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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. Maybe Lana makes some reference to Ben and Ed and how they’ve supported her over the last 13 years on the album and our lovely Kintsugi interpreted it as shade to Dua (who left TaP Management)?
  2. Candy Necklace being the centrepiece of the album with THE lore…I’m ready for this one.
  3. Congrats to everyone on the nominations! Excited to commemorate some of the wonderful members here who are among my favourites (and advocate for my snubbed favourites - justice for @DCooper and more)! And it goes without saying, but @Elle for everything, but especially Lipster of the Decade because without her, there would truly be no such as thing as this ceremony, the continued use of the early-2010s term, ‘Lipster’, and of course, over a decade of this beautifully deranged space for us to share our love for LDR.
  4. I noticed that too! But I now think we have reason to believe it’s not lol (see quote below) - I see - the drums on it reminded me of TNBAR, and that paired with the timbre of her vocals makes me think it’s from 2016. But that’s all speculation!
  5. Omg this news is insane. The piano samples sound gorgeous and dynamic, so I’m really excited for them, but I’m also glad to hear about some sonic variety (and “dark and beserk”!!!). The fan favourite sample is interesting…I’m inclined to think it’s something from Honeymoon since she referenced it a few times last year, but when I think “fan favourite”, I think God Coast.
  6. For the record, that Steven Klein “cover shoot” was just a test shoot/wardrobe fitting for V Magazine - the original cover was only the UO one!
  7. While the last era was all about fake insiders, this one takes that to an extreme and then adds a plethora of dupe accounts (looking at you, @lanaswildflowers @Acid). And sc*t is a constant, regardless of time, it seems.
  8. The pastor is screaming because he’s enacting Lana’s inner RAGE! But seriously - that sounds interesting, and ties nicely into what she said about how she’s “angry” on this record. I imagine that translates into moments of frustration, which Lana always channels beautifully and thoughtfully into her songwriting.
  9. I’ve seen this theory bandied about over the years, but don’t really believe it myself because there’s no proof to support it. It’s all just speculation. I think it’s because people saw that the Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind single cover was in front of a wood wall and assumed that every single shot of her taken on set of the Love video was in front of that wall too — but there are three shots of her outdoors with proper, natural lighting from that day, and Lana herself even said in her Complex interview that it was taken in the “parking lot behind the scenes of [her] Love video”. So I personally think it’s real!
  10. I was proud of that one, not gonna lie
  11. Miss Sky, go collect your one fan who showed up to your protest and sort out your perpetually delayed album before you enable the clownery in this thread 😭
  12. Will the real Say Yes to Heaven / Fine China / Your Girl please step up to the mic?
  13. Just gonna stare until this goes away…
  14. Come on…we all deserve more than that and are worth more than that. Listen to some Abraham Hicks and get yourself something/someone better <3
  15. Thank you so much for coming on here and sharing your insight with us. We all really appreciate you. I admire your honesty while maintaining respect for Lana and her privacy, and your class when talking about other people within the community with similar intel to you. Maybe on the flipside we could catch you again!
  16. Are you aware of any other tracks done with Mark Ronson besides Terrence Loves You? @BlackoutZone
  17. @BlackoutZone before it leaked and was rewritten, was TNBAR really the title track for the album that ended up being Lust for Life? I’m just following up on your very gracious explanation of the situation with that song.
  18. This is interesting…I mean, not to sound like the stereotypical Lana fan who wants *everything* to be a drug reference, but whether intentional or not, this kind of adds more layers to the song. To say that “I’m going down now” with all of these things that appear to be very pure and heavenly in their appearance, with connotations of old, generational wealth — but really, are code for darker, self-destructive substances—makes the song so much more chilling and impactful. She is a lyrical genius.
  19. IanadeIrey

    Miley Cyrus

    Clicked on this thread because I saw a green block with an “H” and am always interested in hearing what the intellectual @hotshot2am has to say. I respect Miley so I have to say - “Endless Summer”, the same release date + “trolling your ex” strategy as Lana, and the overall cinematography with the monologue (a new wave of which began after Lana did Ride) - indicates that Lana is at least a source of inspiration!
  20. The fact that this isn’t even what happened just shows how convoluted the situation is The Lipsters’ whole worlds are crashing down with this news </3
  21. Aww! That’s sweet of you to say and do, thank you! Though if and when we hear Rick’s original, I guarantee it’ll be much better than my mix lol!
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