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  1. The Siren liked a post in a topic by jess9715 in Lana Del Rey Reveals Details About "Spiritual" New Album   
    Thanks for the interview, can't believe I hadn't heard it yet. She should def do a leaks album. I'm freaking out that she mentioned coming to Dallas
  2. Elina liked a post in a topic by jess9715 in Lana Del Rey Reveals Details About "Spiritual" New Album   
    Thanks for the interview, can't believe I hadn't heard it yet. She should def do a leaks album. I'm freaking out that she mentioned coming to Dallas
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by jess9715 in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie8XQv8cdS0 :creepna:
  4. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by jess9715 in Little things that you love about Lana   
    When she does this:
    When she wears a shit load of extensions and 'does her hair up real big beauty queen style'
    And when she licks her lips excessively
    :flutter: :flutter:
  5. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by FullTimeDaddy in Lana Del Rey shoots new music video in L.A.   
    When Lana's wet, so am I. 
  6. comeintomybedroom liked a post in a topic by jess9715 in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie8XQv8cdS0 :creepna:
  7. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Is "Beyoncé" just a big rip-off of Lana Del Rey?   
    In "Partition", the camera takes us inside a palatial estate that almost looks like it could have been the setting for the "Born to Die" video. See the exterior and interior below:

    In the first of several scenes curiously similar to ones out of "National Anthem", we find Mrs. Carter seated at an immaculately set table, barely noticed by her rapper husband peering over his newspaper:

    In her mind, she embarks on a sexual fantasy. Again she channels Rosalita:

    Her rapper husband feels up her leg in a vehicle:

    She puts on a show for him, donning a sequined flapper headdress like Lizzy wears in this photo:

    Silhouette techniques like something out of "Summertime Sadness" are employed:

    Beyoncé pole dances like Lana in Tropico over a sexy French spoken interlude like in "Carmen":

    Like A$AP Rocky in "National Anthem", her rapper husband watches her performance voyeuristically, smoking a cigar:

    Beyoncé is a jealous, jealous, jealous gurrrrrl. This video begins in the same estate reminiscent of "Born to Die" as in "Partition". In one scene, the former Miss Knowles is draped over a pinball machine like Lana in "Ride":

    In another we see a "tunnel lined with yellow lights":

    Like "Blue Jeans", "Rocket" opens on a black & white close-up of a reflection of the artist's face in a ripple of water:

    Later in each video we watch the artist submerge her face in water in slow motion:

    Like Lana in the poster for Tropico, we find Beyoncé re-enacting Mary in the Pieta:

    Also, is that another Shaun Ross cameo?
    In "XO", Beyoncé orchestrates perhaps the largest NYC land grab since Dutch settlers bought Manhattan Island from Native Americans for 24 bucks, stealing the famed amusement destination from the Queen of Coney Island herself:




    Since I can't find any Lana plagiarism in either of these videos, I'm just gonna go ahead and assume they must be borrowed from the "Dark Paradise" and "Cola" videos that never materialized. @@Ultraviolence Watch these. One of them may be the closest thing you'll ever get to your precious "Cola" video.
    Here we have the biggest plot heist since Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds ripped off Gremlins. In "Heaven", Beyoncé portrays a woman mourning her deceased female bff in a series of flashbacks. Sound familiar? Of course it does. It's the plot of Lana's "Summertime Sadness" video. Not content to copycat one Lana video, "Heaven" filches from a few. A shot in a church mirrors the chapel in "Born to Die":

    In a flashback, Beyoncé's girlfriend sprays alcohol at a campfire party echoing scenes in "Ride":

    And we see her and her gal pal riding in a car like Lana & Jaime King:

    She only barely tries to disguise her copying Lana's recitation of the Lord's Prayer in Tropico by saying it in Spanish. Oh, and speaking of Spanish, here's Rosalita yet again:

    Sure, there's another "tunnel lined with yellow lights":

    The sequined bra is back:

    And she evokes Lizzy's showgirl style:

    But most saliently, this song is about Beyoncé's, uh, baby Blue love, the black baby daughter she had with a rapper. What a blatant "National Anthem" ripoff!

    Last but not least, the video for "Grown Woman" consists of home footage of Beyoncé's childhood performances, a clear homage to Lana's DIY videos.
  8. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by butterflies in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   

    @@evilentity prepare for more loon! 

