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  1. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I so agree. And it's no wonder that she shut down.. it seems like she knew the angle the story was headed. Or maybe she didn't want to stick her foot in her mouth again. Either way, I like that she took the power in her hands and controlled the situation.. the interview portrayed her as very confused and unpredictable which I think is accurate.
    And God the ending reads like an excerpt from valley of the dolls lol
  2. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I so agree. And it's no wonder that she shut down.. it seems like she knew the angle the story was headed. Or maybe she didn't want to stick her foot in her mouth again. Either way, I like that she took the power in her hands and controlled the situation.. the interview portrayed her as very confused and unpredictable which I think is accurate.
    And God the ending reads like an excerpt from valley of the dolls lol
  3. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I so agree. And it's no wonder that she shut down.. it seems like she knew the angle the story was headed. Or maybe she didn't want to stick her foot in her mouth again. Either way, I like that she took the power in her hands and controlled the situation.. the interview portrayed her as very confused and unpredictable which I think is accurate.
    And God the ending reads like an excerpt from valley of the dolls lol
  4. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    It's LDR fans who know her well enough to not be surprised by her attitude and these type of responses in this interview, but does the GP? Probably not. I bet you a lot of folks who pick up RS faithfully are going to read this article and add it onto the long list of reasons why LDR is [insert negative blah blah ]… if LDR's drama queen responses were somehow justified due to the interviewer being nosey, rude, etc, then this would be a different story but they weren't.
    I like how Lana's individuality was compared to punk rock. She clearly represents the current counter culture. But with that said, sometimes an artist, a mainstream one too, has to look passed their qualms or quirks and just answer a question. She takes so much of what is asked of her as a personal attack.
    I often wonder if these interviews are forced on her by management for promotional reasons. She said she gave in with The Guardian. Who's to say the same didn't happen here. If that's the case, she probably went in there expecting the worst from the interviewer. And that's my biggest problem with her. She's grown a custom to the backlash and hate to the point where she seems to expect it from people. That's a shitty way of thinking. I guess at the end of the day these things serve their purpose- they get people to talk about her.
    Sometimes I think it would be better that she hid herself from the media spotlight, like Fiona Apple or Sia. She's working against herself IMO. It looks like its a burden for her.
    Just my onion.
  5. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    If she would shop for a good psychologist instead of a world-renowned clairvoyant, she might find a good one who won't tell her things she already know about herself, but practical everyday life tips, like how not to give a fuck about what other people think because you cannot control what they think and how they perceive things, how to communicate her discomfort, how to assert herself and set her limits regarding what she's comfortable to talk about. In short, how to get out of an uncomfortable situation like a lady.
    To know if the interviewer was mean spirited when asking those personal questions, we can't really tell. We don't have all the conversation and mostly, we can't hear the voice tone and see his eyes. When you get into personal stuff, you have to be extremely tactful, diplomatic, human. Being able to make people at ease and making them open up is a gift.
  6. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    This is how Introverts act. After a while, you just need to recharge, especially after being grilled for two days straight.

