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Everything posted by DominicMars

  1. Wonder if a solo demo of Beautiful People will leak after the album comes out ugh I love Stevie nicks tho! Just saying I love demos
  2. Eeeeee thank u sweetie ugh I love the heart gif it's so cute
  3. The most relevant post on here in weeks!!!!!!!!
  4. I love her songtitles. I never know what to expect! I'm so excited, especially for Bummer Summer. I loved Ridin with A$AP Rocky....... somehow she always surprises me in some way Sad for all the negative Nellys around here! If her songtitles put you off that much, idek..thats weird to me.... I guess there are song titles that I'm not necessarily crazy about ? But no artist has a cd that I'm like "wow its great but...I hate the titles so it sucks " like ??????
  5. Katy Perry + her music are trash. i hate artists that want to pander to a gay fan base but release shit music (even borderline homophobic) and collab with artists like Migos who spew their hateful views on a huge platform. Shameful and disgusting
  6. Honestly id love her to do a Rihanna cover on BBC Live Lounge or something .... Idc what anyone has to say lol I hope Lana is a Rih stan too. She did go to a couple of her concerts last year? Lol Honestly I've found that mainstream publications are geuinely thoughtless most of the time when it comes to LDR. If anyone has ever been a fan of an "alternative" female artist, you find that most of the people that work for these magazines are depraved men that can barely form a cohesive paragraph lol One of the best LDR moments was the pre BTD interview that she ended because....the guy was just a troll
  7. Awhh I love the cover! I'm down for a UO exclusive cover
  8. I need some really cool new Merch. I want a lyric book with full lyrics and a new LDR lighter ugh
  9. beautiful! I love this look. God damn she is BRINGING IT THIS ERA
  10. Driving in Cars with Boys is so good! Both versions have a really cool modern-but-retro vibe. Good idea for a thread, OP and I agree with your idea! Also, yeah, Life is Beautiful would be a good choice, considering how vocal her fans have been about the song!
  11. Boo this guy has been a boring troll for pages and pages! "Still replying??" is about as well-thought out as his posts get unfortunately lmao. Smh But really though, I agree with you! How can you listen to 10-15 seconds of a song and call it shit? That's just being closed-minded
  12. “There are hundreds of [male] rappers that all look the same, that sound the same, but if you’re a black woman, you’re either Beyoncé or Rihanna. It’s very, very strange," Ciara - another all-round performer with a handful of stone-cold bangers – has suffered similarly through comparison, I suggest. “I’d agree,” she nods. “It felt like they almost had to sacrifice someone because there wasn’t enough room, which isn’t true. Ciara’s an amazing artist, Beyoncé’s an amazing artist, Rihanna’s an amazing artist, and they’re all very different!” This article came out today! <3 Interesting read, (she talks about Nightride and Joyride and Joyride - the song). Ive been missing Tinashe lately https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/jun/12/tinashe-if-black-singer-either-beyonce-rihanna
  13. Digging around like that is pretty tacky (to say the least) IMO It's not just that post, but that goes along with harassing people that have no part in Lana's music career and badgering them. I do wonder how many people get contacted by raving Lana Del Rey fans scoping through screencaps of her social media over 5+ years ago. Under the guide of what? finding out specifically why she was going to AA meetings? Addiction is a very personal struggle o.O That's um,,,,idek edit: @@baddisease, no offense..<3 i love ur icon
  14. Imagine if she has a pile of leftover songs from all these sessions.....she could release them on singles like artists used to do! (I know non album tracks can be unpopular but damn Lana collect some coins from those b-sides at least!!)
  15. @ Modern feminism is pointless? Nothing left to accomplish? What rock are you living under? Lmao Read up about intersectionality, it's not a hard concept to grasp....you'll find that modern feminism, in fact, has very much left to accomplish on many different levels. Take a look at abortion laws in the southern United States. You'll find that in some states, it is nearly impossible for women to get an abortion, have access to contraceptives/STI testing, and other necessities because of their repressed, puritanical representatives. When there are multiple institutions in western societies that still keep health care out of reach and billionaire companies that continue to keep a wage gap (again, this is where intersectionality comes in, Hispanic and African-American women are disproportionately affected by this) there is still TONS to accomplish, and that is just skimming the surface of "first world problems" that women experience. Don't be ignorant.
  16. I read the stupid article from The Historian....fake news. Sad! He's a sick guy. Witch hunt!
  17. DominicMars

    Amy Winehouse

    Of course! Uploading now xxx Thank u very much ! @@SlowGinFizzzz Do you mean the live tracks included on the German issue of BTB? I think I found a lossless download at one time and saved it, if so! As for the Vodafone tracks, I also think I bought them at one point but the audio quality is surprisingly poor! I'll look into it. If I forget within a few days feel free to send me a PM. I've been extra scatterbrained lately
  18. A little positivity for this thread.... The fact that in less than two months we're going to be adding a full-length album into our iTunes is......amazing. Love, Lust for Life, and Coachella have all realllly grown on me since their releases
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