  9. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey-diant! Singer is serene in white lace gown as she attends and performs at Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Awards   
    apparently she followed someone at NASA the other day and blake posted about performing at an award ceremony. then this just showed up on tumblr

    so random. the fuck is she doing there? negotiating a trip back to her home planet? spiting her rival? fucking an astronaut on the side? pls post more pics and videos when / if they become available!
  10. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    he's actually so i hot i can't cope lmao

    try and get a dick pic tbh
  11. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
  12. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    omg you guys new album title tropico coming out tpd is back I'm dying here I should sleep it's 4 am 
  13. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   

  14. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    get off d stage @@SitarHero
  15. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    No, I don't think this does really negate that criticism. Though she likes to premiere her videos in her own backyard (likely out of convenience), it doesn't change the fact that she still appears to avoid performing many US shows (seemingly out of spite or fear). It would be fair to say, "Omg, Lana you never do any non-American premieres!"
    While I'm on the topic, I think Europeans aren't always mindful of how large America is. The total area of the United States alone is almost as large as all of Europe combined. I routinely drive 7 hours each way to visit my in-laws without leaving my own state, just one of 50. For example, Los Angeles is over 1,800 miles (about 3,000 km) away from where I live as the crow flies. So when Lana performs on the west coast, it is over 300 miles (about 500 km) further from me than Lana's Istanbul show was from Londoners. New York is over 600 miles (about 1,000 km) the other way, further than Lana's Milan show from Londoners (and that's if you could drive straight across Lake Erie!)
    To put things in roughly equivalent European geographic terms, imagine you're an Italian living in Florence earlier this summer. Then imagine that Lana has performed in London four times, Moscow five times, and once in St. Petersburg, but that's it for Europe, and she hasn't performed anywhere in Europe for over a year, which is kind of weird because (in this analogy) Lana is European and of Italian nationality and sings about old Italy in a lot of her songs. Finally, she decides to play Rome. However, it's a large festival so it cost 70 euros and she's only scheduled to play a 45 minute set, but you get tickets anyway. Later, organizers of the festival schedule another show at a small venue in Rome, but you can't get tickets because the presale sold out before you even heard when it started because it was never publicly announced (only the festival's Facebook followers were notified less than 24 hours in advance). Nevertheless, you consider yourself lucky. It could be worse. At least you don't live in Poland or the Czech Republic or something. However, now imagine Lana has toured America extensively (hell, she even performed more times in one particular state than all of Europe combined!), yet some fucking Yank on a forum (who even happens to be from that state!) has the balls to tell not just you, but even the Poles and Czechs, "Meh, quit yer bitching. Lana's toured Europe plenty."
    Or to put it in Aussie terms, this would be almost like telling people from Melbourne that they should be happy because their favorite artist has performed in Perth a bunch of times.

  16. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Month (November): Vinny Vidi Vici   
    November has a Member of the Month? It's more than halfway over! I know I know I know, we had some false starts but Vinny Vidi Vici stepped forward to accept the crown, and what a deserving member he is! One of the most articulate interviews I've conducted (read: PM'd a questionnaire) and if you find this lacking in commentary from my end it's only due to a series of "I AGREE"s that I deleted. Let him hear it (and I will allow his reign to overlap into December a bit to be fair).
    Member of the Month (November): Vinny Vidi Vici!

  17. demiannn liked a post in a topic by jess9715 in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    In Jealous Girl I thought it was: if I cant have your baby, no one else in this world can.
  18. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Justin Bieber prostitute scandal   
    A video has been uploaded by a girl (speculated to be a prostitute) of Justin Bieber sleeping 
    Her twitter has also been found where she recently tweeted 

    top lel
  19. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Oh God. This movie will be glorious! Can't wait to get my knickers in a twist about cultural appropriation! *rubs hands together gleefully*
  20. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Teasers for 'Tropico' Released on YouTube   
    Is that the fake David Kahne intro...
    Also OMG

  21. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by phahad in Best Coast   
    It's an incredibly amazing band that i love of 2   theyre from my top 5
    i hope you guys like them

    https://soundcloud.com/bestcoastt/sunny-adventure"> https://soundcloud.com/bestcoastt/sunny-adventure" /> https://soundcloud.com/bestcoastt/sunny-adventure/https://soundcloud.com/bestcoastt/sunny-adventure">https://soundcloud.com/bestcoastt/sunny-adventure by https://soundcloud.com/bestcoastt/sunny-adventure">https://soundcloud.com/bestcoastt/sunny-adventure  
    ((this is my fav but its too short)) 


  22. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by Whoopiedoo in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    It's a short film, it's gonna take some time to edit. As have all her past music videos.
  23. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    honestly i doubt its going to premiere tomorrow. if it were purely an internet release, maybe, but its supposed to premiere at physical locations so if she actually wanted people to like, show up she'd need to give some sort of notice in advance, no? i don't live in LA and so i'd personally need to plan ahead. if she randomly decided to have the premiere at the cemetery tomorrow night i'd kill her 
    bitch needs to get a fucking calendar. either that, or stop LYING

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