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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Kerrigan in Lana Retweeting Some Questionable Shit   
    ~come on u know u like DOOT little girls~
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by yayoop in Lana Retweeting Some Questionable Shit   
    I think we can all agree that Lana has a fucked up sense of humour. It's like when she replies to peoples hate comments and she calls people "c**ts" or stuff like that.


    It's like she finds the comment funny because why the fuck would she be pro-pedo? So she's gonna acknowledge it just because it's messed up.


    It's like you hear someone say "Oh, she likes to watch bondage porn" And then you will joke about it on Facebook or Twitter or with friends being like "Hold on just gonna go put on my leather straps" or something like that…


    If that makes sense.


    It's just Lana's dark humour i think .. Nothing about her actually condoning pedophilia.
  3. Stranger liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Accurate depiction of their genetics:

  4. Sitar liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Accurate depiction of their genetics:

  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Jord in The French Music Thread   
    Does Daft Punk count? Because if it does, I love them to death and they're the best thing that has ever happened to electronic music.
    I am comfortable to say that I don't think there will ever be an electronic artist/duo/band like them.
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Matt in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    I personally apologize to Moy for anything I said. He didn't trade nudes for songs, it was a rumor. And if anybody else was offended, I apologize sincerely. 
    And don't even waste your time on the password, the file isn't MDG - it's a dance routine from the TV show "Dance Moms", the password was lanasneedle. 
    I seriously need to find more productive things to do when I'm bored.
    (and I really hope none of you actually went into the anal fisting tag - someone told me it was in there, but I wasn't planning on looking). 
  7. MermaidTrailerHeaven liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Accurate depiction of their genetics:

  8. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Accurate depiction of their genetics:

  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Quentin in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    So that's how she does it! Lana Del Rey displays her trim tummy and slender legs as she works up a sweat while hiking
    "She shot to fame thanks to her distinct singing voice, but Lana Del Rey is also hailed for her good looks and quirky style.
    And it’s no wonder the singer’s body is so sought after."
    "Belly nice: Lana Del Rey was proudly showing off her stomach in Los Angeles, California on Tuesday afternoon
    She stepped out in Los Angeles, California for a hiking trip and showed off her body in the process."
    "The crooner – whose real name is Elizabeth Grant – walked around in ripped denim shorts which were embellished with studs around the pockets.
    The item was so short that the inner linings of her pockets surpassed the length of her hot pants."
    "Bare chest: The star's unidentified male companion also revealed his midriff
    He displayed a similar style, revealing his stomach as he left his top over his shoulder.
    The young man also covered his fair skin with a wide-brim hat and donned comfortable shoes with socks.
    But he seemed to have some trouble keeping his shorts up as he was seen constantly adjusting them so they wouldn’t fall off his frame."
    always amazed by those articles, keep up the good work journalists
  10. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Accurate depiction of their genetics:

  11. Rafael liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Accurate depiction of their genetics:

  12. Summersault liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    That's kind of rude. Towards both of them.
    She looks so hot.
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Looking doper than all of us while working out:

    Offering paparazzi or probably some random interviewer a preview of her next album of the generation:

    Family resemblance in her and her brother Charlie's belly button:

