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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. Born to Die - 16 Off to the Races - 41 Blue Jeans - 24 Video Games - 12 Diet Mountain Dew - 18 National Anthem - 18 Dark Paradise - 16 Radio - 20 Carmen - 16 Summertime Sadness - 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls - 16 Without You - 21 Lolita - 20 Ride - 15 Cola - 18 Body Electric - 19 Gods and Monsters - 21 Yayo - 17 Burning Desire - 18
  2. That's such a cute idea! If only I could sing but I'm still interesting on hearing other people, I agree that it'll be cooler with just Lana songs. Maybe someone could create a Lanaboards account with a public password so anyone can PM it to you/in a thread or whatever on that account so it's even more anonymous?
  3. No, I didn't listen to Paradise when it leaked shortly before the release either but that wasn't for Lana's sake or anything, just because of the fact I'd bought the box set which is very special and it arrived one or two days after anyway. I had it on my computer and everything, my younger sister even listened to it with headphones right in front of me but I didn't mind - I hate ruining surprises but I'll listen to the new leaks because we don't even know for sure if they're going to be on this album that hasn't even been announced yet.
  4. I actually saw them today! They performed at a local festival and I managed to get to the second row. It was mental, so much pushing and moshing - I loved it! Their music is perfect to rave to and best of all, when Joss went crowd surfing I touched his hair (it's really cute and curly) and then he got passed to me but not many people were around me so I kind of had to grab his ass (which was very soft) to stop him from crushing me. It was great, even though I have beer all down my legs and weed in my shoes.
  5. Hello Heaven

    Jake Bugg

    I literally just saw him perform at a local festival. He's from my town so there's a lot of hype about him round here so it was a really good atmosphere seeing him perform. I really enjoyed it, he's a good artist
  6. Hello Heaven


    I've heard a few of the songs on there but I never got round to downloading it so thanks for the link!
  7. Hello Heaven


    I really like Cassie. I'm a fan! I need more of her discography but I love her Supermodel mixtape (especially I Never Knew) and the Velvet Night mixtape is really chill. My favourite song at the moment is I'm A Lover, it's perfect
  8. I feel sorry for Lana, her fans draw more attention to her unreleased discography than to her actual released material. Yes, it's made her more famous but it's made her music very vulnerable and there's some real messy songs out there that she'd probably prefer stayed under the rug although then again, there's some really good songs that don't fit her current image or any future albums that deserve to be appreciated so I'm sure she doesn't mind that much about certain songs. I don't know. But of course I'm going to listen to them. I'm sorry if I'm being insensitive but I love Lana's music and I'm happy for her unreleased discography to leak (although I'm not a fan of people who leak future releases). I'm not one of those idiots who say shit like 'I HATE leaks! I'm still going to listen to the songs anyway because they're way better than her albums but whoever leaked them should rot in hell!!!!' I want her songs to leak! If I only had Born To Die and Paradise then there's no way I'd love her this much because I can't get into an artist that much with such a small discography.
  9. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Tired of Singing the Blues vs. Hit & Run
  10. Hello Heaven


    Love this band so much! I can't wait for the album, I want to be more obsessed but it's difficult to with such a small discography without overplaying everything. Recover would have to be my favourite. Gun is great too
  11. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Ouch Tired of Singing the Blues vs. Summertime Sadness
  12. Oh, I was going to go to one of their gigs but then I didn't in the end because my friends couldn't make it They're not my type of music but I think they're pretty fab and it's good to know that a fairly successful group have come from my town (because it's pretty rare for any of my locals to have talent )
  13. Even for someone who doesn't like Glee (I couldn't take it any longer after the second season), I was really surprised and upset to hear this. It kind of came out of nowhere, very sad.
  14. Lana and Barrie in their cute, cosy cardigans.
  15. I know what you mean by feeling 'sensitive'. I very rarely find a cover of a Lana song that I actually like, I struggle to warm to the actual singer because for some reason I always get this impression that they try too hard and they really can't compare to Lana, it's like I don't even give them a chance in the first place. With remixes, I like some by other artists but with Lana, there's not many I like. I've become a lot more open to remixes but I don't even bother listening to them in the first place usually, only the album from the box set which are okay but I only really listen to them to get something fresh from the original.
  16. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Stoplight De-lite vs. Damn You
  17. Hello Heaven

    This or That

    Apple Cats or dogs?
  18. Honestly, I've only ever red fan fic sarcastically.
  19. She went 'real' high at the show I went to as well. That's a pretty risky part to do live, it can easily go embarrassingly awful even for Lana.
  20. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Dum Dum vs. Heavy Hitter
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