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About summercummer

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  • Birthday 11/18/1996

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    Silicon Valley
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  1. did someone just slander the greatest? i'll pray for you Kathi—you and that disgusting mouth of yours
  2. summercummer

    Charli XCX

    this is AMAZING and one of her best tracks in a long time but i was waiting for a final explosive chorus lol
  3. summercummer

    Taylor Swift

    love it tbh, better than her last two leads
  4. why does You sound like background music for a get ready with me video i-
  5. probably casual ass fans who didn't even know about march 29 and didn't ask anything from her but a fucking selfie
  6. i really wish she hadn't released MAC and VB so early bc now they feel like part of another era
  7. anyone who denies superstar is generic is delusional it lacks anything distinctly marina about it, it could really be anyone's song and that's what's so disappointing about it
  8. im high rn and why does homework serving high school musical realness
  9. even if it were about AB, since when is calling a black person a narcissist racist
  10. i don't see the connection, she was bitter that gaga "sold out" and made it instead of her But now she's Lana Del Rey, you really think she's going to let AB get to her so much that she'll call her a black narcissist in a heartfelt piano ballad? Black and blue have always been used in literature for purposes of symbolism and metaphor. It's comical that we've reached a point that we can't even write about an innocent color without sparking debate, and even more so when the subject matter has much to do with depression in itself. Do you take everything at face value? there is a thing where writers come up with new metaphors so as to eschew overt platitudes in their writing, you know lana has always been full of platitudes but it seems like she's making an effort to be more original as time passes
  11. the fact people think lana would even nod to AB in a song so personal is beyond me lol
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