  7. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Funny. The Fiona lyric, "You fondle my trigger, then you blame my gun," feels relevant here. But it's a two-way street, for sure: Lana provokes the media by saying strange/unsettling things in interviews and in music then refuses to account for them; the media provokes Lana by asking her difficult and triggering questions, and then sensationalizes her dramatic and/or uncooperative response. Neither side is innocent at all.
    I've said before that Lana's willful solipsism is what really rubs people (in the media and in general) wrong. In an age of interconnectivity and transparency, with an emphasis on social cooperation, Lana basically says 'fuck that.' In this interview she admits she's very selfish, says no therapist could possibly know her better than herself, says she doesn't need money, is glib about smoking, etc. Basically, she comes off like an obstinate 17-year-old. Some part of her refuses to grow up. I love this about her in many ways, but it will continue to work against her as she ages and people expect more candor and less defensive posturing from her. I hate to say it, but her extreme 'selfishness as a virtue' stance reminds me a bit of Ayn Rand at times (who is adored by angsty teenagers who cannot see a world beyond their own.) There's an interesting thing here about Mammalian vs Reptilian thinkers/creators. It's about the workplace, but it's applicable to anything. I think Lana, right now, is Reptilian.
    'While mammals need others from the day they’re born, reptiles are adapted to living on their own. So, as they grow--whether we’re talking about the culture of crocodiles or a corporation--they have lives that are "individually oriented and socially isolated," they live in a world, Porges says, "defined by risk and not sharing or benevolence or creativity," and so the defining features of a reptilian workplace are embedded in defense and fear.'
  8. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    i think people are still unsure of whether or not she's actually as fragile and insecure as she often (willfully) portrays herself to be -- so they poke and prod at her supposed tender areas because they're attempting to provoke and/or analyze certain reactions that are either expected or contradictory to what they already think 
    'considerable glamour', brains, beauty, and a seeming lack of inhibition -- what does this woman have to be so insecure about? the questions are so personal because there will always be that question of ~authenticity, regardless of what she says or does
    people just don't understand that most if not all of the characteristic attributes they (attempt to) impose on her are likely to be true and simultaneously untrue 
  9. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    It is endlessly fascinating to me how a sensitive person can simply stand up for herself and refuse to play the diplomacy game, and get called a bitch for it.
    Apparently there is pressure in some form for Lana to do interviews. I say good for her for knowing to call it quits this time. (After, what, seven hours of interview time the day before?)
    Yes, indeed there is a place for treating different people differently, and treating more-sensitive people with greater sensitivity. It's called emotional intelligence, and anyone who works with people would do well to at least consider it in their approach. (I don't usually extoll the virtues of EI because I think it gets overemphasized these days compared to other forms of intelligence... But completely ignoring it is just as ridiculous.)
    Whether the established players like it or not, Lana is going to have to find her own approach to the game. If a journalist triggers her red flags, then she has the right to enforce her boundaries by ending the interview. (He even says she told him it wasn't about him. That's a conciliatory move. Artless? Maybe. Hissy fit? Hardly.)
  10. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   

    Someone's been reading Lanalysis.   Actually, between this and the age thing and the FMWUTTT/Lorde thing I think this guy's been reading a fair amount on LanaBoards.  

    This is really interesting. It explains why her high school yearbook photo said she was college bound for SUNY Geneseo even though she ended up at Fordham and the apparent gap between high school and her starting college. But it makes when she might have lived in Alabama all the more mysterious. 

    Ha! Me and my momma we don't get along, indeed. Though I can just see her being the kind of waitress that tries to make up for shitty service by flirting with her male patrons. 

    She still remembers these lovely early songs.   

    Say hi to your Bond girl sister Pussy for me, will you? 

    Ha, look at get all defensive about his cardinal error as her manager. 

    I guess you guys weren't the only ones that noticed this.  

    I'll be posting more about this soon. 
    This is too long to type up. Read from the paragraph beginning "Then, really without warning" to the end:

    "Maybe I'm sensitive. Do you think?"
    "You're asking all the right questions. I just really don't want to answer them."
    "I'm just uncomfortable, and it has nothing to do with you."
    I think these quotes really highlight what's going on here. Interviewers ask her perfectly reasonable questions to ask, nevertheless she still feels uncomfortable being asked them. What I don't understand, given that so many of her interviews have turned out this way, why she still does them or why she doesn't just say "No comment" or "I'd rather not answer that" and move on rather than throwing a hissy fit at interviewers who are just doing their job.

    Why should it be out of bounds to ask about something she has consistently volunteered detailed information about unprompted in multiple interviews and may be referenced in several of her songs?
  11. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    This is bound to be a controversial opinion, but I think this is a fantastically well-done profile, perhaps one of the best. I don't believe it's the job of a journalist, even in the fluffy realm of music journalism, to humor the people they cover. The job of a journalist is to portray their subjects accurately and in-depth. This article accomplished that in spades. It goes into great depth about her history and provides new details about unanswered questions, it demonstrates the author did his homework, confirms the recent NYT profile's angle that she's been misunderstood and the backlash was premised on bullshit, but pulls the curtain back on what it's like to interview Lana Del Rey and her mercurial nature.
    That said, the one quibble I have is that I felt they removed all context from her comment about not wanting people to hear and think about her music when promoting this profile online.
    Some specific thoughts:

    Like lemonade.  
    What'll really make me happy is if those fuckers on Wikipedia will change it permanently now without me having to make a case for it on BLPN.

    I can't say I am anywhere near as familiar with other pop stars to say if this is true, but it's nice to see even music journalists that aren't as fawning as the NYT's John Pareles say this. I also like that this article describes her name change as merely "showbiz-as-usual" and said this:

    Get it girl   


    Let's see. She started breaking up with Barrie "starting in December or so", right around the same time she previously said she stopped having writer's block and her concept for the album started to come together and she began recording stuff for it at Electric Lady Studios. And then there are those lyrics. Hmm...  

    Give us the demos Dan!  

    Fucking labels, man.  

