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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. I really really see a greater contribution of Mike Dean on the album, with that BoZ post. Go Wild on the production, Mike!!!
  2. I wanted to hear RCS so bad in the passed days since I thought it would be another TJF/WHF moment. So the song got scrapped from two albums… Dont know how I feel about that. She wanted to name the album about that line so it has to be good… but it got tossed aside from two records… What is the truth? love that we might get a streaming only album in July though
  3. Thank God for the silence on the process and songs. Never thought I’d say that though!!!
  4. I hope he doesn’t!!! It seems we won’t hear RCS for a while, I don’t want to know about the scrapped songs!!
  5. Ok just saw part of the news… Mike Dean is more involved on the album, I think. so no RCS ?!?
  6. I honestly have no idea where the three singles will be on the tracklist mainly because I have no fucking clue how this album is going to sound like. RCS gave me summer vibes mixed with a pinch of UV for the « revenge ». Then there was the BB snippet that sounded spacey and soft. Then Mike Dean was rumoured and confirmed on the album. Then the three singles came out, with « a bit small » Mike Dean production nobody expected, and heavy writing. So what will the rest of the album will sound like?!?! It’s exciting in a way but mostly a bit boring since we know nothing and she decided to stay out of the spotlight (which I can understand in a way, but where the fuck is she in the process of it all?).
  7. I think a preorder with a new single in early July is realistic. With a end of August or September release.
  8. All I want right now is a solid release date, which should come in the next weeks. I don’t mind if she postpones BB later this year because we got Chemtrails in March and three singles already. BoZ’s post about « more to come » gives me hope some things are planned and about to happen.
  9. She kinda doesn’t have a choice, to say something When the project is postponed, she usually updates us around the given date. So before July 4, she will say something, I guess
  10. Haha same! And girl really needs to post something / anything real soon to hype this up to a bare minimum.
  11. Exactly my thoughts! When first listening to the singles, I said to my BF: « This might be the first project from her that I’m not on board right away, that I need to get used to » Love the three songs, but my expectations must have created false hopes of what this album isn’t at the moment. But just like you, I hope we do get some lighter songs, because the three singles are heavy stuff lol Maybe we’ll get news this week?
  12. It’s been too quiet when you wish Ben or Ed would comment that the album isn’t done or something after fans harassed them on socials.
  13. GeminiLanaFan


    After a few listens, it’s a good song, but the end of it reminds me so much of Freedom by George Michael and a bit of the Moby x Gwen Stefani collab Southside (I love both), that I’m wondering if they’re not too much alike. Is it genius to channel that song or is it too much copied?
  14. GeminiLanaFan


    Summer or Fall? (Which would be Spring in NZ) fall would be perfect for her hemisphere but kinda weird for the rest of us, maybe? I guess it depends if the rest of the album has that summer vibe. Well look at the bashing on Lana when the site is literally called LanaBoards… Lorde sure will get the toilet treatment no matter what she puts out
  15. I finally listened to the new album. i Love the production and how upbeat it is (even the ballads). The lyrics are a bit too much on the nose and a bit too much « wOkE pOp » (the contradictions are way too easy to find out lol), but the beats and prod are able to salvage the weaker texts. i really love her voice, how reminiscent of her early albums it is. really like it, and Lorde’s as well, at the moment. I needed some lighter and poppier stuff to begin summer with, and as much as I love the three Lana singles and how they form a sorta EP, it is very heavy in terms of content (I call it the Trauma EP haha), and Marina’s newest one is a breath of fresh air in-between Lana’s albums.
  16. I hate myself for feeling turned on right now, just like I was turned on by a coworker I hated but would have f*cked gladly on a drunken night. back on topic… It’s her eyes I hate on all the damn variations of the selfie. the selfie in itself is similar in quality as the COCC cover (maybe slightly better, when it had the RCS logo attached to it). But the filters give her dead blank eyes.
  17. GeminiLanaFan


    The end reminds me a lot of Freedom, like BoZ (I think?) had suggested on his Twitter.
  18. GeminiLanaFan


    I caved in and found it… It’s a cute summer song, but the expectations for her « comeback » were sky-high… I am not the biggest Lorde fan, so that song is good to me, but I get why some found it a bit disappointing.
  19. GeminiLanaFan


    When you beat Lana in terms of messy releases
  20. GeminiLanaFan


    Thanks, luv Didn’t know that. I thought she had posted the artwork first.
  21. GeminiLanaFan


    Fuck yeah!!!! i don’t get why they say the cover art leaked: it was on her website?!? super curious for this one, although Mood Ring is apparently better
  22. Yasssss! Mariah gifs helped, I’m feeling better
  23. I think she doesn’t update anyone (including her team and record company) very often on the progress. So it’s still probably « July » in the plans… until she informs that she’s done and it can’t happen. this thread needs Mariah gifs to lift our spirits.
  24. Maybe ? and yet, the Grammy’s were in February and she posted QFTC end of May… Girl is really holding a grudge
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