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  1. DUKE liked a post in a topic by liam in The Official Apple Thread   
    iOS 7 looks hideous. I thought it was Samsung. It just doesn't look like Apple at all... why would they do this? 
  2. liam liked a post in a topic by iseeyouupsidedown in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    soooo I figured I'd make a big art dump here, see what you guys think. Maybe I'll do requests if anyone really wants. I haven't been drawing much lately... Anyway, sorry to promote myself, but..
    my tumblr is fuckyeahgoldeen.tumblr.com so follow me if you want to see more I have a /drawing tag where I post most of them. (I also tag some with /sketch only if they aren't that good but Im going to go back and fix that because I think there's only one thats in sketch but not drawing haha... I'll just make them all under #drawing)
    Sorry I used instagram filters for some of them lol...
  3. liam liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Game of Thrones   
  4. liam liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Month (June): lola   
    Dig the landslide voting going on here! But of course dearest lola is very worthy and a key member in the LB community, if only for her second-biggest post whore status (hi ). But also for her boundless wit and her unamused avatar reflecting in all of her posts. Laugh cry puke and give it up for our most sassy jailbait...
    Member of the Month: lola!

  5. liam liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana announced upcoming videos for Body Electric, Gods & Monsters, and Bel Air   
    I don't know about you guys, but "Ride" revealed so much to me about her, and what else will she do in this kind of extended music video but talk about herself? The most fantasy she's ever had in any video is swinging on a tire from the heavens. Yeah, she's done entire videos based on preposterous things like glamming in a castle and being Jackie O, but something like this is bound to have more of a storyline. I'm officially excited.
    Plus she chose three fairly dark songs, which is a good match for her and something she's yet to do.
  6. liam liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Lana's new interview for Alice 97.3   
  7. liam liked a post in a topic by lola in I've put a Lana bet on...   
    lmao @ ellie goulding, rita ora, rihanna & tswift. and wtf, anne hathaway?
  8. liam liked a post in a topic by Gargoyle in I've put a Lana bet on...   
    ...this afternoon.
    £10 at odds of 20-1 that she'll sing the next James Bond film theme song.  I couldn't resist a flutter with those odds!  I've never even betted before!
    Could be 12 months or longer before anything is announced, but I thought "why not?".  I'd only kick myself if I didn't put it on....and then she does!
    Just thought I'd share that with you all!
    For those interested, here's what they're offering at the moment:
  9. liam liked a post in a topic by phahad in Underrated Lana Songs   
    everybody dislikes the album version (not sure if dislike is the correct term, more like least favorite it) but everybody likes the demo i like every. single. version.  
  10. liam liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Lana announced upcoming videos for Body Electric, Gods & Monsters, and Bel Air   
    I get so annoyed to see people bitch and moan about her "never living up to her promises." (not directing this at anyone in particular)
    Creative ideas change and I think it's very generous of her to share what she's planning/considering/brainstorming artistically in a spontaneous moment. It's not like she's giving out release dates and officially confirms that said creative idea will be realized at some point. People take those things too seriously. I wish they would stop regarding these utterances of hers with this certain sense of entitlement. At least that what I get from having read a lot of posts about the issue in the last of months. 
  11. sprkljumpropegangsta liked a post in a topic by liam in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Video Games - Up until the other day, I thought it was "Watching all our friends fall in and out of applause..." 
  12. liam liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Overrated Lana Songs?   
    The reaction towards my comment shows just why it's overrated 
  13. liam liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in "Young and Beautiful" - Music Video   
    I'm probably behind on the times again but...
    Some people are saying they've seen the video on MTV, well done Lana ^.^

  14. liam liked a post in a topic by beyondthedope in My Paradise Experience - Vicar Street May 26th   
    Sunday was amazing. I woke up at like 6am and got a train to Dublin checked into my hotel and headed straight to Vicar Street. Luckly I wasn't alone as when I arrived there was 6 other fans waiting. I got my number which was number 7. I then awkwardly sat on the ground and made friends with the people around me. We were like a team because we held each others spots and had a laugh. At around five or half five all of a sudden I see a silver mini van pull into the back of the venue and then the gates closed. I knew straight away it was her because it was the first car to pull in to the back of the venue and there is only room for one car at the back of the venue so we ran and sure enough it was Lana and she got out of the car and came straight over the the fans. She signed autographs and took pictures behind a tiny gap in the gate (see picture below). It was awkward I slided my Paradise Boxset through the gap and she grabbed it and signed it we were so so happy and so pumped for the concert. We ran back to the line still had our spots of course and we were all showing off our signed stuff and pictures and basically freaking out. I didn't have time to get a picture because people began pushing but I was happy because I knew I had a shot to properly meet her because I would be front row. At around six security came out to the door and behind them was Lanas dad and a worker at Vicar Street each had a bag full of merchandise. Lana's dad said that she was so happy that everyone was here so early and that she had gifts of us. Then the pushing began but luckly he handed me another Paradise Boxset which was amazing! He handed out one lyric book which I really wanted but didn't get Also handed out was The Great Gatsby book, Walt Whitman books and Lolita book. He posed for pictures and went back inside. We were even more pumped if that was even possible, everyone I was with got something so we were all over the moon. Doors opened at seven. The security didn't even check my bag we ran in even though security told us not to haha I lost the people I was with but I got the the front row at the right of the stage. Waited until eight and then Kassidy started for the first song Barrie's mic wasn't really working it was odd but they were brilliant. Just before the last song Barrie started singing Born To Die and everyone went nuts it was great. Then nine came and she came on stage my jaw dropped she looks way way way more beautiful in person. She went straight out near the crowd and someone threw there panties at her she picked them up and twirled them around her finger she started laughing. She then went down to the left of the stage but she was kinda grabbed by fans there and she didn't go down the whole way. She came back up and told us that she should have had this recorded because the venue was small and would be great for it. After about four songs she went over to the side of the stage and got more books and brought them down and gave them to the left side of the stage. She then carried on singing. The whole crowd were singing the lyrics with her on every song. Then this happened

