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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Young & Beautiful vs.Queen of Disaster
  2. It is hard to ignore that first line of Cola especially when there's no escape from people on tumblr writing 'MA PU$$Y TASTES LYK PEPSI COLA <3' to caption anything Lana or not even Lana related which constantly reminds you that it's there but although I always think about it, I tend to look past it and actually I find that song really focuses on the instrumentation because apart from the wild 'oooooOOOOAAAAHH's, it's not a very complex tune and honestly, those strings in the intro are still on my mind when the vocals start. So actually, what I'm saying is that the bloody first line (which is cute but her fans make it annoying) is extremely overrated and the song itself is possibly even underrated. I think I've had this rant before but idc okay
  3. When I was sat on the balcony at one of her shows I had this perfect view of the crowd throwing themselves and crushing everyone whenever Lana moved a step closer, it was insane! I even saw someone throw up directly below me and a couple of people got carried off. So yes, I can see how the security guards feel but they take it a bit seriously, they were never all going to be nice people though lol but I think they genuinely care.
  4. I know everyone's saying but I'm so happy for her! Born To Die is an iconic album of this decade, imo and I'm so happy after her music getting her nowhere that it all went so massive making all those years of working hard worthwhile
  5. For K 14 Next To Me 8 A Star for Nick 10 Bad Disease 17 Out With A Bang 34 Try Tonight 2 Find My Own Way 7 Junky Pride 19
  6. Hello Heaven

    Miley Cyrus

    Never liked her tbh, but her new single is terrible, I hope it doesn't become big in the UK. I could stand her earlier career more when she was still better known as Hannah Montana. Never watched the show much when I was a kid but my friend had her album so the fact I prefer that era is probably mainly because it looks back on happy childhood memories. She's trying too hard now, I don't know anyone who likes her
  7. Haha, everyone around me seemed to be really annoyed by these 4 fangirling teenagers sellotaping a banner to the barrier whilst screaming and wailing. It wasn't too bad though because at least we got to the front of the queue and when we were queuing we could get the dude next to us (who clearly only came for the sake of his girlfriend) to ~"look after"~ our bags and mountain of half eaten food when we were meeting Barrie and waiting for Lana who decided to troll us and arrive after doors opened anyway.
  8. that old dude def. a potential emoticon. I love that picture, Lana's just like um u can luk but pls don't touch whilst the paparazzi has a good look at whatever the hell those little black pantie shorts are.
  9. Infinite Love Without Fulfillment - Grimes
  10. I knew there were a few physical copies lying around (but that's pretty obvious) but I didn't know about that, thanks Evil!
  11. Wow, I love how you describe the whole experience, especially comparing it to your first story. I saw the BTD performance and she definitely seems to be getting more and more comfortable on stage, rather than more and more tired and bored which shows good signs for future tours. I think she kind of likes having a wild audience - she wasn't expecting such a crazy audience at the show I attended and kept having to have her mic volume altered but I think she finds it exciting, although she doesn't have a clue what bitches are swarming around in there. Probably better than my seating area though where me and my friends were literally the only people showing any enthusiasm
  12. After losing way too many bidding wars on ebay I've decided buy it now items are so much easier so I got: Divinidylle by Vanessa Paradis (finally, flop fan) Made of Bricks - Kate Nash <-- only £1.50 w/ free postage, I had to get it. I'll hopefully get some more stuff soon, I probably should because I've been living off borrowing my friend's CDs all year
  13. Yay we have a new bear hug coat! Damn that fan who got to hug her
  14. Born To Die 14 Off To The Races 20 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 15 Diet Mountain Dew 13 National Anthem 23 Dark Paradise 12 Radio 14 Carmen 20 Million Dollar Man 8 Summertime Sadness 23 This Is What Makes Us Girls 27 Lolita 16 Lucky Ones 16
  15. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Young & Beautiful vs Us against the world
  16. I really don't want Lana to go down that route, it's a bit desperate if you ask me. But if she made one, I bet it would be awesome, it would smell like roses and 50's hollywood and very sultry, dark and glamorous. I'd put one squirt on and think I was irresistible though and walk really close to everyone, pouting like I was the spitting image and smell of Lana
  17. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Off to the Races vs. Young & Beautiful
  18. L'eau et le vin - Vanessa Paradis
  19. It's alright! I didn't mean to have a go at your opinion or anything (well I kind of did, I guess). I see what you mean about it being overrated because you dislike it but I was only sharing my opinion as a response to yours, I will just have to try and deal with the fact you don't like the best song on BTD
  20. Trying my best to respect everyone's opinions but... OFF TO THE RACES? No way! It's my favourite and personally I think the best song on the album. Her vocal range is incredible, I think the contrast of the low voice in the verse and high pitched vocals in the chorus is really great aswell as the whole production over all, honestly. I think it's a masterpiece. Just because lots of people love it, doesn't mean it's overrated - maybe it deserves all the appreciation. Just my opinion though guys
  21. Of course a lot of people like it, that's why Lana has a lot of fans, because people like her songs.
  22. WHAT? CWYCMA is probably the most underrated song in Lana's whole known discography.
  23. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Gods & Monsters vs. Mermaid Motel
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