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About nationalxanthem

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  • Birthday 10/21/1998

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    West Coast
  • Fan Since
    12 B.C.

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  1. I did a little digging, and since she's confirmed shes working with Simon & Schuster, I went to their website and couldnt find any concrete confirmation that its Lana, but it looks like a poetry book by a female author, with the tags "women authors, lyrics, biography & autobiography" etc (seen here) and on their website under the product details tab here, it seems that maybe this could be Violet or her second book? Release date is Nov 10, 2020 which would make sense with Lana's album release date (September) so that she can have an album launch and book launch. Might be a reach, but... Thoughts? Edit- UPDATE: Searched the potential book's ISBN number and came across a website that states it has a run of 250,000 copies, and under the "Librarian's View" tab it says "LDR" Also, some websites had that ISBN number listed with a release date of Jan 14, 2020, which would've made sense that lana tweeted around that time that it'd be delayed again. My detective work here is done
  2. nationalxanthem

    Miley Cyrus

    bad karma in hq is.......... just wow
  3. I flew all the way from the west coast in the US to Paris this week to see her. And the minute I landed, I got the notification that the show was canceled. Obviously, I was heartbroken. But seeing all of this unfold (with her hotel being canceled a week in advance) is beyond disrespectful to all 100,000+ people who were planning to attend this tour, local to europe or not. Luckily, I planned Lana as 1 day out of my 7 day paris trip so that I can see the city. However, I feel bad for others who haven't seen her recently and made the trip out here for her. I'll be seeing her at Coachella, but I have such a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to her now & its very disappointing. It's one thing to not say anything, but its another to not say anything and (potentially) lie about it. Whatever the reason, I just wish she told everyone because that bitch has yet to say anything herself (and I'm not counting that half assed quote that we got from the VENUE)
  4. if someone wanted to PM me the snippets id appreciate it mod note: user was warned for this post
  5. hiii my friend and i are so excited to go! we just booked our airbnb and hotel and flights from the West Coast (USA) so im excited to go and if any lana fans wanna help us out around town please PM me!! <3
  6. See y'all weekend one! I will be in the back, getting h*gh, and enjoying miss thing for the 8th time without the mess of the crowd
  7. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 8 Mariners Apartment Complex - 16 (-) Venice Bitch - 20 (+) California - 18 Bartender - 79
  8. Favorite video of the night https://twitter.com/nationalxanthem/status/1183648977415102471
  9. If anyone's selling tickets lmk! Ticketmaster fucked up and booted out my row 1 tickets
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