    The irony of this has always struck me. Her parents moved away from the city to the countryside because they had Lizzy who of course was powerfully drawn to the city when she grew up. 
    TO BE CONTINUED... Fucking quote limits.
  12. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I really wonder if you've ever seen any other performers, to make a comment like that. I've seen performers do all sorts of things to deal with their insecurities (which every performer has, and tries to mask in one way or another) - I've seen them get drunk and abuse the audience; I've seen them ignore the audience completely; I've seen them turn up the 'rock star' act to 100% in a tiny club where they looked ridiculous; I've had artists pull me up on stage so that I could dance around [note: I'm a not particularly good looking guy who clearly wasn't being brought up for the eye candy value], and distract everyone's attention from what was going on.
    Lana, in those times she's directly with her fans, seems so embarrassingly, ridiculously real that it almost hurts to watch her. If she acted any differently outside of shows, I'd wonder, but she's the same in every video I've ever seen of her meeting fans in the street, outside shows, at random encounters, and so on. She actually doesn't owe anybody anything in these meetings, but she has always seemed to me (as someone who's only seen videos) to be as genuine as is possible. If you want to experience a singer who introduces every song and sings every line to the back row, you can check out pretty much every other pop artist in the world at the moment. Lana is one of the very few singers around who is actually unpredictable and exciting enough to make watching videos worthwhile - you never know how she's going to sing something, or what she's going to do. Almost nothing is scripted, and the things that she repeats are so awkward and charming that she never looks like she's just crossing them off her list.
    The end of relationships in real life is almost never like it is in the movies - it's messy and ugly and heartbreaking, and it never makes any of the parties involved look good. Lana herself puts it beautifully in 'Cruel World' by singing 'I'm finally happy, now that you're gone', and sounding like she's about to break down.
    I find the easiest way of making sense of all of her contradictions and strange statements is to consider her a regular person, unschooled in how to act correctly, but trying to do the right thing. Sort of like the rest of us, when we're at our best.
  13. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I don't have the pretense that I know LDR. What I know is from her interviews and I have formed an idea about her personality which could be wrong but this is mainly the consequence of her inability to have a coherent public discourse. I don't think that she's doing that on purpose to fuel her "mystique" rather she seems insecure about everything: her music, looks, public perception, her life and as a consequence she gets "confused" when opens her mouth.
    About her relationship with fans I think that is more complex than "she's great with fans", because i have the feeling that those first row extravaganzas at every concert of hers are more about her (insecurities) than about the fans. Fans are also those in the back who don't see her for 15 min in a concert because she's taking selfies in the front row. She has garnered some touring experience and It's just ridiculous that the communication between her and the fans during the concert it's limited to some awkwardly uttered "you're amazing". She has powerful songs that could be introduced nicely connecting with the audience and the whole experience would be better. I get the fact that she's not a trained or natural performer and I like the fact that her shows lacks the usual gimmicks and theatrics but I have the feeling that she's investing to little in this meetings while her fans adore her.
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Dan Auerbach Speaks About "Ultraviolence" Label Issues   
    I mean DANIEL that is how a label works! And I'm sure this little article won't make it easier for Lana next time around.. oh well they r both ugly but they have the music so who cares.
  15. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Guy in Dan Auerbach Speaks About "Ultraviolence" Label Issues   
    wOw !!1 Dan sounds like a  re b el !!!!1
  16. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Official 2nd Single - Ultraviolence (Release August 18th)   
    Sounds like every other one of her singles
  17. veniceglitch liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's boyfriend who was arrested thought   
    nah probably selling firearms via the internet... guy in NJ (I think) was arrested for it ~ or was the founder of the site or something. had mob connections as well.,,
  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's boyfriend who was arrested thought   
    nah probably selling firearms via the internet... guy in NJ (I think) was arrested for it ~ or was the founder of the site or something. had mob connections as well.,,
  19. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Intriguing Penguin in Lana Del Rey Interviews With Zane Lowe on BBC Radio 1   
    Nashville... Midwest...? what nashville did she go to?
  20. bummersummer liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Which songs off Ultraviolence deserve a music video the most?   
    florida kilos duh. lana as the mafiosi queen
  21. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Possibility of Another Tour   
    ya she's doing a 50 show tour exclusively in the state of delaware. also heard she's announcing her christmas album UltraSilent (Night) there but idk..
  22. Halcyon liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Possibility of Another Tour   
    ya she's doing a 50 show tour exclusively in the state of delaware. also heard she's announcing her christmas album UltraSilent (Night) there but idk..
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