying because it’s much needed and really important. Thank you <3
  20. I thought this turned out beautifully —
  21. Oh for sure! I wasn’t referring to the attack of people at all, nor was I blaming any users here. My comment is a general statement about leaks - nothing to do with the lovely members here <3
  22. As fans, it is natural that we would consume the content of old unreleased songs — and Lana herself has acknowledged them as such, which certainly enables our rationale to indulge in these throwaway tracks in some way. Nonetheless, this situation reframes even that. It is stolen content, period—and the monetization of it from leakers and the politics between respective leakers regarding the music sends a message to Lana, inadvertently or not. It is essentially taking a huge proverbial defecation on her honest work, regardless of its intended release or not.
  23. I am just devastated to hear this. A privacy breach of your personal life coupled with the loss of all your hard work…I hope she’s opened a case about this and it’s being looked into. Sending her good thoughts. Her courage to speak up about it and trudge forward is extremely admirable when this has happened time and time again.
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