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About elllipsis

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    cultrecords.com // ubuweb.com // vice.com // edelweissmag.ch // 3fach.ch

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  1. elllipsis


    The Guardian review. They gave it 4 stars out of 5.
  2. elllipsis


    Did you guys read this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24671871 Pretty interesting interview. My fave parts:
  3. sooo glad that song is getting a video! best in the album imo. that shoegaze-y wall of sound
  4. http://www.loureed.com/inmemoriam/
  5. Yeah, it's probably even more 'cunt' than 'pussy'. From what I understood it's basically the worst, most offensive way to say 'vagina' in Japanese.
  6. My favourites are Night Time, My Time, Nobody Asked Me (If I Was Okay), Omanko & Love In Stereo. Least favourite is probably I Blame Myself - which isn't very surprising since I was never a fan of her earlier poppier stuff. Apparently it means 'pussy'.
  7. Pitchfork review is out -- 8.1
  8. Night Time, My Time is FANTASTIC. Bloody hell, what a closing track!
  9. Nobody Asked Me (If I Was Okay) is grungy perfection. edit - listening to Omanko now. It's really good imo, kinda reminds me of Suicide and feels so, idk, dirty. also, lmao @ myself going to the 'omanko' tumblr tag in hopes of finding the lyrics
  10. Kinda embarrassingly, Off To The Races. It was easily my least favourite from BTD during the first few listens, and now it's one of my favourite Lana songs & I'd do lots of questionable stuff to get my hands on the demo... Also, and while I never disliked it, it did take me a while until I finally 'got' the brilliance and magic of Yayo (AKA version, of course).
  11. Very popular, plays in mainstream radio all the time. Anyone who pays the least bit of attention to music knows who she is.
  12. Perfectly put. R.I.P.
  13. I think in Morrison's case it's also pretty difficult to know how much of his apparent personality was drug-fuelled since he was pretty much high on something 24/7...
  14. Her seemingly very normal and healthy relationship with Barrie - as opposed to all the danger, darkness and obsession she seems to be fascinated with in all the men / relationships she mentions in her songs - is one of the things that makes me wonder how much of her public personality is actually her and makes me doubt a lot of her 'bad girl' backstory. I often get the feeling that she uses these artistic personas she's always created one way or another as a safe way to experiment and live (in her mind & via song) all these dark and dangerous fantasies that fascinate her without actually having to live them and deal with the less glamorous sides of it. I don't know if this makes any sense. (Btw, this has nothing to do with the authenticity debate - which I personally think is complete bullshit.)
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