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  1. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Leo in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I agree, what I like most about this title is that it is so unexpected. Sure, we don't know in what way the sound of the album will relate to the title, but it certainly doesn't sound "Paradise/AFFA-ish", which for me is very promising because I was really getting tired of that era... 
    So while I won't jump to any conclusions about the sound just yet, this sure didn't leave me LESS excited.
  2. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Tropico Viewing Parties - Starts today at 1PM EST/6PM GMT   
    This was in News and I thought there were actual viewing parties around the world
  3. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    I've been thinking all this time if Shaun Ross is playing K...very curious.
  4. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Trinity in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    TROPICO, to me, made perfect sense. I completely got the subtle story line that was shown. I thought the transitions between songs were really smooth and I liked it a lot. I wish there would have been a bit more dialogue like that "You know it's not always gonna be this way, right?" part and less pointless yet beautiful scenes (like the bubble ones). The cinematography was really beautiful and I think it fits Lana perfectly. Surprisingly, Bel Air was my favorite part which is shocking because honestly I don't like Bel Air as a song. I can't wait to re-watch it a few more times and really delve deep into the different scenes. I was most disappointed with Gods & Monsters. Although Lana looked stunning as hell, I felt like during G&M a larger, more significant variety of scenes could have been produced other than just strippers shaking their asses. I absolutely adored the Walt Whitman readings since I've been reading Leaves of Grass since I was a little girl. I thought the snake scenes in Body Electric were amazing. As for Shaun Ross, I can definitely tell you he is not my favorite actor. I thought he just stuck out like a sore thumb throughout the whole film (which was probably done on purpose) and it's not just because of his skin color. I just felt like he didn't really fit the part he was meant to play. Overall, I'm generally pleased with TROPICO and can't wait to dive deeper into the meaning of it!
  5. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Favorite Scene from Tropico?   
    Some of my favorite scenes are:
    When the snake is slithering down her body, I think it's just beautiful. The baptism scene. The grocery/convenience store scenes (really only like these parts because of the colors, not because of Shaun) When they're dancing in the Garden of Eden The skull makeup scenes
  6. Trinity liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    idk i guess i just like the heavy production of BTD. bb makes me sleepy and i can hardly differentiate between bb, starry eyed, and affa
  7. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Well that would be a more unique concept to write about than love songs again and again,
    Bring it, Lana!
  8. Trinity liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I just had the same thought. I'm trying to keep my expectations quite low at the moment. Otherwise I'm sure I'm gonna be disappointed. Not because the album won't be good but I know myself and my expectations are always way too high.
  9. Trinity liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    i really like the title. i hope it features some songs along the vein of off to the races but i doubt it.
  10. Trinity liked a post in a topic by rdp in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Remastered Pawn Shop Blues with one loon call a second, hip hop beats and the Mary Jane sample played throughout the song please.
    When I *SAY!* pawned the earrings *SAY!* that you gave me *SAY!* *hip-hop beats*
  11. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    If she does decide to use older songs, You & Me deserves a place on the tracklist.
  12. Trinity liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    ULTRAVIOLENCE is such an unexpected title, and i hope the album will be unexpected too. i know we all keep mentioning HDB, bc of that lyric, but im really hoping for 100% new material, not even black beauty or AFFA. I feel like those songs were too much like BTD/Paradise, which she's closed the door on. I want a completely new sound. idk if that'll happen, but i think its pretty likely. i think we can all agree lana is very versatile, so im hoping she will broaden her horizons even more with this album.
    edit: i didnt even realize i basically posted the same thing last night hahaha whatever tropico got me not thinkin straight
  13. Trinity liked a post in a topic by urbannoize in Favorite Scene from Tropico?   
    The Bel Air scene couldnt have been more perfect. From the shots in the field, to the great and wonderful lightening. Theres just something about it that elevates the record. Plus Lana looked amazing. She mind as well have been an angel. & The Garden of Eden scene as well was great. From the colors and shots, to how John Wayne, Marliyn Monroe, and Jesus was captured. There was this very dope approach taken with them that i havent seen before. & The way everything just plays out was perfect too. & You get so caught up in the music and her dancing, that you forget that she's about to do something forbidden by eating the fruit.
  14. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Favorite Scene from Tropico?   
    I LIVE for the re-enactment of her trailer life, they got it down to the Christmas lights.
  15. Trinity liked a post in a topic by SweetLikeCinnamon in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    I don't get why people are saying it lacked a plot line. It was rather obvious to me,  for the most part lol. They fell from grace, hard, and did a bunch of dumb shit. Then they repented, hence the baptism scenes and then the end does get kinda sketchy. I don't get the whole alien thing. They should have just floated it up into a bright light and the the who scene fades to black. 
    I would have liked the film to be more intense tbh. I think a murder scene or scenes of them doing hardcore drugs would have made it more intense during G&M. Then the lead up to Bel Air could have been them trying to live a better life but some shit happens and they both die or are killed by whatever, and the Bel Air scenes could have been like a Limbo between earth and heaven, and after she is done singing they float up to heaven, into a bright light, instead of some alien spaceships....idk.
    I still think it is better than Ride tbh. 
  16. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Tyler in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    A few disjointed thoughts about the film, which on a whole, I enjoyed.
    1. I enjoyed the way they danced during Body Electric. Watching them dance wasn't like watching people dance in the club or ballroom, but almost its own hybrid. It looked natural like they didn't care who watched, just what their bodies felt like doing. The way they moved showed how curious they were about the world and their bodies.
    2. It seemed like John was the central figure on Eden. Was he supposed to be the "God" (and Jesus his son??? idk lol).
    3. Adam and Eve seemed centered on one big sin for their story lines. Eve- lust and Adam- wrath. This seemed to make sense to me, because Marilyn was promoting sexuality and John violence (or rather more defense I suppose) and Adam and Eve sinned by blowing those two traits out f proportion.
    4. The ending is the only part that confuses me. When they began floating were those things in the sky supposed to be UFOs? if so kinda wtf or were they thunder clouds?
    5. Elvis' reactions to everything. it killed the mood for me.
  17. Trinity liked a post in a topic by getdrunk in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    There was no Marylin, Elvis, John in the Bible either, was there? Not everything has to be just like in the bible. 
  18. uzzunov liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I love the title. The only thing I fear is that all the songs on it will be slowish like the ones that leaked. I live for more upbeat Lana tracks.
  19. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
  20. Dietjerseyqueen liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I love the title. The only thing I fear is that all the songs on it will be slowish like the ones that leaked. I live for more upbeat Lana tracks.
  21. lana4alwaysAKAsteffy liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I love the title. The only thing I fear is that all the songs on it will be slowish like the ones that leaked. I live for more upbeat Lana tracks.
  22. VioletPrincess liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
  23. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
  24. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    okay so this is what i've read from people who have seen tropico so far:
    1) it's really wierd
    2) it's not disappointing
    3) she's half-naked in most of it
  25. Trinity liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    idk ultraviolence seems like a pretty upbeat title to me. i kinda want her to introduce a completely new sound if that makes sense. that would be cool. like something thats nothing like btd/paradise
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