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  1. Taco Truck x VB liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Can I just say this is the most interesting forum I've ever been onto? I love it
  2. lili liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    This makes me love the whole thing more and more, seriously   I just honestly feel like Lana tends to say a lot of things just in a playful, sarcastic way and then people are left with thinking God knows what and she enjoys it. Which makes me love her even more. When it comes to the lyrics itself, I just think it's very simple:''cult leader'' is just someone she looks up to in one way or another, that's about it. I mean, I don't know half as much about her/her songs etc. as many other people here do, but that's just how I see it. Although I don't know about the sect/cult thing, but I always wonder where does her faith in God come from, and all these things. Like, I just think it could be smth connected to how she quit drinking, because a lot of times those people do get involved into these so-called ''churches/sects'' (like the type of churches where people fall to the ground and where exorcisms are performed, and they like sing and do all that weird stuff) and that's how with ''God's help'' they quit the drinking. I mean, IDK, I might have just written the absolute nonsense, but it just somehow comes into my mind when I put things together.  
  3. bartenders liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in What Song Do You Want Played At Your Funeral?   
    This will sound completely twisted, but I'm actually quite excited for my own funeral, coz I just want to see whose actually going to be there and what will those people say
    Ok, so about the music, I would go with Coldplay - Fix You as my first choice
    then maybe

    And from Lana - ''Bel Air''
  4. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I'm going to this as well. Yas yas yaaaaaas  
  5. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I'm going to this as well. Yas yas yaaaaaas  
  6. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Tammy in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I am going too.
  7. Tammy liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    Sorry, I just saw this. Yeah, I'd love to. I'm also meeting up with my friend who lives in Warsaw...so yeah, u can msg me  
  8. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Can I just say this is the most interesting forum I've ever been onto? I love it
  9. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by StarryEyed in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I am going, God is real  
  10. Tammy liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    I'm going to this as well. Yas yas yaaaaaas  
  11. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by TheBoss in Lana is a bitch/Lana is shady af   
    http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/ill-pray-for-you-kathi#.yu5z0lgP0 When Lana responded to her messages
  12. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by kristinaj in Lana at a gas station April 1, 2016   
    Idk why everybody wants her to go back to blonde, her best hair colour is dark brown
  13. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in 27.03.2016 - Lana At The Beverly Glen Market In Bel-Air, Beverly Hills,   
    She doesn't need a boob job or any major work out. If anything she looks perfect the way she is right now. She actually seems to have lost the few extra pounds she was carrying since 2013. The last thing I want is to see another anorexic size -00 singer with fake tits. There's enough of those in the industry already. Lana's beautiful as she is and needs nothing else added or taken away from her.
  14. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by kristinaj in Lana Touring This Summer   
    US fans got their tour already last year so there's really no reason for complaining that she's mainly doing Europe this summer. She'll probably do some shows in the US later this year or next year anyway
  15. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by LAman in Lana Del Rey attends Lady Gaga's Hollywood Birthday Party   
    Lana still serving that look
  16. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by BBM Baby in Lana Del Rey attends Lady Gaga's Hollywood Birthday Party   
    Lana, Gaga, Lorde, and Taylor in the same room... tf 
  17. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Lana Del Rey attends Lady Gaga's Hollywood Birthday Party   
    Can't believe she's at the same party with 3 people that she might have dissed  
  18. kik liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?   
    I just bought my first baseball cap
  19. fessle liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?   