    She started to cry because the crowd screamed for about 5 minutes she was so overwhelmed it was amazing. Then last song National Anthem she ended it and walked straight down to the right and started taking pictures when she got to me she thanked me for coming and I asked her for a picture and she said sure and then I took and she held my hand and I said thank you so much and she smiled then she moved on I was fucking shaking. I got squashed against the barrier but it was worth it ( I still feel black and blue). Then yesterday I wanted to get my tour book signed as well as well my Great Gatsby CD and I arrived at Vicar Street at like half four and waited for her to arrive and yet again I met her and she signed my stuff. It was bad though because the paparazzi started pushing people and Lana was getting mad at them.
    I will add pictures of the concert later maybe.
  15. Fernando_DelRey liked a post in a topic by liam in Paradise tour merchandise   
    The TIWMUG pages are my favourite from the lyric book. Here's the pages that I scanned if anyone is interested
    I think the photo they chose is brilliant!
    Video games
  16. liam liked a post in a topic by Hey Lucas Hey in My Front Row Experience At The Paradise Tour (Pics with Lana included!)   
    Long post I know!

    So me and my best friend Leah have been obsessing Lana for over a good year, we've been waiting for the chance to see her live for ages but we've never had the luck or chance. Until the tour was announced, we got two standing tickets as soon as they were available back in November for the first London show and we vowed back then that we would be first in line.
    And so on May 19th, we set off at 2am for the Hammersmith Apollo, I live fairly close so it wasn't a hard journey. We arrived, first in line as we expected and got ready for the long wait. By the time it reached 6pm and people were starting to get ready to move (doors opened at 7pm) we were knackered but excited. The door staff had already told us that knew how long we'd been there and told us a treat was on the way.
    About 20 minutes later Rob and a woman who I presume to be Lana's assistant came out with about 20 signed Paradise - Special Editions and 1 lyric booklet. Leah managed to grab the lyric booklet and I got a copy of the special edition. We were so grateful and nearly sobbed there and then.
    Then doors open and panic and chaos happens, people running and shoving to get to the front. Luckily we managed a front row position slightly to the right but a perfect view.
    Kassidy came on, did their thing which I have to say I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would. At the end of their set Barrie threw his guitar pick onto the front of the stage and I managed to get one of the security to give it to me. I wonder if he washed his hands before he touched it..
    Then it was time for Lana! We screamed like absolute mentalists, which you'll be able to hear in the videos I post below. She was so so so good, words can't describe, we were shocked by her beauty, couldn't keep our eyes off her.
    Favourites during the show were probably Ride, Born To Die, Summertime Sadness, Young & Beautiful, National Anthem, Video Games and Without You.
    Ride, SS, Y&B and Without You had me crying, apparently I was on the big screen at one point..
    And then during Video Games, something amazing happened. We decided to hold up our "Can We Have A Photo Please? <3" sign to see if we could get Lana's attention and we did! She saw it and winked at us!
    You can see the wink here in this guy's video at 2:59 -

    Then during National Anthem she came down as usual, interacted with the crowd and then finally got to us.
    The conversation was something like this:
    Us: Can we have a photo please?!
    Lana: Sure!
    Us: Can someone else take it..?
    Lana: I'll take it!
    *Lana takes phone, stands next to us and takes 3 selfies.*
    Us: Thank you so much! We love you! We've been here since 2am waiting!
    Lana: I know! I heard about you guys, thank you so much! I love you! *Hugs and kisses us.*
    Us: Thank you! And thank you for the signed stuff earlier!
    Lana: Oh you got them! Good! I'm glad!
    And then she went, to the next person. We just stood there in absolute shock, not knowing what to do. But it happened! We finally did it after all that waiting!

    Intro/Cola: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151369809436946&set=vb.715991945&type=3
    Carmen: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151369862706946&set=vb.715991945&type=3
    Without You (She stood at the front of the barrier for most of this!) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151369177901946&set=vb.715991945&type=3&theater
    American: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151371726526946&set=vb.715991945&type=3&theater
    Young & Beautiful: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151372971021946&set=vb.715991945&type=3&theater
    Ride: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151374757846946&set=vb.715991945&type=3&theater
    Video Games / National Anthem: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151373066781946&set=vb.715991945&type=3&theater
    Video Talking To Lana - You Can't Hear Or See Much But It Happened! I Think My Phone Went Into Her Sleeve... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151371526811946&set=vb.715991945&type=3&theater
  17. liam liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Artwork - Update: Bel Air   
    but thank u 
    Anyway yea here it is:
    St. Tropez:

  18. liam liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in LDR Artwork - Update: Bel Air   
    I know this is on none of my requests and isn't even album artwork but hey, it's still artwork sooOO
    Last Girl on Earth (Movie Poster):

  19. liam liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've decided the book

    is wrong. Lana couldn't possibly poop. Is this the face of someone that poops?

    Could concentrated evil possibly be expelled from her? I don't think so.
  20. liam liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Lana Confessions   
    It's not really a Lana confession but
    I hate hearing about all this pushing and shoving like crazy at her shows, can't even enjoy the concert properly with people all over me   I guess it's my fault I didn't catch Lana when her fan-base wasn't made of screeching twitter-kids.Wish there were more lanaboards-like fans - least for the sake of seeing her live in a civilized way. 
  21. liam liked a post in a topic by BoomKack in Paradise tour merchandise   
    They take cash or card
  22. liam liked a post in a topic by Arzi in CANNES 2013   
    was i the only one to notice this?

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