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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. “Ignoring reality” ugh relatable queen
  2. I love Courtney Love to death but there’s no way she introduced Lana to Joni Mitchell…Lana first mentioned Joni Mitchell in this 2014 interview and stated in this 2019 interview that she heard Joni’s name brought up constantly and “didn’t really start listening to too much of it until college”, which would’ve been well before she met Courtney.
  3. Omg really? It seems like it will get counted as a separate submission on my end, as none of my first answers reload! That’s okay though lol that’s the only thing I wanted to change and I’m sure the majority will nominate/vote for the song anyways Thank you anyways!! <3
  4. “Crazy For You” and “California” (different from the one on NFR) — both are outtakes from Honeymoon!
  5. Clowning myself for submitting my votes before the three songs surfaced in the last two days I trust the Lipsters will make sure Dragonslayer wins!
  6. Don’t worry, the Lipsters have your back and know who to vote for (myself included, I voted for you for a few! ) <3
  7. Omg What can I say? We got tested and *I* passed, yes…
  8. It’s so wild how the Lipsters spent months pining after one song just to learn about another song (that they have heard less of and know less about) and turn their backs on the first song. Don’t let things come along and detract you from your goals, Lipsters. Take from that what you will…
  9. Just voted! Good luck to everyone and can’t wait to see everyone’s red carpet looks next month
  10. OK @Wait For Life has my vote just for that campaign alone…
  11. A decade edition!! This is so exciting and I love the graphics - thank you @Elle and @Rorman Nockwell for putting this all together! <3
  12. I agree with this, especially in the way that you acknowledge the reality of human response. And I think you’re spot-on about how certain sociopolitical doctrines are never going to be fully legitimized by the public as we’re a divisive population. I WISH things could be ideal, and that’s what I was expressing, but I appreciate how you ground this discussion back into the real world application. The best we can do is adapt ourselves to yield the results that we want, regardless of whether or not that’s the most ideal thing.
  13. I totally get where you’re coming from, but I’d also say it is complicated because this kind of logic enables that of people (mostly men) who justify the unwanted sexual attention that women receive (like harassment) on the basis of what those women are wearing. I can only speak for myself when I say that I would never wear anything revealing so as to not increase the possibility of that harassment, but women receive sexual attention regardless of what they’re wearing. There are so many instances of women being sexualized to their discomfort even in conservative cultures and religions. I guess because Lana is famous and is presenting this through art, it appears slightly different, but I think the principle still stands. The photos can be appreciated without vulgar comments attached to them. Sensual art has a place, but it seems that the artfulness of it is stripped away as soon as the audience marvels at one’s bosom in a lustful way.
  14. I totally agree! You bring up a really insightful point about how completely leaning into sexuality is seen as a primary means of empowerment. I’d argue that both extremes—being liberated in your sexuality to the point of overexposure and being conservative about your sexuality to the point where any exercise of it becomes associated with shame—are damaging, and both position women as objects to be perceived by men (the contrast between the “slut” who is repulsive to men and the “saint” whose purity and innocence are appealing to men). I think we should avoid unsolicited comments about people’s bodies in general, especially sexual ones given the social dynamics of Lana being a woman whose fan site consists of a lot of men.
  15. I think it’s disgusting and backwards. These are still (mostly) men making these comments. It’s great for Lana for feeling liberated to embrace her femininity in the way that she is—and I think the women who praise her for doing so are doing it from a place of camaraderie and solidarity with the female experience. But when people talk about her breasts in a way that is reductive and almost drooling over them, it’s plain disgusting. Period.
  16. This a really thoughtful point that I didn’t consider before, because, as @Surf Noir mentioned, I took it as its intended meaning. But I really appreciate you bringing up how language takes on new connotations when it’s contextualized by something (in this case, sex). This actually reminds me of something kind of unrelated (but also not) that I feel a bit uncomfortable witnessing. I can’t help but feel that the sensual feeling of the album’s photoshoot is used as an excuse to further objectify Lana by some audiences. I know it’s not ill-intentioned, and I know that this may read as prudish or overly sensitive, but I see a lot of comments about Lana that reduce her to an object of sexual desire. I can only assume that because it’s largely gay men and straight women who make these comments—two groups that aren’t attracted to Lana in that sense—there’s a feeling that it’s different if a straight man said it. And because Lana is drawing attention to herself in that way, perhaps people seem like it is okay for them to do so as well. But one’s self-empowerment is not an invitation to be objectified. The whole gamut of comments that refer to Lana’s chest as a colloquial, albeit, crass term, reads as generally disgusting.
  17. I’m usually far removed from this sphere of LanaBoards but I know damn well that whenever a new user interacts with @Wait For Life in an unreleased song thread something’s up
  18. Screw your anonymity - is it lanaswildflowers/bikinigold again?
  19. The title track of Born to Die has always felt like the dead of December.
  20. Florida Kilos Yes to Heaven Ultraviolence Well! Quite an eventful year
  21. Yeah! And people are just having fun lol, coming onto LanaBoards is a contrast for a lot of people from the seriousness of daily life. It’s fun to get excited about uncovering things about the album from publicly available but obscure sources like a little scavenger hunt
  22. Cackling at how a Lana Del Rey album pre-release is being purported as some super serious thing like a major corporate transaction or business deal that needs to have such strict guidelines for how to approach it the whole point is to let loose…it’s never that deep
  23. I’m immortalizing “Liz, I’m Calling from Calihoma” here because I am actually shocked at the longevity of my concept tracklist for Blue Banisters
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