    I just bought my first baseball cap
  20. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Lana out and about (March 20th 2016)   
    The fact she Flea shops just like the rest of us



  21. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in Lana out and about (March 20th 2016)   
    She must be drinking the blood of virgins. Oh my godddddd she looks 5 years youngerrrr
  22. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Del Rey at the Elle Style Awards   
    Ok so here's how it went for me - I'm still shaken asf I have no idea what even happened and I think I caught a planet sized cold - I ran my literal ass off to the tube (I'm so fucking glad I haven't been slacking on cardio cause holy shit I probably outran Usain Bolt), went there and there was nobody in the area so I got scared, then I saw tons of people waiting including paps and basically after that I waited like 2h, I saw Stella Mac Cartney, a LOT of ULTRA HOT people, Lucky Blue Smith who is like, 3m tall?, Charli XCX who left like a thief, some other famous people I don't know the name of, and most importantly I fucking saw Lana, when she got out it was ABSOLUTE CHAOS, literal ultraviolence, I ALMOST didn't met her but an old lady w white hair grabbed the fuck out of me and slammed me on the barricade and Lana saw my sweater and did an adorable dork face for 0.3s and then took pics with me and I look gross but whatever I'm so motherfucking happy. Didn't got UV vinyl signed but to this point I don't even give a fuck I mean??????????????? Seriously this morning I almost didn't got out of bed because I was depressed out of my balls and tonight I got pics with her? This is the best year ever for me and I'm literally leaking gratitude. Also she looked taller than the other time and so beautiful and Johnny and Ben were here and I SWEAR TO GOD when they got into the car I was the one Johnny was waving at laughing, I think it's because of my sweater, and Lana was waving too so bye I'm going to die, still considering going to the Brits tomorrow but I'm emotionally drained and most probably sick I'm so fucking happy
    My gross pics I'm sorry I look so bad kljflkjdfk
  23. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?   
    I apologise in advance about how much fake deep and arrogant this is going to sound, which is a shame considering how dead serious I am, this is the realest talk ever for me and I'm genuine.
    I've thought really deeply about this, I've had this thread in mind for days, and actually, I can count people that physically changed my life on the fingers of one hand and she's most definitely amongst them. I realised that in the 8 months that I known about her, I've wrote a twenty pages academic essay on her, I've read several books and watched countless movies when I dislike doing both just because of her, I have 5000 pictures of her on my computer meticulously classed, and I entirely based my first public exhibition of my career as an artist on her and the ghosts of her. My essay also is leading me directly to my thesis subject which hasn't been researched yet so she may be at the origin of my potential career success. And yes, on top of that, she changed my very tastes, she made me appreciate coffee when I despise it and I switched from Coca Cola to Pepsi, Diet Mountain Dew is now my favourite drink ever, she made me discover that I have kind of a daddy kink but for women and because of her intense femininity she made me realise I was definitely bisexual and she taught me to accept it by teaching me to unapologetically accept who I am. I've never, in my entire life, related to someone that much. This is for another thread but it blows my mind how different yet strikingly similar we are. The most ironical part for me is that I hated her with a passion back in 2012, I remember despising how cliché and plastic and "tumblr hipsterical grunge" she sounded and looked, but in December 2014 I was looking for a subject of research for my essay for my course at uni on fans and amateurs experts, and out of pure sheer genuine curiosity I decided out of the blue to do the experiment of "taking the place of a Lana Del Rey fan" and see how it would go, as for example I have an incredible, extreme fascination for the pictures of fans kneeling in front of the H&M adverts. Needless to say, about 30 pages into Lanalysis I was so hooked that I dreamt about her constantly. I remember, I think I became a fan the exact second she points the microphone at the crowd crying in the chorus in the Video Games Vicar Street video. It was like touching her soul. I started watching and listening to her music and interviews compulsively and was so taken aback by the quantity as well as quality of it, it made me respect her so much as a creative hard working person. I'm so glad I've been through this. She's too famous for me, she'll never know I exist and I probably will never go to a concert of hers because I couldn't bear the preparation emotionally, but it's cool, I prefer to keep the perfect idea of her I have in mind and for some reasons I honestly can't explain I'm extremely seriously in love with both her and the idea of her. I've never been a fan of any """famous popstar""" before. This is still so new for me, and so delightful, I think that one of the biggest things she changed is my acceptance towards my own tastes, like I'm *mostly* still ashamed to say I'm a fan of hers and I really don't look like a lipster at all for whatever that means, but I used to dislike pop and charts music by default just because it was mainstream and I facepalm at my old self every time I have the extreme pleasure of listening  to practically any of the around 500 songs of hers I now have in my library.
    I'm a very lambda fan, really the basic fangirl, but I know for a crystal clear fact that without her I would never have had the balls to accept that it's not necessarily something to be ashamed of and that it can be turned into raw, pure creative and artistic energy. God, I'm so thankful for her existence 
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