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About TrailerParkDarling

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  1. she's not even singing honeymoon though lol. if anything she's reminding us that SHE is alive and breathing
  2. The Dreaming Away Your Life Tour (cos this setlist will put ya 2 sleep!) Lucky Ones Guns and Roses Video Games 24 The Other Woman / Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood Medley Cover Terrence Loves You Body Electric Honeymoon Old Money Carmen God Knows I Tried Blue Velvet (cover) Summertime Sadness Freak Ultraviolence
  3. I mean she's always wearing extensions... her natural hair is just past her shoulders. It's just more noticeable when it's time to take them out and get new ones i guess cos these don't rly blend well
  4. she looks like janis joplin lmao whats w/ the jeans and sandals thing she keeps doing?? no lana pls
  5. Do you guys think this is the last video for the era? UV teaS?
  6. I didn't get the girl scenes .. I know Lana likes mermaid imagery so idk. I would've rather of just had the shots of Lana in the water. She looked odd in the ones they used .. maybe she couldn't breathe Eh probably just using the hype for more views/ attention
  7. I only care about the underwater footage and the picture she uploaded w/ the lights on her .. kind of reminiscent of some of the shots from shades of cool video The footage with the girls all standing in a line looks like a gap commercial, I hate it lol
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