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Everything posted by FrankNotOcean

  1. The video is so rad omg I need to watch Clueless again now
  2. I'm still crying over Waiting For a Friend preview
  3. FrankNotOcean

    yes I almost cried listening to Slow Love and all the night versions
  4. FrankNotOcean

    I have a feeling this album is gonna be gold
  5. Wounded Rhymes killed me like I could probably write a 12 page essay on how much I love this album I Never Learn better come sooner than this I cannot handle the anticipation
  6. in fountain jonna is wearing white, bounty and in hunting for pearls she's wearing black (and holding the black box), kin i don't know if that means something but i mean, who ever knows with iamamiwhoami
  7. I have the iTunes download link if anyone wants
  8. FrankNotOcean

  9. FrankNotOcean


    http://25.media.tumblr.com/04857fcf696f6712f5f8fe94cabeae22/tumblr_n17uqudG7z1s4jm1so1_500.jpg not photoshopped at all
  10. The previews sound sooooo good! It's just sad that to me nothing will ever overtop Light Me Up. This album was and still is a gem to me
  11. I would like to have a moment of silence for our beloved Misty Day still grieving.
  12. honestly, Misty is the one that deserved the least hell and she had the worst one.. I'm literally like petrified just thinking about it SHE NEVER SHOULD HAVE WENT TO THE COVEN IN THE FIRST PLACE THEY BROUGHT HER BACK JUST TO KILL HER IN A WORSE WAY
  13. FrankNotOcean

    WHOA OK OK JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT HER I need a list of all her stuff. She is so good, I'm impressed A masterpost or something would be so nice.
  14. The only visual artist that matters tbh
  15. same here please, well if someone could send me the 4:40 version everyone is talking about.. I only have the video version that is like 3:25
  17. Sky was part of the CK One campaign back in the days and it's just a promo video.. The video/interview got deleted from YouTube but there's this and this
  18. okay but how come nobody is talking about the fact that she doesn't need promotion because BEYONCÉ wow i didnt even listen to the album yet (no money, if someone could pm me the album that'd be nice no need for the videos)
  19. Anyone know where I could find a download link for the instrumental of Tropico I swear to God in every video she makes the instrumental is just as beautiful as the video itself
  20. I was so excited when I saw she had 2 (3 with Cedric) nominations and I was thinking "Wow they did a really good job this year with the nominees" then I saw Blurred Lines everywhere....... If Young and Beautiful doesn't win I'm gonna stab someone in the face
  21. FrankNotOcean


    FOUR GRAMMY NOMINATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. FrankNotOcean


    What she said was basically that she's the queen of the "island" sort of. And the kid had to go through initiations and even though he lost he's still accepted within the group. The video made no sense before reading her explanation and now that I know it does a little more but it's still really bleh.. Her words: this video was borne from a dream i had a few months ago about teenagers in their own world, a world with hierarchies and initiations, where the boy who was second in command had acne on his face, and so did the girl who was queen. i dreamt about this world being so different to anything anyone had ever seen, a dark world full of tropical plants and ruins and sweat. and of this world, i dreamt about tests that didn't need to be passed in order to be allowed in: sometimes the person who loses is stronger. enjoy xx
  23. Is it good???? Cause I've only heard Female Robbery and Sweater Weather which I both reallllly love but idk if I should buy it And the last CD I bought was Last Smoke Before the Snowstorm - Benjamin Francis Leftwich
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