  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    This is 900% the thread for me.
    A lot of people already mentioned the live version of Million Dollar Man ((((the live performances made it 1 of my favourite songs so))))
    I'll try to be logical in how these are grouped
    The "hey there" in Next To Me is great as well, it's so bright but also rly sad at the same time??? idk it fills me w/ emotion~~ I love how she sings "well you know it, and I know it" in A Star for Nick, idk if i'd even call it singing it's like she's talking and it's just rly pretty idk All You Need has probably my favourite line in the whole album "If you have visions come on and live them out." Amazing.  Jimmy Gnecco is such a fun song, I love her vocal colour in it, it's so light and careless and happy "One, two, make it fun" in Kill Kill simultaneously made and ruined my life "A sway of the hips and arms will cradle you from afar" this whole verse is fantastic idk why but it's the best part of Oh Say Can You See hands down I love the way the drums basically drop out in the chorus of Jump ((also the clipped "do you- do you wanna")) The harmonies in the chorus of Mermaid Motel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> All of Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) I kid you not literally everything, even the title is one of my favourites, the "sixty nine million stars, birds are flying out of my mouth" "let me play with your new shot gun" "say nooooOoOooOo" and the last chorus where she's like shouting it. Chills, man Off to the Races has some gr8 moments, my favourites being when she giggles a lil bit when she sings "starlet, harlot" and obviously the line "sorry 'bout it" and the outro with "you are my one true love ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" is gr8 gr8 gr8 I love the chord progression in Blue Jeans. I love the line "love is mean and love hurts" I love the bridge The lil stutter she does on "n-now you do" in Video Games also there r some digital like noises in the second verse idk what to call them but they're gr8 The lil "doo" in Little Girls "Keep out the stars, turn out the lights, this little world is yours tonight" another amazing line by lana del ray aka lizzy grant from Smarty The piano part in MDM gets to me too, it's in 6/8 as well which is gr8 and the chord progression just all of it it's gr8 its an amazing song I can't go on enough about it and I know everyone hates the shouty samples but idk i think they work in that song just a+ really ALL OF RIDE I DONT EVEN CARE  The opening couple chords of American is beautiful, it's so tranquil and wow just gr8 it gets me emotional when i hear it I love the synths in Body Electric, and the "I said don't worry bout it" "Me and God we don't get along so now I sing 'no one's gonna take my soul away'." Just stunning a+ lyrics well done lana The piano hook in Burning Desire idk what to call it and her heavy breathing ofc The demo of National Anthem (((the nexus one))) where she sings "sky" it has this...... quality I can't rly explain that is gr8 All the lil clipping in the second demo of TIWMUG, fantastic The screaming in the background of Big Bad Wolf (((at about 2:55))) that lasts until the end of the song that's autotuned and stuff, it's just a rly gr8 moment idk way, it turned a pretty bland emotionless song into somethin a little bit more excitin for me idk :~) "I'LL NEVER HAVE TO WORK CUZ MY DADDY IS RICH"    (for real tho the way she shouts it is gr8) "I pray your life is sweet you fucker" and "oh my god" at the end of damn you >>>> Her voice is soooo rich in Backfire it's fantastic, especially in the chorus She sounds so emotional when she sings "I feel like I can do anything" in I Don't Wanna Go and it makes me cry, also the verse's melody is so ssoososos beautiful I can't get over it The bridge of Velvet Crowbar left me in shock, same with the outro, so much power and emotion in her voice and the production of it backs it up it's huge it's dramatic it's 1 of the best thigns ever the "no no no no no no no/don't don't don't don't don't don't don't" in Last Girl on Earth, the final chorus and the bridge, and the "oh"s before the prechorus and the "sometimes I get lonely millions can hold me now". One of my favourite songs ever rly. The actual hook "Don't tell me its over" is ridiculously catchy and so dramatic and why i wanted the song so bad in the first place and how there's that pounding chord at the end of the song as she sings "in the light you're SOOOOOOOOO beautiful" god bless "Men'll like a woman who JUST DONT NEED EM" in the DEMO of motel 6 is another amazing moment "I can't call him up" in Trash (Demo)/The Man I love ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( :~) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) is the whole reason I made The Man I Love so it has to be on this ridiculously long list In the version of On Our Way with the webcam vocals she sings "You tell me not to worry, worry, worry, because you're the boss" and it's honeslty one of the most beautiful things ever I wish it was in the final version The chord progression of Driving In Cars with Boys always brightens my day The prechoruses in Kinda Outta Luck >>> I think it's the guitar in Dum Dum?? Idk but it plays something sonically stunning The line "love me like your best friends did" seems so sad? And idk whether lyrically it should be so I'm p certain it's a musical thing, i think it's the way her voice inclines in pitch on the word "did" The chorus of ghetto baby "BROOKLYN MOVE MY SOUL LIKE THIS" is RIDICULOUSLY catchy like, who the hell writes songs like that?? Summer of Sam is a rly cute song, I love the radio-like sound/filter idk on her voice, and there's this gr8 synth in the chorus :~) idk its just a super fun song i love it C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-CAR in Is It Wrong?  I love the outro of Butterflies Part 2 the strings the shouting of "sicko! psycho!" it's just a lovely song despite it's...........questionable lyrics And i THINK that's everythin
    I suppose this thread was "best" tho so if I'd have 2 choose my favourite moment it'd be
    ummmm #29
    Yes definitely #29 the "no no no no no no no no/don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't" thing was fucked up in the best way possible
    It fucked me up in the best way possible
  15. Summersault liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I'll take care of it for you in my garden of Evil, Lana.

