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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. i hope the plastic bag thing is about a fresh condom being used
  2. i just want something out of left field. no country, no stripped back bullshit. give me strings, give me mellotronic choir, give me weird fuckin shit i can listen to while my anus is being destroyed, give me after sex pillow talk tunes, give me large electric guitars, some drums in there, with some psychedelic space violins and chellos. or do that weird autotune shit again, that hit just right honestly
  3. still such an iconic fucking record, I don't care what anyone says, you might not like Ms. Lana but this is a T O P T E I R FUCKING ALBUM
  4. @sweetie Can you update the OP? Lol
  5. y'all remember the swedish or russian girls? years and years ago it seems like. what the actual fuck? why does she always get stalkers??? i'd never tour if that shit happened to me, maybe that's a reason why she's taken a break from touring since covid has died down and touring has become a thing again
  6. manifesting a sequel, just for the chaotic energy
  7. manifesting a goth or a queer into feeling like leaking something spicy about the album
  8. okay nothing in july, got it. august, for sure this time
  9. I want Artpop 2. Artpop is so good, going back and listening now. There's a good number of songs I skip, but I've listened to it so much over the last few weeks and it's so fucking good, I don't care what people say. I'm still pressed about the whole "Artpop app" thing that never happened with outtakes -_-
  10. i look for you in traffic i look for you in traffic i look for you in traffic i'm driving and i'm vaping i gave you everything i gave you everything give me the stop lights give me the stop lights yeah
  12. this right here. we can only be delusional so much, but if there actually does exist a song called brokeback bareback that'll be the gay anthem of the century
  13. sshhhhh sh sh shhhhh we don't need to mention that (as far as the US government goes, she'd fit in pretty easily with her timelines with stuff)
  14. california dreaming, got my money on my mind, drugs is in my veins, running outta time
  15. ooo! I hope it has sparklers, jump ropes, lollipops and hula hoops!
  16. I now propose that all Americans who can vote for president in 2024, please write in Lana Del Rey. Shes over 35, so she's eligible She's liberal (but not actually running) She's elusive so nobody would know where she is She can write cryptically (and knows when to delete twitter) She is WiLd AnD fReE and she preeeeettttyyyy She has so many wigs nobody would know if it's her or not She is rich (but not how you think) and could fund her own campaign (even a free one on www.Lanaboards.com) She cares about people and not corporations (fuck you, music industry!) She's not afraid to fight you (she will win, rise again, soar in the wind) She'd be perfect for our next president. Maybe we should start a cult and get everyone to vote her in (bc let's face it, our elections are a joke anyway) so if everyone wrote her in, maybe we'd have a chance of having a female president who isn't a narcissistic maniac OR senile!
  17. still find this tweet embarrassingly funny
  18. this is the sick, wild energy we need to get an era started, i feel it
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