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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. Breaking Up Slowly is a standout of a song - the synergy between Lana and Nikki is sublime and it’s such an easy track to listen to while still being substantive and thoughtful. The production is perfect - the smokiness of the guitar is just sonic bliss. In fact, all of COTCC is just written and produced so well.
  2. I actually think Thunder and Cherry Blossom go so well with the other three songs! Cherry Blossom and Blue Banisters are both piano-driven with very rich vocals, and I’m sure a re-recorded version of Cherry Blossom will have a bit of additional production (like the ambient background synths in BB and piano embellishments on top of the main accompaniment) to reflect BB’s sonic landscape. Thunder and Text Book definitely belong to the same album as well - they both have this driving pulse to them and have this rolling feeling to them, especially with the lovely background singers. Since Thunder is from the same sessions as California, I could see the version that leaked being a demo and the version that ends up on BB having substantial differences (like how California has an unleaked demo that is noticeably different from the version on NFR). And then “my body is a map of LA....” also sounds like it will stay true to the vibe of Blue Banisters and Cherry Blossom. So I’m thinking ? this record will have two sounds - one half being piano-driven, soulful ballads, and the other half being atmospheric, rockabilly/bluegrass-inspired music with subtle jazz influences and prominent background singers!
  3. The writing, production, and vocals on this album remain untouched and flawless. My fave
  4. LOL you’re all good! and yessss that is exactly what I was going for!! Plus, I remember Lana saying it at the Violet signing last October when talking to the fans about Tulsa Jesus Freak, and Sean wrote it in the caption of a selfie he posted of himself and Lana in December 2019!
  5. Awwww thank you!! I actually wrote it as “Liz, I’m Calling from Calihoma” (so a portmanteau of California + Oklahoma) but I love it as “Liz, I’m Calling from California” too, especially given the lyrics “my body is a map of LA...” - so good!! <3 fingers crossed
  6. That was me! Thank you so much Love your tracklist <3
  7. Ahhh just got the email!! Super exciting!
  8. Okay, Miss Brand Ambassador, I see you!! @Elle thank you so much <3
  9. I think the title is still Blue Banisters and will remain so. If it weren’t for an insider saying she changed it, we literally would have had no reason to second-guess it being the title. She posted the album cover with that exact title (and admittedly, I think “Good God” was literally just a caption for an IG photo dump and nothing more - but if it’s a title for a song, well, I always love more music!).
  10. The Spell of Her Weather for Honeymoon.... your mind. SUCH an amazing album title, it’s very eerie, sultry, and a little bit fable-esque too.
  11. I imagine that she would have wanted to re-record Cherry Blossom. It was produced in 2013 with Fabrizio Argiolas, and I don’t know if the recording that leaked would necessarily be cleared for official release, since the credits surrounding it seem to be so up-in-the-air with Fabrizio’s status as producer. I also think she would want a more recent recording - rather than one from over 8 years ago - for consistency reasons. I can’t wait to hear how it sounds on the record!
  12. Cherry is by no means underrated in the Lana fan community, but it’s just so good, catchy, and deserving of the hype I listened to it in the car for the first time in a while today, and the bass, drums, and vocals were balanced so perfectly that it reminded me of its greatness!
  13. @Elle I didn’t see your thoughts about the cover and snippet!! Come share the excitement with us lol what did you think??
  14. Ben said “2 amazing albums in a year” so it’s definitely going to be out within the next 5 months, which is such a fast turnaround, really. My bets are on a September/October release since she’s likely pressing it to vinyl now or will be doing so very soon. 6 months between COTCC and BB feels like an even, round number. The warm tones of the album cover perfectly coincide with a fall release - October 1st is a Friday and I feel like that is a very impactful date!
  15. While I am not an “art gay,” I think I can explain LOL! Yellow appears to be a motif for this record’s visuals. Her dress on the cover is yellow, her top and cardigan in the music video snippet are yellow, and her nails are yellow in both. The shade of yellow she chose for each is a pastel shade, which symbolizes being soft and delicate. However, and excessive amount of yellow is thought to breed aggression, anger, frustration, a sense of pent-up-ness. I think these two moods - one very light and the other potentially dark - reflects exactly how she has described the last year or so to have been for her. QFTC serves as a preamble for this record, in a way - it discussed the theme of fragility and conveyed a sense of frustration in regards to that theme, so I think that’s what the yellow links to in terms of Lana’s life experiences and potentially the narrative of the album.
  16. Neil Krug shot the cover and according to BoZ, Drew Erickson produced the song (who has been a producer for Weyes Blood in the past)!
  17. Ugh I just cannot get over this album cover. It feels so luxurious with that cream border, the black lining of the photo, and the serif font. And the image itself is striking - there's a warmth to it with Lana's effortless beauty and the colouring, suggesting something very reflective, soft, and familiar. But there's also a bit of an edge with Tex and Mex. They almost look like guard dogs, acting as defence for Lana - which suggests a slightly more aggressive and self-protective side to the album as well! She really is going to deliver (as she always does) and this cover is just so brilliant. I love all her album covers and I was totally here for the selfie cover, but this is just next-level. Super grateful and happy we got to see it today!
  18. I’m really excited. This record already feels super personal and intimate while still being grandiose. The visuals are already amazing as well and it’s just going to reinforce Lana’s status as the one of the finest songwriters of all time.
  19. It’s from June (last month)! Definitely before the 21st, based on her manicure and hair colour!
  20. 2 quick vinyl options - loving this bronze, yellow, and cream colour palette. Super 70s and warm! <3
  21. Yesss, I love it so much, it’s so classy and striking but simple and timeless...I also can’t wait to see the visuals, it seems she has created a lot of content within these last 4 months and has been waiting to put it all out so we are definitely in for something special!
  22. Don’t lose hope! She posted the LFL cover alone on April 11th 2017 and didn’t post the back cover + tracklist until July 12th 2017. Plus, Neil reposted it, so I definitely think this is the cover!
  23. Yes, bestie!! I quoted my post from the last page above for you hehe - I think it’s from last month!! <3
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