  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    lmao everythinglana is STEALING from me.. ~you'll hear from my lawyer~
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    lmao @ topiary 

    this pic is so funny. her smiling creepily at an inanimate pony made out of like, earth
    which she later buys for $3000. crazy ass 
  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I don't have time to respond to this entire post right now, but I couldn't not respond quickly to this part:

    You could, you know, respond to what I've actually written or ask me to clarify what I've written rather than putting words in my mouth and making straw arguments. I never said all the media criticism was valid nor did I endorse any of the accusations you listed. What I did say is that she accused the media of slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath, and that she falsely claimed that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money. In the same response that she mentions media slander, she says, "Everything they wrote was fucking crazy. Like about my dad, about me, like having millions of dollars, and all this shit." While I don't doubt that there were lean periods for her family financially, or that her father may have sustained large losses in the market during the bursting of various bubbles, or that much of his net worth was merely on paper, or whatever caveats you'd like to add, I'm quite confident in concluding that her father did have at least a million dollars (if not millions), and what you yourself wrote supports that conclusion. Later in the interview she says, "Saying I came from billions of dollars is crazy. We never had any money." I think it's telling that she moves the goalposts from millions to billions mid-interview, because I think she knows her dad probably is worth a couple million. No one ever said she came from billions of dollars, although she certainly did rub elbows with her dad's business contacts who were billionaires. At any rate, even if I am somehow wrong about her dad having millions of dollars, her claim that her family "never had any money" is just patently false. One need not even consider her father's business assets to determine this. It is obvious considering the property her father owns and the cost of tuition at Kent. Again, I never said anywhere, and do not necessarily believe, that her dad significantly funded her career (though I also don't think he was completely uninvolved in her career either). If Lana defended herself against this accusation by saying "My dad didn't fund my career" I would simply leave it at that. But that's not what she says. She says, "We never had any money" when the opposite is true. And if lying about coming from privilege weren't shitty enough, she has the gall to accuse the media of slander for saying so.

    And it gets worse. Later in the interview she says, "Before I had no money. And now everything I make, I lose. So I don’t have money again, because I lose half." Perhaps she's referring to all the other people she has to pay, but presumably she's referring to taxes. It's one thing when rich people bitch about how much they have to pay in taxes. (And I confess, most of you would probably consider me rich, and I've been known to express sticker shock about how much I've had to pay at one time, but not that it was unfair. In fact, I think I should have to pay more.) But it's a whole 'nother thing for the rich to not only claim that they're not rich after taxes, but that they don't have any money afterwards. Boo fucking hoo. Tell it to your topiary pony, Lana.

    On a final note, I really take issue with this:
    Frankly, this is an incredibly presumptuous and rude remark, especially considering this was your first post made mere hours after joining the forum. You might take some time to familiarize yourself with members' views and contributions to the forum before making insulting comments like that toward them. If you're going to wing in here and question other fans' presence on a discussion forum for expressing their honest criticism, then, I may ask, why are you here?

    Welcome to LanaBoards!
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Del Rey Typography On Renaissance Paintings   
    I don't know if this counts as fan art... but I've recently come up with quite the pretentious/hipstery project in which I select LDR lyrics and put them on cropped classic paintings. I'd love all of your artistic~ and aesthetic~ input and would absolutely LOVE suggestions for lyrics and artworks! Follow the blog here (shameless plug, teehee.)
    Here's a few:



  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    If you like that This Charming Video Game mashup, you just have to hear this one.
    Similar style but even better because it uses Lana's vocals too, maybe you'll like it:
  22. Summersault liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Your opinion on Lana and Oscar's/Golden Globe predictions.   
    Since it's Monicker bitching about it, I'm gonna assume the Beatles must have got a bunch of awards or nominations and/or the Beach Boys got shafted. Am I right?  

    Are you bothered that what you consider to be a shitty song might win an award? Or that Lana might win such a shitty award? Seriously, you guys are making too big a deal of it. When you consider that this award is limited to commercial pop songs that premiere in a movie, it's not that great. I mean, look at the list of past winners. Most of the recent ones were main themes to Disney cartoons or that fucking Celine Dion song from Titanic. #BlameCanada 
    Though I'm here for "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp":

  23. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lauradelxx in Your opinion on Lana and Oscar's/Golden Globe predictions.   
    I have a really good feeling about this. I think it would be amazing if Y & B won for an Oscar and golden globe it would be so perfect and imo I do feel like young and beautiful is Oscar worthy. Lana deserves an award for it.
    Plus if the Great Gatsby does as well as I think it'll do.......Leo can get his Oscar and not cry at home anymore. 

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