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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. I really like Future Nostalgia, but no way I am streaming Levitities on repeat for the sake of an information that will come out at some point.
  2. We have to be careful about what we want with her. Interscope and her management give her much power and liberty and it is mostly to our benefit. Ben and Ed don’t force her to promote in ways she doesn’t want and it would be very much unfair if they did: Lana was after all their first big client, plus she is recording non stop (they don’t have to deal with someone not showing up to the studio or her tour). And if we got amazing masterpieces from her like UV, HM, NFR, it’s because her record company let her run the show ( I know she had to fight for UV, and we don’t know what happened behind closed doors, but she seems to have pretty much all the control over her albums now). Do I wish she was more present for promo? Hell yeah. Do I wish she stopped giving unchecked dates all the time. Of fucking course. But I think, overall, we are winning with the way she runs things.
  3. I don’t know but poor BoZ, imagine him being a Lana Stan: it would never happen in a million years, no matter how many tweets he floods our feed hahaha ? anyways, expecting BB album to be the yang to Chemtrails’ yin: I don’t think it will go full on LFL in terms of new sound or direction but just enough to switch things up after COCC.
  4. Yes but her track record, when it comes to album dates, is far from stellar but I guess this is why we are still here after all these years: we are masochists and a bit bored with our lives
  5. I know both Zella and Marina aren’t Lana and sure didn’t release as much music as she did over the years, but I can’t help but envy her fans when Zella posts « 10 days » and Marina posts « 2 singles coming this month » as updates on future projects. Lana could never
  6. As some already said, he probably just took BoZ’s info / troll post and made it his own. By the way, this is really not any real news : of course she has collabs coming. (I usually like that her collabs have her sounding different from her albums, even though they are not always her best work).
  7. Tomorrow is the new moon: I’m calling some sort of post related to BB
  8. Thanks! I kinda hate that he’s the only slightly reliable source about Lana these days It gives an insider way too much attention
  9. Reposting... did BoZ say that (I don’t follow him)? I know, it’s not BB related but I don’t know where to post this lol
  10. Bah on the country album, why not, just not BB. watch her post something this week just to relaunch our hype.
  11. Indeed! The only reason while I tolerate DCMA is because it gave her a « hit » while leaving NFR untouched of that mess of a song.
  12. Agree 100%!!! Just the title on a « revenge » album would be so fitting! She needs to pull through.
  13. Is today a new phase of the moon calendar? Oddly enough, she seems to be posting BB and White Dress teasers at regular intervals this time around, in sync with the moon phases If the era does start in two weeks, maybe next week about the album? She probably will post something about her friend being a good mother today.
  14. Intro: Honeymoon, Born to Die for the strings, HM’s remind me of a mysterious horror movie. White Dress is one of her best openers and the intro pulls you in right away. outro: MAC for the change in instrumentation. Get Free for the message and the ocean atmosphere. The last piano notes of the Greatest are just so emotional. honorable mention: Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood. Everybody here hates it but I love how corny her version is and how fitting the message is for her. The last notes remind me of a music box in a way.
  15. The collapses if that is the case as far as we know, nothing of that nature has been confirmed though.
  16. If BB channels QFTC, this will be next level UV in terms of provocative lyrics
  17. If she doesn’t pull though with that date, it would be a new first for her: not one BS date but two
  18. I’m 50-50 about that date. What Mike Dean said about working on something with Lana makes me think it’s never coming on July 4... unless the work is done but « working » is used because the album is not yet released. we need someone to infiltrate the vinyl plant to confirm if BB is in production already. This is always our best hope of confirming or not the damn date.
  19. What if we are getting two singles again? BB... and a diss track channeling QFTC?!?
  20. Woah, some of y’all mentioned that she is releasing and teasing at a « constant pace », and it would be further proof. she said she wants revenge: I cannot wait to see the narrative of the whole thing
  21. The only indication we have is him sharing the « cover » of BB when she announced it and liking the post. Other than that, it’s speculation
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