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  1. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Melanie Martinez   
    Well, MH is the last video for standard tracklisting and we know its coming this month or next month at the latest so she did complete before the next album 
  2. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by BLURRYFACE in Bea Miller   

    In December, the full album will come out including all the songs of the three previous EPs, plus three new tracks. - via Bea Miller Wikia
    I guess the albums coming in December then.
  3. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by BLURRYFACE in Bea Miller   
    Oh yeah, I forgot to add this... 
  4. HunterSThompson liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in serpentwithfeet   
    i definitely see bon iver and bjork's influence on this project. 
    apparently he's friends with bjork and they had meetings during this project
  5. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Bea Miller   
    yessss omg i'm so excited !!
    btw there's a video for warmer. i saw it wasn't added to the thread yet so i'll drop it here:
  6. Honeybear liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    just read the post on marinabook. sad to see that kind of
    existential crisis in such an inspiring artist. i hope this new
    segment of her life can rebuild her psyche.
  7. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by BLURRYFACE in Bea Miller   
    She has said in many articles that her second album is coming out this November! It includes the songs from the three chapters (EPS) plus three new songs... 
    I hope she doesn't change her mind on releasing it in November and delaying it. 
  8. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Bea Miller   
    i'm really excited for yellow! she's been putting out some great pop music recently
    hope a full length project is in the works as well, because she has a lot of potential
  9. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by creampiedelrey in Get the Look   
    see if a car has hit something in the road.
  10. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    just read the post on marinabook. sad to see that kind of
    existential crisis in such an inspiring artist. i hope this new
    segment of her life can rebuild her psyche.
  11. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by Elle in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    It Takes a Long Time to Get Over Yourself
    "Oh, man. This letter has taken me an embarrassingly long time to write. Probably because I haven’t written anything but e-mails and Tweets for 12 years.
    If the last year has taught me anything, it’s this: it takes a long time to get over yourself.
    Last March, after 7 years on the road, I decided to take a break. I was excited about this. I’d imagined myself watching tv all day, being a “chill person”, eating doughnuts because I didn’t have to wear latex catsuits anymore. The reality: not quite the joy ride I’d been expecting.
    I’ve been an artist for over a decade but up until this year, I hadn’t realised how much my sense of self had been defined by my role as an artist. I’d never thought of “Marina and the Diamonds” as a persona or a construct, and I didn’t think the stage-me was very different to the sofa-me. MATD was an exciting vehicle that helped me express ideas and thoughts to people. But just as people construct online personas, artist construct visual ones, and over time, the lines between art and reality can drift apart.
    I can’t remember when I first became conscious of it but I started to feel like there were two parts of me, artist self and private self, and there was nothing in between to link the two anymore. I was one or the other, and neither part of my personality could be present in the same environment. Perhaps because I’d spent most of the past 8 years devoted to being an artist and this hadn’t presented many opportunities for other parts of my personality to grow. When one part of a personality dominates, other parts shrink and life can take on an unreal, two- dimensional quality. I felt confused as to why I no longer felt like I longer fit into the world I’d built. I don’t think my feelings are exceptional (particularly in entertainment) but I wonder if you are someone who has experienced this in a different context.
    I’ve always been interested in identity. In my twenties, I felt frustrated by how regularly my identity seemed to shift and change until I began to consider the idea that a fixed self may not exist. I explored this in “Electra Heart” by deconstructing aspects of female identity in a portrayal of female archetypes. However, the past year has made me re-examine this idea. Not being able to equate my identity to a job, project or visible entity has created a lot of discomfort and uncertainty in me. Which has been a surprise, as I thought I felt secure in myself. How can I be so sure of who I am if I am so susceptible to change? A lot of what contributes to our idea of identity is down to pure chance - ethnicity, social class, upbringing, religion, job, relationships - who are we without influences?
    Everything in western culture feels so geared towards self-definition, but I wonder if having a looser idea of yourself could make life richer. The past year hasn’t been full of rainbows - I feel like my brain has been brutally rewired - but letting go of a perceived idea of myself has resulted in a new kind of personal freedom. My image is no longer a main source of identity, nor are previous signifiers like clothing (more on this in a future post), designer brands + other things I subconsciously used to define myself.
    Lasting change rarely happens over night. This past year has been painful and slow. But I’m in a more genuine space than I was a year ago and I would never want to go back to that stunted way of being again. In fact, the only solace I had in this period was being able to read the books and blogs of other people experiencing significant life transitions, so I hope this might be of help to anyone who is going through a similar stage.
    Truth is, I’m not planning ahead much right now. I am indeed going through my “what should I do with the rest of my life” phase that most people go through at 21. Which is... cool. But I’m grateful to have the opportunity to explore different interests, and starting marinabook is a part of that. I’m starting a Psychology course soon, which I am SO excited about, and I’m ready for a brand new chapter. I hope you’ll be a part of it.
    Some people have been asking about new music and I’m always flattered to be asked. I know one year is like an aeon in digital time. The honest answer is I don’t know when that will be, but the connection I have with music has always flowered from an honest connection with myself, and I trust my instincts.
    Whenever I get back on stage again, I would love to feel like I am the sum of my parts, not the sum of a persona or an image. That’s the goal. A lot of reality with a little bit of fantasy. So, marinabook is a way for us to stay connected while I work that out.
    I miss you all!
    Ask a question or share thoughts here.
    Love from, Marina"
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Melanie Martinez   
    i can't believe she's putting out another video for the crybaby era this late into it. 
    i can appreciate her dedication to fulfilling "every song gets a video" but it's clear
    that's not gonna happen before her next album, now. her and her label are too
    obsessed with an aesthetic. i hope the next album focuses more on the music
    and film aspect, rather than all this baby vintage aesthetic stuff. it's old, now
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i suddenly love this place a little bit more 

  14. Escapism liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Melanie Martinez   
    i can't believe she's putting out another video for the crybaby era this late into it. 
    i can appreciate her dedication to fulfilling "every song gets a video" but it's clear
    that's not gonna happen before her next album, now. her and her label are too
    obsessed with an aesthetic. i hope the next album focuses more on the music
    and film aspect, rather than all this baby vintage aesthetic stuff. it's old, now
  15. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Charli XCX   
    Fancy was a BOP! Her best song
  16. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Charli XCX   
    LOL so I uploaded a live version of Up and Down like 4 months ago on SoundCloud and just now Atlantic took it down, along with a bunch of other live Charli tracks, so I tweeted at them saying "How about you guys stop taking down my SoundCloud accounts for live performances and focus on letting Charli release her album" LMFAOOO
  17. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i suddenly love this place a little bit more 

  18. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    this is very popular here 
    (oh,you're a newbie so you probably don't know)
  19. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by reputation in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Probably the most popular opinion which members can agree on
  20. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Charli XCX   
    After the Afterparty isn't on the album (thank god)
  21. fkacowboy liked a post in a topic by reputation in Word Association   
    Next hit thread.. Phrase Association? 
  22. latothemoon liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Tove Lo   
    i can really appreciate her dedication to this project. i can't believe there's an artist who actually is following
    through on a conceptual project like this. "disco tits" was pretty good. it's got me excited for the album !!
  23. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in serpentwithfeet   
    josiah did an interview/date thing with "Highsnobiety" that is pretty revealing to who he is as an artist.
    (if you can get past how awkward the whole thing is tbh. it's a little cringe)
  24. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in Charli XCX   
    thank you! the song is alright. i can hear the xcx influence
    camila has actually been making some p good pop music
  25. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by fkacowboy in serpentwithfeet   
    thank you!! i changed the artist now ugh
    you should check them out :-)
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